White people thread

White people thread.

You can only post in this thread if your country is more than 60% white.

Why did you make this than?

So when even the Brits AND SWEDES uncucked themselves after a slow decay I have hope that Germany where all was implemented at once will do the same. So yeah how do we meme Germany back?

it is but i wish it wasn't

fuck white people


just let the tide continue to turn. Germany will uncuck itself in time

feels good

Less than 99% white is not white.

Is the usa even white? All i mostly see is niggers moslty here in cleaveland.

>You can only post in this thread if there are more than 120 million white people living in your country


That thing with Sweden ls a complete lie to buy them time. They fully intend to cram in as many shitskins as possible.

But Britain did great at least!

Thread Modifier: you can only post if the mayor of your capital city isnt Muslim.

Calm down Marcin Shevchenko.


>More than 60% white
Not so fast America!

We have four times more whites than you. Percentages are irrelevant.

>Percentages are irrelevant.

>most whites of any country in the history of the world

is this why you insist on playing the percentage game

>You can only post in this thread if your country is more than 60% white.
Nice, and I'm not even white.


but you're not even European, how could you be white

>tiny dick gooks


sorry for intrusion, leaving this thread now

63% don't take that shit from us yet there reginald



>There's a 40% chance any given American flag poster is nonwhite

Not really
The chances of a Sup Forums poster being white are about the same as a school shooter