Sup Forums now hates:

Sup Forums now hates:
>Radiohead(starting to)
>Aphex Twin(also starting to)
>Nicolas Jaar
>NIN(starting to)
>DG faggotry has lost lots of love and it's only an enclave
>CSH losing a lot of support

feels good man, either evolve or be left behind old Sup Forums shitters

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to be fair ive disliked all of those artists except for DG since forever

now it's cool to hate the popular, but later it will be cool to like the hated

Sup Forums now loves:

haha oldfags btfo

>Who gives a shit about them
>Thank god

you can thank montie for driving this board to that point. this place was getting some momentum on discussing interesting shit, but he and other faggots started the poseur and avant teen memes which drove people out.

i would have rather had rym drones than iffy niggas

All of these artists are good aside from Strokes and Antlers (Nicolas Jaar is a literal who), you dumbass.


fuck off philistine

Literally none of this is true.

While I'd usually be happy to see a community's tastes evolving, don't even pretend for a second that this change is positive, seeing as these artists are getting replaced in favor of memerap. If you think lil poop or whoever has more artistic merit than than any of those artists you listed, you need to listen to more music.

who cares

All those bands always had shit-posters, especially Radiohead.


>makes a few hate threads againts radiohead
>fuck yeah Sup Forums hates radiohead now

gay thread dude

Nu/mu/core 4.0 music to KILL the soyman by.

GG Allin, Limp Bizkit, 50 cent, Korn, nu metal in general, manowar, BRAINBOMBS, the song master of puppets by Metallica, nazi Neofolk and death industrial/martial industrial, Blink 182, skrewdriver, johnny rebel, Geto Boys, Charles Manson studio demos

Soy music: indieh, backpacker hip hop( if lyrics don't actively glorify violence against women it's soy music)

>likes death grips
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmoa

soyboys love brainbombs, they just tell themselves it's ironic

Kill poptimists
You sound like a fag

gay user


your mom

Nine Inch Nails are quite unironically one of the worst bands I've ever heard.

I’ve always hated GYBE and Antlers
But I’ll always love Radiohead and be pretty indifferent toward the others you listed.

>Sup Forums now love
>gus dapperton


OH NO two negative posts in a GY!BE thread, looks like all of Sup Forums hates em!

Can someone please explain this "Montie"/"Unty" crap? I've been called this a few times and I don't know how terrible it really is.

And... I may or may not be someone you already know on this board... :)

how retarded can you honestly be? how retarded are you? one thread does not discount all the shit gybe has been getting. seriously, i'm embarrassing you even thought that would be a gotcha post lol

>this is what people find hilarious

Who gives a shit what you listen to

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Why would you willingly announce you have bad taste