Was Charlemagne German or French?
Was Charlemagne German or French?
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franks were germanic
Germanic, don't listen to Pannonianon's lies.
hello germanig servants, cheg id out, Im made of gold! :-DDD
There were no such ethnicities.
Belgian of Dutch heritage.
Kalle Mahtava was a Finn
He was a black nobleman
He was black. Look at that facial structure.
Its actually true. Dunno about the Dutch bit though
Germanic ancestry (not german though) but Romanized.
He genocided saxons. Made Frankish Empire great again.
He was born in today's Belgium. He killed many Germans like the Saxons.
He pretty much killed everyone who didn't want to convert to Christianity, not only Saxons.
german ethnicity existed.
There were tribal groups, no modern nations.
back to your flat earth theories
Yes, but the Saxons was the largest group opposed to the cath*lics.
what's the difference?
Charlemagne was a Brython
Charlemagne grand father was french (Charles Martel)
Charlemagne father was french (Pépin le Bref)
Charlemagne was german because muuuhhh germanic tribes 2 centuries ago
t. charlie manye
so you're french
Just like Clovis and Emperor Charles V. Idk what it is with this region, we seem to generate people that want to unite Europe — another example would be Pierre-Henri Spaak.
Someone should nuke us. Fuck Belgium.
Went through my notes from a class on the history of the EU I took a few years ago because I remembered some Belgians leading initiatives that led to further strengthening of the EU.
He was Flemish.
Proud African male who had lots of wh*Te servants
He was Irish.
you said ethnicity, not nation. The germanic tribes were part of the greater germanic ethnicity.
that ethnicity who needed countless centuries to get unified ? and when they did they tried to destroy Europe.
He was European.
Germanic, but probably the closest to Belgian if you go by the current borders
it is amazing indeed. gold is a very valuable commodity. you are very powerful and i have no choice but to give in to my servile instincts and become your vassal.
He was Faroese
I hate krauts that disagree with me but I hate other countries even more
Wrong meme my /his/torian friend
His name is french so he's obviously french
All Europeans are descendants of Charlemagne. We are ALL Frankish on this blessed day.
Charlemanorix was 100% gaulish
french is easy to understand to the fact that in german france is called frankreich .
>Arabs call Christians "Franks" because so many of the Crusaders were French
>Therefore Franks are French
>Therefore Charlemagne was French
Also if he wasn't French, why do we call him Charlemagne and not Karldergrosse? Germans BTFO.
Carlomagno was Italic
He was French like Charles Martel and Pépin le bref.
german ,who seek a national hero who does not destroy europe :(
Séarlas Mór was Irish
Because Anglos are French slaves who still speak the language of their masters. He spoke a dialect of Old High German, not French
Siegfried was a great hero, but then again he wasn't real
From what I understand, the Franks created France out of what was left of the Gallo-Romans.
>Germanic means German
Absolute brainlet
1. English language is raped by the Normans (and sometimes retarted)
2. Charlemagne was the name which was used by Gaulish servants.
Charlemagne was born within the Nederfrankish language area and the closest surviving dialect/language to the language of Charlemagne is Limburgish.
>by the Normans
By the French, you can say it, lad.
He was frank.