Can based trump save us from these evil fucking gooks?

Can based trump save us from these evil fucking gooks?

Fuck dude my cat was sitting in my lap and I was petting her when I opened this
pls dont post this again

Cats are reddit. Dogs are Sup Forums.

This is actually some extreme BDSM shit, that cat paid good money for this.


Looks like the blood eagle from Vikings

Cats have always been Sup Forums though.

Why doesn't ISIS flay people alive? That would be some metal shit. They just keep with the beheadings and occasional drowning and shootings and shit.


t. toxoplasmosis sufferer

fucking kill yourself piece of shit

*freeze frame*
i bet you're wondering how i got into this mess right meow


i aint clicking dat shit nigga


if they let the cat go at that point, how long would it stay alive?

blood loss, infection etc would eventually kill it but animals are ridiculously tough to kill sometimes

sleep tight kitter

sleep tight kitter

>it tries to use it's mind-control powers at 0:05 but his mental fortitude is too strong

what do they do to the poor cat? :(

kys op i'm not joking just take a gun and shoot yourself in the head and make the world a better place. don't delay.

>everytime someone posts this kind of video, it's a blurry quality and/or you see shitskin hands

fucking third worlders

Great now I'm horny AND I'm hungry.


This is how you properly wash a smelly cat

Asians have no soul

Its been known for a long time

dead cats ya spastic

pets having fun with their owners

No really, lolcats and Caturday started here, Caturday did too, Moot's represented with a cat often, meanwhile, what do dogs have to do with Sup Forums? Dog are a normie animal for chads.

what happens?

why would you want to know? just report it, something wrong with you if you're even curious. people are evil, end of story.

the only people who would be too afraid to open these are girls or fuckboys.

which are you?

Fucking animals

Fuck off aspie scum, this is a normie site now.

>this was deleted before the op
Is this janitor a fucking idiot

i fucking hope so, i hate chinks so fucking much, everytime i see one i wanna punch his fucking sub-human looking face.

They delete it themselves idiot

well he does work for free

shhhhh they might be listening

Its been year of the doggo for quite some time. Reddit took over the retired cat memes.

How the fuck is the cat still alive at that point? Any human would have long gone into shock or lost consciousness.

>this is a normie site now.
Oops, I think you meant to type this comment on your Facebook account, rookie mistake there.

>he hasn't seen the funky town cartel video
boy are you in for a surprise

>Its been year of the doggo for quite some time
I've honestly only seen a couple scattered doggo memes here. They mostly seem to pop up outside Sup Forums. Cats on the other hand, are deeply ingrained on Sup Forums as a whole. Maybe not here, but Sup Forums is weirdly disconnected from the rest of Sup Forums in some ways.

which one is that? could you please tell what happens? i'm a pussy and i dont wach that kind of stuff

Your little secret club was disbanded in 2012 you raging autist. Normies rule the site now, but don't worry. We'll still leave the scraps for you social rejects.

Can one of you guys please tell me what happens in the webm? too scared to watch. But would like to know.

some white kids wearing a MAGA hat use a kitchen knife to scalp a tied cat

a sub-human chink (well, like all chinks) skins a poor cat alive. that happens.

Before I watched you die, I watched the dying
falter, their hearts curled and purring in them

like kitfoxes asleep
beside their shadows, their eyes pawed out by the trouble

of their hunger. I was
humbling, Lord, like the taxidermist’s

apprentice. I said
yes, and amen, like the monk brushing

the barley from the vealcalf’s
withers, the heft of it

as it leans against his cilice.
Winter, I have watched the lost

lie down among their bodies, clarified
as the birdsong

they have hymned of.
I have heard the earth sing longer than the song.

Come, I said, come
summer, come

after: you were the bull-elk in the moonlight
of my threshold, knocking off the mosses from its antlers

before it backed away, bewildered, into foliage.
You were thin-ribbed, were hawk-

scarred, were few.
Yes, amen, before I heard you giving up

your singing, you were something stumbling hunted
to my open door; you were thinning with the milkweed

of the river. Winter, Wintering, listen: I think of you
long gone now

through the valley, scissoring
your ancient way

through the pitch pines. Not waiting, but the great elk
in the dark door. Not ravens

where they stay, awhile, in furor,
but the lost thing backing out

among the saplings, dancing off the madness
of its antlers. Not stone, not cold

stone, but fire. The wild thing, musk-blooded, at my open
door, wakening and wakening and

wakening, migrations
in the blindness of its wild eyes,

saying Look at them, look at how they have to.
Do something with the wildness that confounds you

They're skinning the fucking cat alive

How the fuck can a human do something like that to another living being

flayed, his throat being jabbed at with a box cutter, tongue cut out, hands both cut off, face being slowly pulled off and all of this happens while hes wide awake trying to scream

Is it more disturbing that OP has this saved on his computer and spams it regularly?

they are chinks

Hey man, that's not cool...... you gotta start from the belly if you want a proper pelt.

>muh superior moral high ground

white """"people""" being fucking hypocrits as always

holy shit

western countries slaughter animal species in slaughter houses brutally all the time. Normies only give a shit because its their pet's species being killed and tortured instead. Fucking retarded assholes.