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how can it even be viable to call the attitude of a party populist?
Isn't ''populist'' more something like a rating than an objectiv attribute?
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It's to discredit them. 2bh that it works with lefties makes me mad af
>They are populist in that they say and implement exactly what the people want without pc filter
That's literally populism. Pandering to... what's popular. How evil
When you dont have an opinion and just go with the current flow.
The leftists have been trying hard to give it a bad connotation, you should just use it in a positive way, because it is.
> a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people
There's this thing called science. There's also this thing called scientific community. They defined what makes a populist, so no, it's not some rating. But yes, it goes into detail on what you label attitude.
Populism isn't aiming for rational thought or facts. The AfD is populist.
I have never understood either, It is just used as a pejorative, towards parties that are not in anyway popular, towards parties that are popular sometimes but never towards their own party, even if they are literally in government as the result of winning a majority in a 'popular' vote.
>There's also this thing called scientific community. They defined
Yes, it has been robbed of its old meaning strangely the left transformed it into a curse word.
>Tinfoil jacket on
The prove that the left has been infiltrated by lizard people
>Tinfoil jacket off
>never towards their own party
So it also could be just some antipropaganda tool for descriditation.
>There's this thing called science. There's also this thing called scientific community. They defined what makes a populist, so no, it's not some rating.
go look in a mirror bud, you want to check for the small nose with a flattened bridge, a small mouth with a protruding tongue, your eyes may also slant outwards and upwards slightly.
No, populists being removed from reality, making great claims and promises which will never come true have done that.
>£350 a week
>no more immigrants
>take back control while in reality being out of the shaping process of the rules you have to adhere to eventually
Populists are retarded. Like the AfD.
Only problem being that populism is a contentious issue among the scientific community. There are enough political scientist who have criticized the label for being unscientific and useless.
You don't know what populism is, do you? You're like one of those bongs inquiring what the EU is after voting out, aren't you? :DDD
Who? What is unscientific about it?
>differing views in the realm of social sciences
I'm not surprised so what's your point? The 'label' fits well and describes their behaviour well.
post your frauke's
I love how redditors get increasingly mad when noone takes their bait. Just try another thread family
i wonder where else she is sweaty. I bet it's where I think it is, sweaty and wet and dripping.
It's insane
>in a democracy the people rule so the country should head into the direction the people want it to!!!!
>party does excactly what the people want
>OMGZ Fucking populists!!!!!! Scum!!!
>you want to check for the small nose with a flattened bridge, a small mouth with a protruding tongue, your eyes may also slant outwards and upwards slightly
>This proves that the left has been infiltrated by lizard people
The left has been STARTED BY lizard people. There was no need for them to infiltrate it
Populism has been a pejorative since before the birth of modern leftism. Ancient Roman Senators would often accuse one another of populism - it's just an insult bandied about by the ruling elites, who believe they are so far above the masses that it would be demeaning to pander to them.
that's all that's needed to be posted
nothing else
Do you have any links to sources. Would Kek hard for actual papers one may quote.
Yeah thanks I can google. Great discussion!
grrr a hungarian, media told me your country is the most populist of all >:(
I remember when seehofer wanted to talk with orban about the 'fugees, and media was like
people really forget that democracy is about talking and not about rating and rejecting
P.S. I love your food and climate
Your post gave me a scientific cancer. It reads like some IFuckingLoveScience video.
Well there's a reason being anti-intellectual is part of your favourite style of politics and why it so connects with you, brexitbong.
> Populism isn't aiming for rational thought or facts
Uhm, they aim for german identity, strength and values. They have a party program just like any other party, you might wanna read it. Real populists would implement referendums on a regular base.
Our former communist party is called out for being populist on a regular basis by all other parties so I dunno exactly what this >'the left' nonsense is about
It fits right in with the definitions again.
>'them' vs us 'good guys'
Basically pol.
All political labels are meaningless. There are people who praise democracy while decrying politicians who seek the popular vote.
And when the media finds a term that resonates in their echo chamber, you never hear the end of it: Google Trends shows a 1000% increase in "demagogue" since the Fall after a decade of consistently low use.
Populism just means someone tries to benefit from the opinions of unreasonable idiots, without even trying to bring any arguments to the discussed policy. Instead populists often even incite the people more by crying things like racism or war on women or what not. It happens on both left and right, no arguments, only feelings.
The danger of populism is, that usually its only argument is "million flies can't be wrong". Good luck trying to argue that kind of mob rule once the people start supporting something harmful, like they do now with many things.
Go through some of the links. The struggle between elitists and populists is ancient.
Get this
populi = latin = the people
demos = greek = the people
Calling someone populist means they are too democratic for your liking.
Well luckily they cannot implement shit, least of all the backwards garbage they call party program. Have _you_ read it? Either you're well off financially and you couldn't give a shit about their plans, or you're just an ignorant moron (you know, like an angsty racist who babbles about German identity and strengths).
>German identity yadda yadda
If Höcke is a role model for you for any identity, go get fucked.
>'them' vs us 'good guys'
>implying its a right thing
What the fuck are you doing on this board instaed of leftypol?
So, if parties call out and therefore insult "die Linke" for being populist by pandering stupid shit, how is it not insulting to the right leaning parties all over Europe?
Is the term populist maybe ambiguous? Shouldn't
Tell me two things they could never implement and I'm on board with you. I'm against subsidizing german play in theaters, but other than that, their plan is pretty solid.
Of course I'm not an angsty racist, but I can see how "the German way" turned out pretty well after WWII, we had an economic boom and are still leading Europe in terms of GDP. Crippling our economy with a minimum wage and more regulations than ever is a stupid idea. There is a reason minimum wage and youth unemployment correlates so well and why people are afraid all the welfare states might break sooner or later.
'populism' is just ((code)) for 'democracy that I don't like'
agreeing with the population is bad
Why should anyone automatically consider democracy as good thing? It has done much harm to European culture specially in last few years with immigrants.
The members of parliament of small political parties like AfD are voted into parliament through party lists, not through direct votes of candidates.
The leadership of the party gets to create those list.
The AfD leadership - Petry, Gauland etc - auctions the spots on these lists to the highest bidding member. They also dont accept new party applications anymore, normal people cant join AfD.
AfD is a conglomerate of bancrupt business people like Petry and that guy from Saxony, economic professors looking to increase their income. Old school politicians like Gauland are the exception. AfD simply is a business model to cash in on the anti-euro and anti-immigration sentiments. The 90 seats they are projected to win in the next federal elections are basically like a lottery win, several million euros income over a legislature period plus a lifelong pension once you leave parliament.
People who put their hopium into THIS kind of corrupt, greedy party cant be helped.
from Wikipedia:
"Populism is a political position which holds that the virtuous citizens are being mistreated by a small circle of elites, who can be overthrown if the people recognize the danger and work together. The elites are depicted as trampling in illegitimate fashion upon the rights, values, and voice of the legitimate people."
You can easily categorize a populist party: they are the ones scapegoating the 'le establishment', academia, experts, and politicians who are not nutcases. They are the ones catering to uneducated and naive people, who are then deluded into believing that if they vote for them, they will make their utopias a reality. Parties like UKIP, Jobbik, AfD, or individuals like Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump are definitive populists.
Populist means
>We will give you literally anything you could ask for regardless if it's actually possible
And then they don't give you any of that. You elect them into power and they're going to be the useless cunts they are. They will probably even make things worse. That's populism. None of the parties that are being shilled have anything to show for themselves. History is littered with examples.
You do know the AfD wants to keep the minimum wage? Unless they've been 'misunderstood' again and mean the opposite or whatever.
>0/10 would not bang
can someone explain who this lady is and what her appeal is to a clueless american?
>(((scientific community)))
I thought populism was about appealing to the lowest common denominator, pandering to morons out of calculated self-interest, promising to deliver things that cannot really be delivered.
yeah but unless you're a witch that can see the future, it's a rating not an attribute
She's one leader of our latest dumb fuck populist party the AfD, which rails against 'zee establishment' (and 'zee brown people'), while ironically trying to become part of it.
Their party programme sounds like they want to try a soft NSDAP and some of their members sound like veiled Hitlers.
she should wear her hair long again desu
>i'm gonna drive off a cliff right now
>don't stop me
>unless you're a witch you can't tell the future
>maybe I will survive
The main point being, yes it's possible to tell what will happen if you give the control of your country to populists.
Lucke wanted to abolish the minimum wage and now the AfD is keeping the minimum wage to counter the immigration. Wonder why most left leaning parties were against immigration 20 years ago? More immigrants => more supply in the work force => lower cost to hire people => low wages. Also because (((some parties))) wanted to abolish minimum wage only for refugees.
". Er schützt sie auch vor dem durch die derzeitige Massenmigration zu erwartenden Lohndruck."
Who's this semen demon?