>be american
Be american
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some hurricane stream for those interested.
Got strafen America
wtf it's just water nigga, just wear some rubber boots and get an umbrella. hahahaha
damn I wish I could die hahahaha
>they don't like it (water)
You can. No ones stopping you.
>when you do the wrong thing
are americ*ns people?
>flooding and tornadoes
Pretty fucked
>being this deluded
America is God´s country. Unless you´re a filthy chink commie or indian/other asian feudalist, the enlightened way to live exists only in America. A Europoor can only dream of the political, social and economic liberty enjoyed by each and every American.
is this avatar
'I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.'
- Alexis de Tecqueville
does this have a misplaced modifier
What a faggot
America is the Devil's greatest trick.
So Houston is ded?
De La Démocratie en Amérique, Chapter XV.
Nothing of value was lost
lol why so much fucking drama, like just swim across the street you fucking idiot, hahahaha.
Like just stay in a building and read a book or something while this ends. Jesus hahaha.
Death to the great satan!
Black mayor telling people to stay.
Hi Dracula
All if his people are going to drown
>another c07 will get destroyed
>wh*Tes cowards escape
>black kings remain
AMerican history in a nutshell
>tfw americans put their hurricances in their shoes
just an opinion
he is true
an experience told by my old firnd at jakarta (who always get flood)
if it's not a danger flood, stay at home, as best as you can, to protect your belonging at home and preparing to leave you home. So when an evacuation order is came, you don't need worry your home get hijacked by criminals
dude its just water dude just swim literally swim man haha
is he retarded? no seriously is this motherfucker retarded or what?
Why is Murica so shit in water management? Just ask us, we seajews will fix it for you.
bitch just blamed this mess on the locals for not leaving earlier.
Why do non-East, non-Southeast Asians and non-North Americans pretend to know about hurricanes again?
Americans do suck at it, tho, but still, most of you fuckers have never seen anything bigger than your average thunder storm.