smoking in 2017 edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop trying to make me want to smoke.
1st for Orwell
continuing my New Hampshire posting
*light a cigarette and looks at you seductively*
This was me all night last night
*fucks her right in the pucci*
9th for jewish gf
>nuke berlin
will do
I'm still with Her.
fuck! my rice is never soft, it always turns out hard.
>not pbr
yeah consider sinking
Stop it before I kiss you.
How do I escape to the new world without becoming an illegal?
emigrate legally
apply for a visa, or use your passport
you don't we're full
>22 posts
>half of those are just pictures nobody gives a shit about
what drives someone to do this?
Autism; like how you used to spam foot in /sino/ you fucking kraut lmao.
how come this one isn't blocked?
also, why did you use the lame-ass edited one that makes gooks look good?
umm when did i ever do that
Ahahaha, gottem!
need good netflix series
don't give a shit about narcos btw
Why are you so insecure whiteboi?
try again sweaty
I fucking hate you you little shit
don't tell me you're watching this RAYSIST propaganda
How can you fuck up that badly. Holy shit user
if only there was an addon that told me how many posts there are so I wouldn't have to count them
I've been to the dentist and doctor this month and as part of their checklist they both asked if I smoke.
How do doctors react when you tell them you smoke? (I don't)
get a rice cooker you canadian fuck
When they took out my wisdom teth they told me to stop smoking for a month and that's it
Just get good though
how is it possible to fuck up cooking rice?
europoors don't have microwaves
how does that even make SENSE
who cooks rice in a microwave?
>making rice in the microwave
bravo america
>amerilards ACTUALLY UNIRONICALLY cook RICE in a fucking MICROWAVE
LMAO you cannot make this SHIT UP
>Using a microwave to cook rice
what the fuck he's literally slenderman
if he dated a short girl it would be so cute
Kinda sad that he's gonna die when he's 35.
>tfw girls on tinder still would say he's too short
baka wat a nigga gotta do to get some head
i like this post
Basedball is about to start, time to watch my boys get swept.
Later buds hope you have a good afternoon
>when u get to fire a javelin into a t90
Thx ameribros
The Virgin Pizza Shop:
>Simple design, worried about every detail.
>Tried to make logo not stand out.
>Uses quality ingredients at the cost of profit.
The Chad Pizza Empire:
>Logo as obnoxious as possible.
>Designed to be cookie cutter chain.
>Cheap ingredients with additives to boost sales.
remove tank
you're welcome
weapons are cool and fun
also pay NATO denbts
>weapons are cool and fun
>cooks rice in a microwave
i'm not the same poster, you troglodyte.
Listening to Lose Yourself as we speak
you blew it, bud.
Makes you think
REALLY like this white reaper band
i forgive you.
go read your pocket constitution, and try not to mess up next time
Estonia pays 3% of gpd into national defense
We bought several hundred javelin systems from u back in 2014 and they are fine af
(I want to make her) cum lol
shoo shoo, chink chaser
thank you for actually keeping up your end of the deal. g*rmany needs to pay denbts tho