>white women
>fat slobs
unite against the brexit.
some ashy looking asiatic cat eater with a moustache thinks brits over 40 are not eligible for life and should be gassed ASAP.
>white women
>fat slobs
unite against the brexit.
some ashy looking asiatic cat eater with a moustache thinks brits over 40 are not eligible for life and should be gassed ASAP.
Other urls found in this thread:
Who do millennials think built the society they take for granted?
>I couldn't get out of bed to vote
Could this be the worst excuse ever? I mean seriously this is pathetic
They should be thanking them tbqh.
Millennials are a fucking plague.
there's a conspiracy theory among multi culti vermin that this was a diabolical plot by the queen to set up a referendum when the "gender studies" students are on vacation.
The minimum voting age should be 50 t b h
The old people saved us
How do we break the conditioning on young people
>if 16 year olds were allowed to vote, we would have stayed!
In the 1930s, a few decades after the Earth had been born, Yakub sent his favorite son Adolf "White Devil" Hitler to subjugate the world. Hitler, on Yakub's behalf, claimed that the Whites had built civilization and Europe, but he withheld the truth that it was the black neanderthals who were Europe's true ancestors.
>not voting using the facebook "like" system
Liberal were a mistake.
3 0 P R E C E N T
REEEE get out with your yellow teeth grandpa
I wish we could round them all up, every last one of them, put them all on the Sealand platform and start air dropping live Taipans and rabid monkeys onto them
lets kill it. dislikes are ahead but not by much
>democracy isn't fair waaaahhhh.
Too bad cucks.
Imagine being in your 50s, having probably been drafted, worked your ass off and truly had to sacrifice your dreams, that had been beaten down by your abusive parents anyway. Meanwhile some pieces of shit in their 20s still """""studying"""" some pathetic """"""""degree'"""""" the aim of which is to teach you to complain about things, blame you for their """""""""""""""""problems"""""""""""""""". When you were their age you had already done your time in the services, worked in trades to support your family. And they're complaining because they can't afford a 4 bedroom house from their part time job making coffee
It's kinda funny: this has happened with every generation since WW2.
Boomers rebelled against previous generations and started modern "youth culture," (i.e. free love, hippies, "sex, drugs, rock'n'roll").
GenX rebelled against their Boomer parents with hating everything and generally being edgy little shits (grunge, rap, anti-culture)
Now Millennials are shitting everything up with muh feelings, rapefugees welcome, occupy banks, etc.
I absolutely despise my generation and would not hesitate to gas the vast majority.
The oldies were more supportive of Remain than the youth. Top kek
>implying most protesters in the video aren't WHITE MALES
Sorry Sup Forumslack, but even your own demographic is against you.
>ashy looking asiatic cat eater with a moustache
Remarkable turn of phrase - you English m8?
Their children will worship us as gods, in other words.
That fucking tash.
>dipshits unironically weakening their country to third tier status for no reason other than they don't want to compete on international markets
LOL say hello to the collapse of Britain and its fade into obscurity
Friendly reminder that if you were born in the 80s you are a millennial.
Again: Unless you are over the age of 35 you are also a dirty millennial.
See millenials are convinced that they have no agency. It's fucking hysterically weak.
> Bilal
>you're old so you don't get a say in what happens to the nation you run
what happened to respecting your elders?
Fuck off kike. First shot in the war against globalism has been fired.
>implying most protesters in the video aren't WHITE MALES
they're in the cucks and fat slobs category, friend.
I am really afraid of what will happen once the old sensible people will die.
The majority of the current generation are either cucks or don't give a shit.
Hopefully the next generations won't be clinically retarded
Essentially in a choice between stability and a ladder to prosperity you have chosen violence
That's fine. Just know that you don't have the chops for it and you will come to regret your decision when you lie asleep at night wondering who is coming through the window
>Being drafted
Conscription ended in 1957 and before that, anyone born on or after 1st October 1939 would not be called up.
How is that any different from a Sup Forumslack mindlessly bitch about SJW or the dumb brext voters?
Impressive - your edu system must be outstanding.
Yes, just like you
>Hopefully the next generations won't be clinically retarded
oh shit girl in OP pic loos cute as hell
would fuck her
What are the chances that Britain or another european country like Germany or Sweden or somewhere equally as cucked experiencing a civil war in the coming years?
>muh 16 year olds
>muh summer vacation
They should be shaming each other for complacency. It's not like they didn't know about it in advance.
They have just became just like the monsters who blame immigrants for all their problems
That's quite hilarious.
>not voting
>blaming people that actually voted instead of retweeting the latest virtual signalling hashtag
Literally no one else to blame but themselves.
The entitlement of these people is beyond me.
How can some 20 year old shit have the audacity to question the people who build their Country and cushy Lifestyles?
>inb4 kym
Couldn't stomach to screencap.
i'm not in the video.
what do i do now?
The thing not a single one of these cucks addresses is the fact that the young turnout was atrocious.
>Don't turn out to vote
>Older people do
>wtf fucking old people deciding shit for us.
>They never had to worry about material things, expect maybe the question if they should get a a playstation or a xbox. This led to the phony attempt of supposedly discarding materialism and them following a more idealistic lifestyle, while still clinging to their I-phones, in order to be able to project their self perceived moral superiority, as means of stepping up the ladder of social hierarchy within their group of like minded individuals.
>Their emotional attachment to their views, or them making it part of their identity, makes it impossible for them to significantly change their position, because every attack on their opinion becomes an attack on their feeling of self. So criticising them is considered an insult, while the resulting feeling of shame tends to lead to [impotent] violence.
>Because society and the education system encourages the feeling of shame, this results in a downward spiral of self pity, blaming others, and overall hostility against whoever thinks differently. The object of their idealism, the struggle of minorities for instance, is looked upon through tainted glassed, because they rarely have to deal with the lower working class, because despite them self identifying as proletarians they are really just part of the bourgeoisie.
Upvote pls!
Don't worry libcuck unibabies, just have a kek at your insipid social media:
NEWSBEAT- How not to be a sore Brexit loser
>Added hurdle of being on summer vacation
>young people prioritized their summer vacation over the brexit vote, then complained how unfair it was..
This is fucking madness. Was the media always like this? Please someone 40-50 yrs old tell me, was the media literally always like this? There is no fucking way they always lied like this, there would have been mass protests and companies would have gone completely bust, it's fucking scandalous.
I am legitimately shocked an alarmed. Old people shouldn't be allowed to vote because they will die sooner? Young people should get the vote at 16? Excuse me? What the fuck does a 16-25 year old really know about life? I have to question if these people actually believe this shit or it's just a giant attention whore fest.
There's no fucking way you can be THIS ignorant in the age of the internet. There are virtually no good financial or economic reasons to stay.
show his employer. :-)
One is right and the other is wrong.
>inb4 more shilling about people going against tradition as anything but the provocateurs
>that glorious feeling when 18 and seeing all my friends slowly go from leftists to at least considering voting nationalist
In a nutshell, they are young leftist bourgeoisie cucks who form opinions based on emotion and are therefore very easily controlled.
Due to this, they tend to act out emotionally when they don't their own way by shaming people (e.g feminist calling boss misogynist cos muh wages or muslim calling athiest racist cos muh jihad)
>Old racists ruined our future!!
Liberals ruined my future by importing third world trash into my homeland en masse before I was even born.
Your turn, libcucks. Get fucked.
Actually those born in 82 and after are millennials.
>I made the Gen X cutoff
Bad goy! I... mean Hans
This is journalism from a tax payer funded establishment.
>Only old racists voted leave
Love how the media ignores the young nationalist population
Voter turnout for 18-24 was 36%
They should blame themselves.
Liberals ruined our present. Why should they get a nice future?
We have a fat hacker guy here in germany who is a famous blogger. He also said something like maybe we should consider the amount of remaining life time in context of the ability to vote. Another user pointed out that the fat fuck himself probably has only 10 to 15 years left.
If they really think like that aids patients, parachuters, fat people, etc etc shouldn't be allowed to vote as well.
Anyhow, I'm somewhat relieved the non-democrats finally show their true face.
Pathological lunatics
that's so true.
>democracy is broken because I didn't get my way
kek every time
>closer to their 50s
Actually, a near majority of 35-44 age group also voted for Brexit (48% of them). And then people 45-64, which is a TWENTY YEAR age span, all voted strongly for Brexit.
If we take an average of the percentages of those THREE age groups, we find that 54% of those 35-64 (a THIRTY YEAR age span) voted for Leave. (see note below)
So a THIRTY YEAR age span of WORKING AGE PEOPLE (these are not pensioners because people retire at 65, usually) voted for Brexit. And they're all irrelevant or dumb idiots?
>NOTE: yes just adding up three percentages and dividing by three doesn't actually give a proper average because the sizes of those age groups differ. But if you look at the population pyramid, the 35-44 bracket has fewer people than the two above it. Therefore the percentage of 54% I calculated would actually be HIGHER.
Is that a moustache she has?
Mommy I have failed you!
that blond chick is fire
So the demographic that voted to leave were older, less-educated, rural, and white?
Ladies and Gentleman, here is UK's political power base
Yeah democracy is silly when young people don't understand the importance of it and don't bother using their vote
>drama overload
>old people again
>shakes fist
Vietnam dumbass not e eryone is a cool toothed britbongistan here.
Used to be that elders were respected
Now the young want to give them the finger just for not thinking the same as them? Would they shun their own parents, after all they did for them? Zero respect or gratitude?
Leftists scream the loudest
People still pay attention to fucking shill, cucked VICE?
>liberals lose every real fight
>talk big shit anyway
shame on you for not sharing his shithouse rag of choice!
> knuckle dragging
>anti -liberty
just wot even
I hate these cunts so much.
I know everyone is enjoying that they've lost, but they haven't really. They don't care about the actual result. If they did, more than 31 percent of them would have actually voted. All they care about is virtue signalling, and publicizing their opinions. Actual political action was never one of their interests. Just silencing others, and climbing over each other not to be the most progressive, but to look the most progressive. That culture isn't going anywhere any time soon. You're still socially ostracized as a millennial if you don't go along with it. It's disgusting.
>inb4 fedora
Well yeah it is, if you look at the population pyramid here - - you'll see that the boomers outnumber the millennials.
So you're not allowed to be racist. You're not allowed to be sexist. You're not allowed to be ablelist (or whatever the fuck it is when you make fun of cripples). But you're allowed to be ageist?
These people are literally discriminating against a group of people right now. Them double standards they have are fucking great.
>Life goals
His life goal was to remain in the eu... cool.
This is the thing. These ARE the privileged youth who live in London, and haven't experienced what the rest of the country's youth have to put up with. They are the kinds of kids who bitch about sexism, racism, wage-cuts and have never experienced it first hand.
Most young people around the country have voted leave. These kids haven't experienced what the last recession was like they were too young, now they will get a taste of what it's like.
These kids are a bunch of retards because they have been duped into a generation war. We have all been fucked over, it doesn't matter whether you were in or out.
I really hope this is satire
But I suspect it's not. Welp, have this picture then
>low youth turnout
>youth complain that they didn't get what they wanted
The old are miserable and xenophobic.
The young are lazy and apathetic.
What next for Bongland?
pic related: I feel like renting a dominatrix to whip this numb feeling out of me, I can't feel.
I can't believe I am actually living through a real fascistic take over. Is this history memeing itself into existence? How do these stupid people keep falling for the same tricks over and over again, has America and her freedoms not taught the world anything?
Hollywood has been spamming robot take over since the 90s, meanwhile it was the communists all over again, and this time they are so far left they went full retard into rightwing authoritarianism.
I mean Alex Jones is literally right about everything.
>tag everyone and refuse service, limit speech, shut them out of society, directly control their minds
>it's the people doing it willingly to themselves and accelerating towards the giant wall
I read in my paper they are going to introduce a new car tax today to pay for public transport. Australian cities are hundreds and hundreds of kilometers away from each other. Young Australians actually think spending 20 billion dollars on bullet trains is a good idea. We have one of the fucking lowest population densities on Earth. It's obviously just a fucking scam to encourage less people to drive and accept more freedoms taken away.
>cant drive
>cant defend yourself
>cant vote
>cant buy property
but hey you can smoke, drink, do drugs and fuck senselessly, here have a basic income of tokens you can spend on these activities that are so inclusive and liberating.
Somehow were back to bread and circuses. The ride never fucking ends.
Funny how the anti-globalization crowd are so against the Brexit.