Hitler did nothing wrong

>Hitler did nothing wrong

Which one of you was it?

Other urls found in this thread:


is he being charged? He really can't help himself can he? He is a legit fucking psyopath

>jew cant handle the bants
in other news....water wet

It was some spic lookin guy too lmao

muh antisemitism.



No he was already released apparently.


At most he'll get a desk appearance ticket.

>He is a legit fucking psychopath
>for pushing someone trying to mess with you

Are you stupid?

I'm sure he's charged

They would have booked and bailed him, and set a court date

They tend to...speed up the process if you're special.

>He will not divide us
>gets divided almost immediately

what did he mean by this?

It's unknown what fully happened, user.

All we know is that the police were watching and they saw something that needed an arrest.


how do you get arrested for shoving someone?


Same way if you spit in their face, or scream in their ear.

Assault does not require battery to be a crime.

Intelligent people don't resort to physical assault over harmless banter

put your hands on me, and i'll put a 9mm into your skull

Actually he got arrested for fighting another guy offcamera, it's not the same incident


ok do these idiots have no self awareness at all? they blatantly sound like a cult. forget the politics of it for a second, how does no one stop and say, "hey fellas, we are sounding a lot like a creepy cult right now, can we re think how we express our views?"

Why does Shia care at all? He's rich. Nothing Trump does will affect him in any way.
He's already divided from real Americans with his immense wealth. Kind of insulting to "protest" as a fun diversion when he has zero stake in anything.

how is his comment "hitler did nothing wrong" going to do in court though? he's gonna geta way unscathed.

because that's the definition of assault? you kids are going to get yourselfs into some serious trouble not knowing basic shit like that

you will not divide us
you will not divide us
you will not divide us
you will not divide us
you will not divide us

>bang bang
what did he mean by this?

You don't get to harm me for freely expressing myself, no matter how you find my opinion.

>if you so much as touch me i'm going to literally murder you

And people wonder why there should be better gun laws when psychos like this guy exist

Replace "Hitler" with "Pot Pol" and you fagbois wouldn't have any problem with it. Makes you think dunnit.

The part of the article in the screenshot is describing a different incident. Shia was arrested for slapping and then choking an user with his scarf.


Is that really the Hitler guy who called the police or are they assuming he did? Why would he, he was being anti-semitic towards a Jew, he'll end up in prison for life.

Doesn't matter him saying that doesn't give him the right to get physical

Shia wants to stay relevant. His career is over after he took a dump on Spielberg in a interview.

He's desperate.


Source: Go to that site I guess and find it yourself, just saw a screencap of it

just divide my shit up senpai

Can you not say that in america?
I could kinda get why germans wouldn't be allowed to say that but how is that illegal in america?

I also don't get how "he will not divide us" is an anti-trump statement, that is literally what trump supporters believe and what most anti-trump people don't believe, it's complimenting the mans leadership

>>for pushing someone trying to mess with you because you provocated him and likes them

They're not fighting words.


Here you can see him pull the guy by the scarf off camera where the incident took place

Was it Sam Hyde?

They sound like The Sheep in Animal Farm.

>he was being anti-semitic towards a Jew, he'll end up in prison for life.

didn't this happen in the US? we don't have those spoopy thought crime laws like Europe- yet.

It's all a marketing stunt. Those probably weren't real cops. Has there even been an official report by the police yet?

Sam Hyde arrives on saturday to throw down

They can only view things through the lens of a cult of personality.

Because there's no way that a division already existed, and is what got him elected. No, he must be the one who brought it with him.

>He will not divide us

Maybe not. He will get you arrested though.

Police have been apparently watching the event 24/7 just in case something happens.

They obviously saw what was happening.

Cop car and cops have been stationed near that museum 24/7 actually

Because Pol Pot is clearly defended on the internet by people who despise Hitler's actions

You sound like the kind of retard that thinks of politics as football teams, which seems to be a common mindset on nu-Sup Forums

Pulled him off the camera on purpose.

top kek

they seemed like best buds before he said that

They were wearing NYPD uniforms so if they weren't then they are felons for impersonating police.

Wow do you really think this is about Trump? Shia is not some kind of a hack, there's a plot twist coming.

What he actually did do to get himself arrested though sounds even more benign. He yanked some guy by the scarf. Didn't even touch him like in that video.

Here's how politics works. Either you are a straight white or you deserve to die. Fuck you, fuck Sup Forums, fuck cucks. Kill everyone who is not a straight white.

Shia is sucking up to liberals, to give him another chance at a career. This is what it's all about.

>Thinks Shia actually plays any dimensional chess

And Hitler is clearly defended on the internet that despise Pol Pot's actions.

It makes you think, doesn't it?

He's pointing out hypocrisy.


i suppose the guys on law and order are on the hook too, LMAO

technically a hate crime by todays standard though

Oh no. Don't send Channing Tatum to prison. He's too cute. He'll get assraped to death for sure.

Maybe in Germany or Israel
Not in america.

>being an actor on a filming ground is the same as pretending to be an police officer in a public venue

He pulled him offscreen and did it you retard.

okay, so what did that guy do?

>Kill everyone who is not a straight white.

reverse that, and that is how many on the left think now. and they are becoming more and more open about it. THAT is the reason trump won. not that its the reason every voter had, it's the reason that tipped the scales in his favor. when the choice is voting in a buffoon with too many corporate ties or voting in a party that wants you wiped from existence well, only one choice there isn't there. the worst on the right on the other hand wants to simply enforce immigration laws and minorities to stop commiting so much damn crime. call it racist all you want but it's reasonable.

chumptards actually believe this

by the end of drump's presidency even saying that less than 6 million died during the holocaust will be a federal felony, drump is a YUGE friend of the jews

>the camera pans away from the scene
I watch this shit, the camera doesn't do that.

What did the absolute madman mean by this?

what did he say to Spielberg?

>D-drump will take away freedom of speech

maybe the most retarded argument I have heard yet.
If anything people constantly complain that what he is saying should be forbidden.


>trump supporters aren't neo nazi fascists!
>hitler did nothing wrong though

every time. white nationalism should be treated as terror threat in modern society



>trump barely had as much votes as romney did in 2012

lol stop pushing your narrative. trump only won because the dems threw their true candidate bernie under the bus for someone less palatable

>Can't differntiate between trolling and politics
Libtard in a bubble detected


That's a Trump guy, he probably instigated the whole thing

>this is the level of $1 extreme humor

Actually, Shia mistook the guy for another guy who was trolling earlier on, the guy literally dindu nuffin

they should really put one of those electrified trump signs there

>It was up to spics yet again to combat degeneracy
Why are white people so useless?

Jesus Christ no wonder his show got canceled.

t. Anti white faggot

When did you realize that the ones fighting degeneracy in New york was a saudi arabian and two korean guys who came from Sup Forums?

Trolling is the lowest form of banter. Nobody cares if you'r being an "epic rusemaster", it's obnoxious any way you slice.

>its anti white to think hitler did something wrong

When I realized America was 56% nonwhite


I don't even think that's a word

Koreans and Saudis are both very conservative, far more so than American conservatives.

>Sup Forums is actually part of the minority in US
What now libcucks?

Internalized racism


lol he still lost like every single scv this is over


>drump is a YUGE friend of the jews
is that why they're so afraid of him?