How is your country preparing for the Ass Century?
How is your country preparing for the Ass Century?
Millennials have patrician taste
60% non-white
cute boobs, big ass, white skin, blue eyes
Bullshit. All the parts are good.
>Ass Century
Why would anyone pick the shit over the milk?
Thank god the white devils will be gone within the next 25 years.
we arent
Me an intellectual, I never pick a side.
Face > Hips > Ass > Tits
Simple as
Dating a brown girl
Might end up making that 51% even lower :)
millenials aren't white
What about face?
It's simple
Glad to see someone else here respects women.
>Female personalities
I wonder if this has to do something with pic related.
t. literal virgins
great post
No, this can't be happening.
>no armpits
I truly have seen the light
female personality is just a reflation of males she grew up with
This. Feminine or not.
I'm not a picky eater
cheekbones should be somewhere in there, maybe with jawline.
that can be faked you boob
>not rating tummies
what a bunch of plebs
>no Voice
I see you still dwell in the lower planes of thought.
Why don't white people reproduce like rabbits just like the blacks and hapas do?
Great. While everyone is distracted with nigger tastes, I will get all the boobies for me.
Bringen Sie mir die Titten
This. Jawlets should promptly castrate themselves.
White wom*n are convinced having a "career" is more important than having kids.
Have you seen the average wh*te """""male""""" in 2017?
Black and white birth rates are basically the same in America. Hispanics have a lot of kids because of family pressures.
These are the two main causes. It's a crisis
So much this. A confident, commanding and at the same time womanly and soft voice melts my dick
White heterosexual couples are just fundamentally incompatible in America.
Nah it still works really well if they'd get over their brainwashing and realize the only thing that really matters is family unless you're literally like a 1-in-100,000 or rarer genius whose voice needs to be heard. Even then passing on your genes is hugely important
t. nu-male
>Moreover, the country that searches for “large breasts” the most is Nigeria, whereas Egyptians aren’t really into them, but the country with the most searches for “small breasts” is Finland. Fascinating.
Explain yourselves, Finns
>muh big fat titties
Are you missing breastfeeding, fukker?
anyone who says this is lying to themselves and their dick in the hopes of appearing unique
You have gone too far this time, Finland. CEASE
>small tits > big fucking udders
That's it, we're annexing you again. You had a good run, but it's gotta stop.
because they're fucking gay. seriously, everyone on Sup Forums is gay.
>no stomach
>no skin texture
>current year
>he does not dissect girls looking for the best pancreas
>not getting boners thinking about undiabeted grils
>no nape
>no collarbone
>no midriff
hello newfriend
I believe my meme is relevant here
wewww, this so fucking much
Fucking plebs. Breasts are the ultimate organs of femininity. A pair of firm, large breasts indicates mother material, and also is a brilliant indicator of good genetics. Any old ghetto hoe can have a big ass. Even guys can get a nice ass if they have good genes. Only a true woman can have a nice pair of breasts. And no, fakes don't count, and hormone nipples that traps have are not breasts.
The only rare flags are:
>Wallis and Futuna
>South Sudan
>Sierra Leone
>Burkina Faso
End of list
It's crazy how much influence America has on the world because of the Internet and all the "culture" they choose to export comes from the lowest dregs of American society (niggers)
Is Sierra Leone really that rare though, I've seen one floating around, granted it was a couple of years ago.
Finally someone speaks the truth.
Sierra Leone has an attendance of 0.83% and is rarer than:
Burkina Faso
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Sao Tome and Principe
Solomon Islands
Central African Republic
Equatorial Guinea
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
>tfw people would rather watch naked cartoon animals than see big beautiful titties
What the fuck is going on?
Breasts are bags of fat and their dimensions, past a certain baseline indicating satisfactory development, have no bearing on milk production. Large ones can make exercise uncomfortable and droop catastrophically with age. Well-shaped butts on the other hand are closely linked to hips--the physiology of which actually makes a difference in childbirth. It's like in that anime clip that gets posted a lot about tits vs ass, big tits are just fake asses that appeal to the primal male brain. Don't fall for the evolutionary meme
late capitalism
Well, size in breasts is key to an extent, if they are large and firm, it means there is more milk producing tissue. Fat cow tits are just made of fat and yeah, the size isn't relevant- which is why to most men, floppy fat sacks are much less appealing than a modest but firm bust.
>Well-shaped butts on the other hand are closely linked to hips
Kinda. But hip width and proportions are more indicative of suitability of motherhood and so men prefer wide hip women more than narrow hip, fat ass women. Ass size is much less important in attraction than hip ratio to body.
>I'm so hard and horny bby, I'm gonna cum on your personality
>Ass size is much less important in attraction than hip ratio to body
With you there.
I find all dimensions have an upper boundary where the appeal starts to diminish for me though. Breasts hit it first (when they're too big and unruly for clothes to fit right braless,) then ass (when it starts to jiggle too much, it's a fine line,) and finally hips when they're too wide relative to the shoulders and throw the hourglass shape out of whack, as well as looking pretty impractical for walking/running and stuff.
Not even close. Based on rap videos and stuff blacks like way more fat than I'm into. Even relatively skinny girls have big fat proto-librarian asses. Not for me
True. Overall, proportions are everything. When boobs, ass or hips get too big, they become less sexy. So we agree there. But I still stand by the fact that attraction to tits isn't just "male brain being tricked by a fake ass", but a legitimate subconscious acknowledgement that the female with firm, or even better, large firm breasts, will be a better mother with the ability to nurse more effectively- causing attraction. The reason the male brain likes ass and hips is very different, as we have discussed (hips for easy birth, but actually ass is probably more to do with general proportions since it isn't really to do with childbirth)