You guys fucked up. Merkel was right

Merkel was not a Leftist. She was purposely subverting Europe to bring it to the Far Right.

She purposely imported Muslims to reignite Europe's disdain for the lesser filth and bring about another Reich. She couldn't say it outright, so she simply fostered the conditions for it to happen. She was intentionally creating a society in which white males were being backed into a corner.

Think about it. George Soros killed Jews in WWII. Merkel doesn't like the German flag - because it's a symbol of Germany's surrender. Even now she is trying to make German the official EU language.

Once again Britain fucked up Germany's long term plans for some short-term relief.

Other urls found in this thread:


not bait, you can't prove me wrong either

wasn't she also part of the hitler jugend or something like that?

then why does she jail people for anti migrant comments online? wouldn't she want people to spread their feelings towards them?

i think it's a lot more likely that they're creating conditions for war because there's an economic collapse coming based off their welfare state, and they'd rather blame it on the migrant crisis than telling the people how royally they fucked up

Germany has finally managed to bring Europe down to its knees after countless failed attempts.

And OP don't even think that Merkel gives 2 shits about the german population or "whites". It is political interests and a geopolitical game for conquest and relevancy. No right, no left. Just pure evil and aim for power.

I've been saying this for months

I don't believe it.

If this were true it would one up even Trump. Shes not that smart enough for 5D chess.

>She purposely imported Muslims to reignite Europe's disdain for the lesser filth

This is just completely counter-productive and idiotic if she was really on the far right. She's actually on the far left quite clearly. Fun theory though, I wish it was true in some way but it just doesn't work like that.

>says increasingly nervous EU supporter for the 8th time

>Make things so bad that they're actually good
If she was actually far right she would work towards those ideals.

I know you're having fun doing it - but we have an abnormal amount of idiots and retards on Sup Forums - what you say have the potential to become new conspiracy theory.

Friendly reminder that Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter.

Merkel was the secretary of agitprop in East Germany, and then lied about it and claimed to be the secretary of agriculture.
She's a die hard commie who hates the west and wants to kill it.

You had the right idea shitbird, but you fucked up. She's a goddamn Stasi plant, and she is here to fuck up the first world so the second world can rise again. The collapse of the EU has brought ruination to her societal diabolism, however, and soon her hidden Commie masters will execute her for her failure. Screencap this.

that's maggie gyllenhal

>She purposely imported Muslims

>bring about another Reich.

>She was intentionally creating a leftist society

>Once again Britain fucked up Germany



Is it? The UK just went a little right wing and people are telling the immigrants they're going to pack their bags and now Nigel is talking about legalizing handguns.

For every action there is a reaction. The only problem is the UK quit too soon, they opted for short-term relief. Things needed to get much worse because now the UK is going to go a little Right but mostly remain Left and slowly continue on a downward spiral.

I believe that's how she got to where she is today, she was recognized as one of the top subverters


nice fanfic bro


A Führer would never stand idly while subhumans beat, rape and murder his people, m8. Merkel is just a filthy commie.

>only pretending to being retarded
This thread is now about nazi dogs


>this thread

Why not just rally people against them without bringing them to our doorsteps and allowing them to attack our civilians? It wouldn't take much work, a few documentaries (with a right wing sentiment) on life in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan should do the trick. Just show us their barbarity without letting them threaten us within our own countries at all.

>needing to create some bullshit conspiracy theory in order to trick yourself into thinking merkel isn't a complete fuckup
What is Occam's Razor?

This is Merkel's father
a liberal Lutheran theologian

>jewish name

The family's original name Kaźmierczak was Germanized to
Kasner in 1930

Kazmierczak derives from Kazimierz, a major Jewish city in Poland, made especially for Jews
outside of Cracow. Kazimierz (Latin: Casimiria; Yiddish Kuzmir) is a historical district of Kraków (Poland), best known for being home to a Jewish community from the 14th century

FINALLY someone who get's it. Germoney isn't unhappy with EU (4th reich), an economic union on Europe will always be dominated by Germoney (duh)

But EU (4th Reich) was just a stopgap to making Germoney great again. good catch with the flag too. Merkel is on the right. She moved the country to the right while buttfucking leftist morons with refugees (literally).

It's also important for the leftist insanity to be let run rampant. She made sure of that too.

if i wear the type of guy who believes in conspiracy crap and a sinister plan behind everything this is what i would be going with because there is nothing else that makes sense aside from "its all coincidence and our elite is completely fucking retarded".

Sadly i believe the later is the actual truth.

By that logic she would be working towards uniting with Russia.

She was born in 1954. No.

>She was purposely subverting Europe to bring it to the Far Right.
>Far Right
I'm hearing increasing calls for the ruling of the working class and the common man. You will eventually end up on communism's side.

>Can't prove me wrong
Good thing he doesn't have to, either. Burden of proof is on you, punk.

Merkels real surname is Kasner which is a jewish surname it's on her wikipedia
she used to be a communist, pic related it's her

Uh source?

Your brain doesn't count. Your brain probably also spends hours dreaming of a colony filled with homo ass fucking weeaboo Nazis that will only ever exist in a folder on your mom's computer.

>then why does she jail people for anti migrant comments online? wouldn't she want people to spread their feelings towards them?

you think people getting fined for "hate speech" makes them stop or change their views? No it just fuels the hate because its neither full authoritarian "we kill whoever disagrees" nor is it freedom of speech. Its just a middle ground that makes people angry, like a little needle constantly picking at you.

His "proof" is that now that Germany is dead, Merkel was based for destroying and brainwashing 2 generations of germans.

>Merkel marching in the communist army of Eastern Germany

There's been some news talk the last few years of discovered documents from the Third Reich which showed a back-up plan for a German-dominated Europe, which, again, isn't a "conspiracy" as there are documents from the Third Reich detailing a post war plan to bolster Germany. I'm also not convinced it's a coincidence that the foundations of the EU were set up by the Axis and their puppet states.

Whether or not Merkel is "in on it" is irrelevant as there does seem to be an argument to be made for the idea that a unified Europe, controlled by unelected leaders, came into fruition in the last gasp of a crumbling Axis powers.

id peg merkel at around 150 IQ

Can you Germans confirm or deny this post: I've heard this before, that she might actually be Jewish but some other German said that is entirely false, that it's a German surname.

Ok let's entertain your idea for a second - do you really think East Germany and USSR wanted niggers and fags?

hey can your source your shit. your arguments are as unclean as your precious rio grande

>implying the far right means anything when you've got 10% muslim population
>implying Europe wasn't just fine without the far right and without a bunch of (sand)niggers
She should just die desu

>discovered documents from the Third Reich which showed a back-up plan for a German-dominated Europe

this. economic union. there were even plans for a single currency. the Euro was hatched at the BIS in Switzerland, BIS was always cozy with Germoney. Where is ECB based? Hint: Not Brussels.

Plus: This was not about political power (at first) but about german industrial giants surviving WWII (and the Nazis). An economic union will always be dominated by Germoney.

Why? They show up for work on time.

Merkel's destroying Europe and believes she's doing the work of god in the process. That's what they were indoctrinated to believe.

get your swastikas right faggot

>massively import third worlders and encourage miscegenation
>far right wing

Choose one and only one


If Merkel didn't give a shit why would she want to make German the official EU language?

It's to create a volatile reaction. She wants the backlash to be sharp and fierce


(she actually said this)

I think you are partly correct, she did tell some muslim kid on tv that Germany couldn't let everyone in who wanted to come.

However a few months later the floodgates were opened to millions of rapefugeees and millions more on their way.

>create a right wing backlash
>lefties side with niggers
>both wiped out
>Europe rises again

Good plan - UK Brexit is in fact not an issue as the right wing backlash has already started in the UK and once Scotland leaves all hell will break out in England

Fuck off Merkel and disable that proxy

Is this the NuNazi hat?
Better then WWI IMO

>want to make German the official EU language
why is this the first time i've heard of this? is it true?

Germany doesnt profit from the EU. The wages here havent risen in 25 years (in fact they fell). The welfare system was turned into a slave labor system. The french press mocks the german working class as 'the chinese of europe'.

70% of all german stocks and companies are ownd by foreigners (=jews and amerigoys) who collect the profits made on the back of the german slave labor. 30% goes to the german collaborators (Merkel's clientel) who ensure that the germans dont take back their sovereignty from the anglojews.

The euro is a gigantic ripoff, France prints 500 billion euros a year to finance their handouts, Italy prints 500 billion euros a year to finance their handouts, ECB prints 60 billion a month and no one even officially knows or wants to know where THAT money is going (->into jewish pockets to finance the shitskin migration waves).

Germany gets to print zero euros and pays for that with inflation. 10-20% annual food inflation, 20-30% annual real estate inflation (->french and italian and greek and jewish oligarchs buying up real estate in all german cities with ECB fiat money).

In the meantime there's a housing shortage in Germany because of all the empty real estate owned by oligarchs, in many cases for speculative purpose. And the wages are so low at this point that no one, not even solid middle class, can afford to build a house, except of course for the collaborators, the civil servants, the politicians.

All this started in 1990 when the Russians were betrayed by Gorbachov and Jelzin. A transnational conspiracy of NATO oligarchs to enslave the masses and lead them back into 19th century, china style mass poverty.

Sup Forums still doesn't realize the Jews are doing all of this to trigger a backlash against Muslims and cause a Muslim genocide during which Israel can take advantage of the anti-Muslim sentiment and expand into its bordering countries uninhibited to instate Greater Israel.

They literally get the goyim to shoah their biggest enemy. For free. It's the ultimate Jewing.

t. Jew

Honestly this is how I've always seen it.

The extinction of the white race is just an added bonus to these Kikes, the cherry on top if you will.

>German is the most widely spoken mother tongue in the European Union,” the draft says. “We are committed to strengthening the German language in Europe

This guy knows whats up.

Maybe for some it's a bonus. I personally wouldn't want to live in a world without whites. I just want to remove kebab, it's in my blood.

she said, the fight against anti-semitism is out state and duty

is brexit a real blow to this agenda or part of the plan

This isn't enough to convince me that Merkel is actually an undercover Neo-Nazi, and this is coming from the user who said there is an argument to be made for the idea that the EU is just a new reich.

Also, the argument she's making isn't that it should be the official language of the EU, just that it should be one of the official languages, like English and French.

>German should be an official language of the European Union along with English and French, according to the draft election manifesto of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrat Union party.
>A survey carried out for the European Commission last year found that the most widely spoken foreign language is English, spoken by 38 per cent of adults, followed by French and German.

Only problem I see here is that French is one of the official languages. It should only be English.

his name was actually Adolf Merkel,
Hitler was only a pseudonym.

She's just a globalist in service to high finance, as every other Western leader. They do not care about race or ethnicity or culture, only about the profit of the capitalist rentier class. This is the result of the American victory.

hahah serieus

>150 iq
>a commie globalist pawn
>150 iq
Well meme'd lad.

The one she's wearing is correct for her, since she's a left hand path totalitarian, so her swastika goes to the left.

she's a fucking quantum chemist

need more reading materials, please post, this could be schizobabble for all i know

Oh how nice for her!

>She purposely imported Muslims to reignite Europe's disdain for the lesser filth and bring about another Reich.
Naw man, she purposely allowed desperate refugees fleeing a war zone to take refuge in Germany. It's a humanitarian thing, so only humans understand it. Instead, you're trying to dehumanize them because you're so easily terrified.

Propaganda works best when the subjects are so terrified they shit their shorts and make bad decisions. Hitler preyed on the fears of the ignorant dimwits the same way.

>She was intentionally creating a society in which white males were being backed into a corner.
Naw man. White males can still consider themselves "superior" in their own minds, but first they need to act like it.

>George Soros killed Jews in WWII.
Naw, man. That's just a lie that all the retards fell for. He didn't kill anyone.

USSR is long dead. You think it was a coincidence the EU rose right after? Now we need to be on the watch for where the next autocratic socialist state will arise.

no, nobody knows who you are and probably nobody will. thats the difference.

Who would have ever expected Germany to have an insane and evil leader, looking to exterminate the inhabitants of Europe? I am shocked.

>Naw man,
>Naw man.
>Naw, man.
just why?

>Merkel isn't just a jew-puppet


Naw, man. Nice trips

also kys


>implying that isn't my strength
>implying that isn't what literally makes me DEUS KEK
But no, you're right, I'm nobody ;^)

do NOT try to meme me. this is your last warning. consider it as such.

You just fucking stole this from another thread. Make up your own shit mang.

But I want to hear more about the applications of quantum chemistry and how it's useful for running a failed psuedo-federalist state that was doomed to fail from the beginning.

I dont trust the entire 'unforeseen' Brexit thing. These things dont just happen randomly like that.

Jewed up britain leaving the EU might be a sign that shit is about to hit the fan in continental europe. Merkel's 1.5 million ISIS jihadis are in place, all of them with a shiny new cell phone.

A couple days ago, all german cellphones and the internet went down for hours (never happened before). Officially, a database problem with the monopolist telekom company.

But the cell phones of the jihadi refugees werent effected by this because they had foreign SIM cards. Only the mass communication of the german people was completely knocked out.

Theoretically, the jews could now unleash an ISIS army in Germany, organize this jihad via fake arab jihad websites operated by Mossad and CIA, and cut off all mass communication in Germany at the same time.

If Mossad and CIA use their military kill lists that they compiled with mass surveillance (->look up Main Core) over the last 25 years, they can supply jihadis (armed by Merkel) in central europe with the names of millions of potential dissenters and wipe out anyone who could oppose the Jew World Order.

Millions of people could die in a very short time if that was to ever happen.

Anyone have the Merkel nudes? I think she was a butterface back in the day.

you are on thin fucking ice. i went to high school with hiro... one phone call from me and you're banned from Sup Forums forever. I will ban your MAC address too. you're fucking grandchildren won't even be able to post. don't test me.

I'm literally hurling.

Oh shit trips, he means business guys!
Call him and ask if his corpse is cold enough.

>not wanting to suck big mama Merkel's DD titties and taste the milk of the Fuhrer's daughter


The German police/army would stand by and let millions of murders happen?

This is not the chaos of 1943 Hans.The Germany economy would melt down for a start

Listen man, I don't usually write off theories as bullshit immediately, because I myself have grown to believe things I once thought were obviously stupid, but this is just retarded.

Besides, how does this go against what Merkel is supposedly trying to do? Britain leaves the EU, causing people to have more faith in their country, thus igniting more English nationalism, and generally polarizing people. The right becomes more right-wing, and the left becomes increasingly hostile towards anyone decent, and generally loses their fucking minds. If anything, you've discovered her too late, and she's already succeeded. I fail to see how Britain leaving the EU would even screw up this plan, except for the fact that England will be importing less Muslims, which is almost necessary since I get the feeling they're soon approaching critical mass. How far is too far? If you really believe this, she's pretty much sacrificed Sweden, and potentially Germany. Sweden will soon become majority non-white, and Germans are going to become so cucked soon that they might not be able to comfortably have pride in their nationality ever again.

n-no t-thanks, she's too jewish for me

She was a commie youth. Whatever you call those.

>george soros killed jews in WWII
he was 10 years old

