You are forced to live in Argentina for one year, wat do?

You are forced to live in Argentina for one year, wat do?

migo migo migo migo

buy gu- oh wait

Travel around and see all these natural beauty, try to learn language, become cowboy and eat my own steaks every day

>get a job
>get free university
>get qt blonde higher class gf

Life can only get better and better

Dance tango with the senoritas

It's an objective improvement.

Probably this, argie women love foreigners, even more if you're european

turn 360 and walk away

>turn 360

pic related*

>buh mu xbox 360 meme

pic related*

i wish ;-:


eat meat all day

enjoy living among my white brethren



Go to nearest German town and enjoy my life

piss on the Belgrano memorial then kill myself

bring muh mochila

Enjoy Europe outside of Europe.

Find a cute Argentine wife and have many white children with her.

Kill myself at the airport.

holy shit

I give a fuck about the memes, i can't stand that 360 joke

> we wuz oldfag einh shit
