Where were you when Paul Joseph Watson pretended that Sup Forums is ever wrong?
Where were you when Paul Joseph Watson pretended that Sup Forums is ever wrong?
There's a difference between being Jewish and being a Jew
Wtf does this even mean?
He's right and we use jews collectively as a bogeyman, when in reality it's a very small number of Jew globalists that are our enemy
All jews who don't follow Christ are still slaves to the devil though
what if someone is a white christian? does that vote count twice?
What does that guy's response mean?
No, just half.
t. leftie
Citizen Jews are not the same as the all high Zionist jews.
Funny stuff though.
>Sup Forums managed to control the merchants
we did it, my friends
Sup Forums is right every now and then, not always, not never
nice buzzword
it's funny to see how the morons on Sup Forums are using words incorrectly without even knowing their real meaning.
Sup Forums is an echochamber
>Wtf does this even mean?
Whiteness is a state of mind, jewanon.
oy vey!
They're just being passive aggressive when they do what we want...so sinister it's genius
Just newfags who discovered Sup Forums over the summer, old timers know all of you kikes need to relocate to their containment country
>the guy who constantly has to repeat that he is not a racist
>somehow relevant or redpilled just because he trows shit at the SJWs
Check your calendar, it's summer & we're being raided.
Paul is so dreamy..really want to nail him in the ass
Where were you when you found out white marxists are worse then jews?
.. I am Jewish..
Kill yourself, you worthless kike. How's that for an echo chamber? Do you feel validated here?