Greek / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese / Turkish thread

How was summer, friends?

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How do I get a Greek / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese / Turkish gf?

You forgot to add croatia,bosnia,albana and montenegro

eh they're fine on Sup Forums, just let them in

delete Turkey you wh*Te son of a whore



>get out of this board mozzarella skin

>don't be skinny
>don't be weird
>don't be short
>be social
>go partying
>don't be ugly
>be confident
>don't talk too much

same for Italy

>be fit

Just be yourself :)

>be galician/asturian
>be considered mediterranean despite being nowhere near to the mediterranean

how do we make Greece pagan again? Orthodoxy is more jewish than judaism, it's corrupt and degenerate. Spreading lies to brainwash the people

>be galician/asturian

>don't talk too much

>Don't talk too much

I mean in a weird way, when the girl isn't talking and you keep going

I was supposed to write my dissertation thesis throughout August but procrastination got the better of me

>tfw I fit every criteria but the don't be short one


That's called "preptime". I did the same, and ended up actually writing the thing in 3 nights.

The results gathering/generating took longer, continual work, but writing the thing was done in bursts for me.

I still haven't actually finished my lab work and I don't know the exact delivery date, only that it's sometime in September
Also now I'm regretting my life choices up until this point

what are you studying?

What country is generally better to live in Spain or Italy?
Judging by climate I assume they are the same?

italy is mafia galore that much i know.

The T*rks on Sup Forums are even worse than irl

t. Roach

You are Greek

only in continental Italy, Sardinia is virtually mafia-free but it's also virtually Italy

I had a turkish friend that hated besiktas and liked assassin's creed that I met him from a different forum around 2010-11, he seemed like the guy that would be on Sup Forums

if you're here respond to this post

I really wonder what happened to him. Or how he killed himself to be more precise.

What regions have more native italians and not immigrants and first generations 'italians'?

How do you know he killed himself?
I was called subhuman by german flag just yesterday in his manner?

Only because in Sardinia there is nothing worth racketeering

Im glad its over i cant stand the normies

its just as fucking hot here

have a green card and dont look like a loser

i think he hangs out mostly in pol now

I wish I could say you're wrong

biochem, but the issue is not the degree
it's the realization that I actually had no idea how the world of scientific research actually works

I'm fairly certain that most of the Germs are just LARPing, just like you did. I do it from time to time aswell. I don't saw him for quite a while. Some tips to make sure that you actually speak with iki:

>he never uses capital letters
>he has a rather basic way of expressing himself in both German and English
>he has the same set of pics that he used everytime for at least a year
>Turks, Slavs and Germans are his sworn enemies in that exact order
>was in every German and Balkan thread

He is gone, the last time I could spot him was way earlier this year and he was extremely active 12 months ago

you don't like it? how do you enter uni in portugal?

I remember old iki used to like turks

yea I don't like it, at all
to enter uni you just need to have a certain minimum grade in the relevant highschool subjects and then the people with the highest grades are placed first until all spots are filled

we used to mock him every single day in /tr/
even more so than any other alamancı or other diaspora

but yeah i remember before he decided to identify himself as a greek that he wanted to learn turkish

I only realized that he was a thing when he put on his Greek mask. He flew under my radar before that happened, I guess.

Have money and be not ugly and autistic.
That's universal.

>How was summer, friends?

So you are the reason why iki spergs out
You rejected him and tried to prevent him from identifying as a Turk./tr/ is at fault here

i mean, i thought he was hilarious
it was definitely the old /tr/ that started the engine though, but the ikibey thing started in /hell/

i see it more as a board wide banter effort/project

He was hilarious in the first months perhaps.After 1,5 year of posting literally the same things again i think he is in need of serious mental help


That is pre historic neolithic dumb and still caucasoid.

brother its me

>tfw weird skinny short unsocial ugly fucker that always talks too much, or too little

>tfw weird skinny short unsocial ugly fucker that always talks too much, or too little
>and also is awful at greenposting


>Sardinia is virtually mafia-free
Aren't the Sardinians themselves violent and ethno-centric? Sure they don't want your money but they'll still kill you if they don't like you.

Ikibey? He supposedly was banned from Sup Forums and was fucking around in Sup Forums however in the last few days a German flag has been doing pure Ikibey posting.

>that always talks too much, or too little
this is me except I'm tall and social and I'm attractive

I'm Turkish too

i know
you keep mentioning it in every thread you post

Sicily and Calabria

>violent and ethno-centric
uhhm... usa?

;) xx

>violent and ethno-centric
>uhhm... usa?
It's called memes. Stop taking Sup Forums as facts. Also most of our gun deaths (60%) are suicide and the vuolence in the U.S. is not only specific to certain cities but neighborhoods. It's easy to avoid violence in the u.s. Sardinia is a small island.


>look, the USA is better than a country that is known as a shithole full of violent alcoholics!!!
Amazing, next you are going to tell me Americans have a longer life expectancy than people from Rwanda

*facks ur moldovan ''''g''''f*

i hope you really dont think she will stay loyal in portugal of all places

I don't and it really hurts.

stay strong brother
and dump the bitch

I was telling her about the Ottoman Empire at the club and she listened to me for an hour. Still one part of me says she will stay loyal thou.

well good luck i suppose
i personally wouldnt trust any eastern european women after they returned from the iberian peninsula

>It's called memes
>stats says its not

just come to regular chem, mate. We don't bite

also things are looking better now for us, the doom and gloom times are over (it could be better, but at least things are not stagnant)

>>don't talk too much
Lads are spanish people the original terroni?

Haha Slavs getting MED'D

>tfw my mom is 100% Italian and my dad is 75% Italian/10% Irish
Need a terrona wife to purify my bloodline and get rid of the i*ish

Lisbon is Subsaharan Africa with no wh*tes

Terroni are fucking stupid. It's like having a redneck wife

Smug stuck up polentone are worse. Fate schifo ambrogio

ofc, all that clay belong to us back then.

I think not

Shut up cucklord you only think that way because of memes

Dude no one likes uppity faggy fashion model northern Italians.