What does Sup Forums think of the BBC?

What does Sup Forums think of the BBC?

Do you watch it?
Do you think it is politically neutral?
What is your opinion on the license fee?

I don't like BBC but my wife does.

I see what you did there Finbro

So you prep the bull just out of duty?

BBC is literary communist.


>politically neutral

Please say you're a teenager.

BBC is basically what Yle is here

Literal cancer

>Do you watch it?
Not anymore.
>Do you think it is politically neutral?
>What is your opinion on the license fee?
No reason for it to exist when they cannot even remain neutral.

Fuck the BBC, they arent impartial at all.

They spout leftist propaganda all day every day.

>Do you watch it?
I torrent Top Gear, HIGNFY and Graham Norton.

>Do you think it is politically neutral?
Absolutely not.

>What is your opinion on the license fee?
I do not pay it since I do not have my TV plugged into an aerial socket and I completely disagree with the concept.

Not a great fan of Big Black Cock news network especially since they shill for shit like this as 'legitimate'

British Biased Corporation

>Do you watch it?
Not anymore its changed to much, Top Gear was the finally nail in the coffin.

>Do you think it is politically neutral?
Your joking right?

>What is your opinion on the license fee?
I dont pay it since I live with my family but my mum watches it time to time. Put it simple if I where to move out there would be no way in hell id be paying for a TV licence when I can just torrent just about anything at the click of a button.

I hope one day it is shut down
same with all British Media.

thats why this country is so dumb

white gilf gets handled by the BBC

I pay for it

It's rarely critical of whoever happens to be in power at the time because they could just cut the tv licence price. Right now they are very critical of the Labour party because they have a socialist leader.

They were also biased during Indyref and the EU referendum coverage. Sky News is owned by Murdoch and is much worse. Not sure about other news outlets.

all i watch are their documentries

BBC is superior to white boys. As a white female i stopped dating white men because too many of them are just limpdick, video game playing, anime watching manchildren. Black men are naturally more fit, have bigger cocks, and last longer in bed. Most of you neets talk shit about how us white women have careers, well it's not like any of you neets could actually provide for a woman anyway. It's really cute to see you white boys get so angry about who women date, when the majority of you are the equivalent to fat bitter tumblristas who can't get any sex. Black dick is way better at making me cum and i will never go back to white boys. They're nothing like black MEN

>Do you watch it?
Sometimes BBC America has reruns of STNG, just recently switched providers that gives me BBC World news so nice to have another international news channel (though sometimes this was on PBS anyway). More sources of news the better.
>Do you think it is politically neutral?
For Brits wouldn't know, for America probably.
>What is your opinion on the license fee?
Seems like such a silly thing but then if you didn't have it it would have to go into the PBS business model which gets some from gov and some from annual donation telethons. Really hard to say what would be the better option for you guys.