Friday Wrap-Up: Top 50 Facts About Hillary Clinton From Trump 'Stakes Of The Election' Address >Fact 1: Clinton Trade Deals “Are Disastrous” >Fact 2: Clinton Lied About Her Landing In Bosnia >Fact 3: Clinton Performed Favors for Donors As Secretary Of State (The list of Clinton doing favors for donors is nearly 6 pages!) >Fact 4: The Clintons Made Millions From Speeches To Special Interests >Fact 5: Clinton Supported Her Husband’s “Disastrous” NAFTA Policy >Fact 6: Clinton Supported China’s Entrance Into The WTO >Fact 7: Since Hillary - Backed Trade Agreements Adoped Nearly 1/3 Of Americas Manufacturing Jobs Have Disappeared >Fact 8: The Trade D eficit With China Soared Under Clinton As Secretary Of State >Fact 9: China Stole Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars In Intellectual Property During Clinton Tenure At State >Fact 10: Clinton Gave China Millions Of Jobs And Grew Rich In Return >Fact 12: The Clintons Profited From Speeches To Chinese Interests While She Was Negotiating With China >Fact 13: Clinton Supported TPP Which Will Destroy Jobs >Fact 14: Clinton Deleted The TPP Record From Her Book And 30,000 Emails >Fact 15: Clinton Will Adopt TPP >Fact 16: Clinton Will Betray Workers On Trade >Fact 17: Clinton’s Foreign Policy Has Cost Americans Thousands Of Lives, Trillions Of Dollars, and Unleashed ISIS Across The World >Fact 18: Among Clinton’s Victims Was Ambassador Chris Stevens >Fact 19: Clinton Was At Home Sleeping While Attacks In Benghazi Continued >Fact 20: Ambassador Stevens And His Staff In Libya Made Hundreds Of Requests For Increased Security And Were Denied
>Fact 21: Clinton Lied About A Video Causing The Deaths Of Americans In Benghazi >Fact 22: In Four Years Clinton Managed To Single Handedly Destabilize The Middle East And Hand Over Libya To ISIS >Fact 23: Iran Is Now The Dominant Islamic Power In The Middle East And Is On The Road To A Nuclear Weapon, Thanks To Clinton >Fact 24: Hillary Has Supported Regime Change In Syria, Leading To One Of The Bloodiest Civil Wars And Giving ISIS A Launching Pad To The West >Fact 25: Clinton Helped Force Out A Friendly Regime In Egypt >Fact 26: Clinton’ s Announced - Timetable for Withdrawal from Iraq Allowed ISIS to Rush In and Fill The Void >Fact 27: Clinton Learned Nothing From Iraq >Fact 28: Clinton Refuses To Acknowledge The Threat Posed By Radical Islam >Fact 29: Clinton Supports A 550% Increase In Syrian Refugees >Fact 30: Hundreds Of Immigrants And Their Children Have Been Recently Charged With Terrorism >Fact 31: Clinton Policy Is Motivated By 1,000 Foreign Donations That Weren’t Disclosed With The State Department >Fact 32: Bill Clinton Was Paid $750,000 From A Telecom Company Facing State Department Sanctions While Hillary Was Secretary of State, And Was Subsequently Spared >Fact 33: Clinton’s State Department Approved The Transfer of 20% Of America’s Uranium Holdings To Russia, While Investors Funneled $145 Million To The Clinton Foundation >Fact 34: Hillary Clinton Appointed A Top Donor To A Sensitive Natio nal Security Board, Despite His Having No Credentials >Fact 35: Clinton Accepted Gifts From The Government Of Brunei As Secretary Of State As Brunei Pushed Sharia Law
>Fact 36: Hillary Took $25 Million From Saudi Araba, Where Being LGBT Is Punishable By Death >Fact 37: Hillary Took Millions From Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, And Other Countries That Abuse Women And The LGBT Community >Fact 38: Clinton Illegally Used A Private Email Server While At The State Department >Fact 39: Clinton’s Emails Were Easily Hacked By Foreign Governments >Fact 40: Clinton Deleted 33,000 Emails >Fact 41: Clinton ’s Private Emails Could Be Used a s A Blackm ail File for Foreign Governments >Fact 42: Clinton Will Pursue An Open Borders Policy >Fact 43: Minorities Will Be Hurt Most From Clinton’s Policies >Fact 44: Sergeant Mendoza Brendam Died Because Of The Immigration Policies Supported By Hillary Clinton >Fact 45: For The Amount Of Money Hillary Clinton Wants To Spend On Refugees, We Could Rebuild Every Inner-City In America >Fact 46: Clinton’s Immigration Agenda Will Keep Them Poor, Unemployed Americans Out Of Work, And Hurt Minorities >Fact 47: Clinton Will Appoint Judges Who Will Abolish The 2nd Amendment >Fact 48: ObamaCare Is A Job - Killing Disaster >Fact 49: Real Wages Haven’t Increased For America Workers >Fact 50: Clinton’s Regime of Taxation, Regulation, And Open Borders, Will Destroy Jobs And Drive Down Wages
Lucas Russell
>this mass shilling post-Brexit
Jace Sullivan
Dominic Wright
It's great, isn't it? I've never seen them freak out on this level
Carter Wright
What about overwhelming them with responses to drain HRC's shill fund?
Noah Walker
He said he wants it to be Federally legal so the State's can each make their own decision. Trump is big on state's rights and really doesn't like how far Obama overreaches with the Federal government.
You really shouldn't vote just based on a candidate's weed policy, considering the whole fucking country is falling apart, and our national security is a joke. All in all though, Trump is the candidate for individual liberties, Hillary is the candidate for an overbearing Federal government that wants to insert itself into every aspect of people's lives.
William Lewis
Why no trending?
Alexander Watson
lol the shill level is over 9000. Someone is in full blown panic mode!
Charles Anderson Did we ever figure out if this is legit or not? Any statfags out there who know their shit? I've read it and it seems way too good to be true.
Nicholas Jackson
Before I get back to work on Project Clinton:
>Alright, give me a high energy action anime that is also funny. 3 recommendations off the top of my head: >Tokyo Ghoul >One Punch Man >Parasyte
I highly recommend that you read Tokyo Ghoul as the anime makes some changes to the source material but it's still pretty good. Animation is high quality so it's acceptable.
Owen Roberts
>78811045 Shill, please leave.
Luis Sullivan
have a (you)
Juan Ross
Fuck it, friendly reminder that barney sandals is a gun grabbing commie faggot, in case any leafs want to try and make that argument again.
>I believe that we need to make sure that certain types of guns, used to kill people - exclusively, not for hunting - they should not be sold in the United States of America.
Hunter Sanchez
Trump is one of the only candidates let alone politicians in general who actually respects the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. It's sad.
Brody Kelly
Austin Taylor
They censored and removed it. Why else?
You should already know social media is in Hillary's pocket. Anything even remotely pro-Trump is barred from trending for long.
Mason Fisher
Because twitter.
Adam Hall
Sunday Funday break out the guacamole
Tyler Jenkins
Literally Twittler
Colton Wood
mine's still trending. 88.3k tweets
Christopher Miller
>The resulting forecast gives Obama 51.8 percent of the two-party vote in 2012. It is not a landslide as some first-term presidents have scored: Johnson in 1964, Nixon in 1972, and Reagan in 1984. It is more a narrow victory of the kind Bush achieved in 2004. In view of the error that attends any model estimates, what are the chances that Obama will win in 2012, given the forecast of 51.8? The answer is two in three. Yes, history is on Obama’s side, but with less conviction than in the case of some other first-term presidents.
>Obama's vote share was 51.1
Ethan Allen
That's what I see people don't understand, they claim Trump is a fascist but he will be the embodiment of the american "live and let live" point of view, a person can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. That's libertarianism.
Hillary's enforcing of "progressive" social policies, setting diversity quotas for women and different races is indeed a form of authoritarianism, because it's defined as the government that holds control over the social aspects of the people.
Trump is the libertarian. Hillary is the authoritatian.
Hunter Collins
>Trump has 78 staff in his campaign >Hillary has 798 staff in her campaign
YFW Trump knows the names of everyone working for him and Hillary can't recall who gave her coffee this morning
James Gray
Xavier Moore
I will never be forgotten Dahnald.
Anthony Kelly
B-but, it says my trending tweets are based on the people i follow and i only have twitter to follow the Trumps and a few rightwingers like hannity/Ann. Why they lie like this.
David Rivera
>guns kill people >No wait only certain types of guns kill people >You can't kill a person with a gun you would use to kill a deer or a bear this is some serious shiggy diggy
Jordan Reyes
Black Lagoon. It's like a 80's action movie with lots of Western influence so it's accessible to people new to anime. Don't listen to , Tokyo Ghoul sucks and the animation isn't good.
Brody Sullivan
>Hillary has 798 staff in her campaign Yeah but she already has mental issues and brain problems, it's not necesarily because of the fact that she employs 10 times more people.
Also unpaid interns. THEY LITERALLY DO IT FOR F R E E R E E
Michael Gonzalez
Jesus Christ, go home Ted. You're a mess.
Adam Morris
The dive-grass championships is on right now. All the euro's and muzzies are tweeting about that right now.
Cooper Williams
(((Media))) going into shilling overdrive mode on that national poll; wonder if they'll report the tight races in battleground states?
Nathaniel Cook
>Allez les Bleus
More like Allez les Nègres
Jace Reyes
Because Twitter is one of the sites that so far this from a political as you can get. At least for European Union countries they are trying to start blocking out some words from what I understand.
Adam Garcia
For any of you maggots who want to help pick out the most powerful issues. I am making an infographic on the best redpills on Hillary for the normies. Trump provided us with a 49 point list. Pick the strongest ones and start memeing pictures on them. That's your assignment.
If you want to contribute get to work.
Jason Nguyen
Of course not. At least the liberal media won't. There's a tug of war on Fox so it's a mixed bag, though I expect after the convention they will unite behind Trump completely. Some of them are still entertaining delusions of a convention rescue by one of their establishment rats.
Carson Miller
Would racemix
Ethan Smith
Anyone have cinco de mayo picture and second part saying next year its gone?
Gabriel Morris
Open up the twitter trends in a private or "icognito" window. Twitter started making the regular trends into personalized trends a while ago, so you literally CANNOT see what is actually trending in the top ten while logged into your account.
TL:DR they made it so that every twitter user is confined to their own hugbox of trends.
Brody Wood
I'm not surprised any more; I'm not even angry. I just want to win now. With the Brexit succeeding, there's a real chance we could demonstrably change the course of history and save ourselves from the path we're on.
Carson Richardson
Fucking rekt.
Chase Walker
Charles Richardson
I wish I could contribute, but I am pretty shit at, you know, making things, well, things considered that aren't text based or mathematical in nature. TL;DR I'm horrible at art.
Benjamin Rivera
So, after Trump said that thing should we all become BernMissiles?
Jack Lewis
>78812310 And which thing would that be?
Oliver Garcia
>tfw anything less than a global crusade is unacceptable >anything less than ethnic cleansing of the United States is unacceptable >anything less than a 75 foot+ wall across the entire southern border border complete with sniper towers is unacceptable
Why does no one in government speak for me?!?!?
Eli Nguyen
Under any other circumstances, with any other candidate, we wouldn't have a fucking chance.
But right now, at this particular point in history, with Trump leading the charge, we have a chance. It's a long shot, but we have a chance.
Fight for every inch and give nothing back. There will never be a more crucial political struggle in our country this century.
Juan Allen
>not knowing Polls have essentially just become tools of the media to control narrative or to drive a story
Media polls are typically always shite.
Adam Jackson
Nigga, why arent you shitposting and shilling for Bernie on twitter? If Philly burns, liberty might rise from the ashes.
David Ramirez
Now that Feeshit Sanders is detritus, I wanted to share the only decent Bernie meme I ever bothered to save.
Isaiah Nguyen
The point i was making is they aren't personalized in the slightest. I don't use twitter I just made one to follow Don's tweets and a few others, non of which have anything to do with that trend list.
Gavin Thompson
What the fuck is up with that ABC/Washington Post poll. They aren't even trying to hide their blatant fucking bias.
Is this all them damage controlling the speech that Trump made on Hillary?
Benjamin Carter
Kayden Thompson
reposting some OC
Ryder Taylor
who's doing the Trump curse updates?
i got a good one for ya
Parker Morris
yeah, el wapo is in the bag for hillary
Kayden Edwards
Wyatt Russell
Same here actually. But I have paint. see As an example of what you can do with paint with copypaste and a PrtScr button.
Pic unrelated but worth a read if you haven't seen it by now.
Anthony Martin
WaPo has been in a state of open war against Trump for months. Nothing they write should be taken seriously. Especially their """polls""".
Juan Reyes
Oh I know now, I just don't care anymore. I see through the Sophist lies and peer into the real truth: Hillary is evil, corrupt, and a danger to our freedoms.
Kevin Perez
>That's what I see people don't understand, they claim Trump is a fascist but he will be the embodiment of the american "live and let live" point of view, a person can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. That's libertarianism.
Yeah its classic non-aggression principle. He has been consistent on all social issues about this, the person can do what they're want so long as they aren't hurting other people. That's why he changed his mind on abortion, especially if the government has to pay for it. Hillary wants Planned Parenthood to be able to abort in the 3rd trimester....and our taxes have to pay for it. Religious reasons aside, that just doesn't sit well with me morally. I am effectively an accessory to the mass murder of infants if Hillary becomes President. At what point does NAP apply to a fetus?
Robert Martinez
Zachary Ward
Jeremiah Jenkins
I used to be a Trump supporter, but then he said Ted Cruz was a pussy, and I am now #RidingTheJohnson.
Adam Gonzalez
That's a tabloid, user. That's literally the same magazine that said that saddam had killer dinosaurs in his army.
John Clark
*presses start*
Joseph Kelly
John Roberts
And they say the Jews fear the samurai. I made my earlier post ITT before this shit expired. By the way, not trying to shill for 4chins, but being able to shitpost at the speed of light is fucking awesome. Anyway:
Goddamn it should be a legal requirement in general election polls to not be affiliated with a media group like Ipsos does. Also the polling organization should be required to be bi-partisan (like FNP or PPP), or perhaps just accredit the pollsters which observe the above rules. It seems so absurd to me that the media who has demonstrated bias and outright corruption when it comes to Trump have any involvement in the statistics.
Ryder Morales
Of course, that's the infamous slippery slope.
Jack Turner
> implying saddam didn't have killer dinosaurs in his army.
Bentley Anderson
NAP is very classic; it's so old that even Plato talked about it in the Republic. It's a foundation of the most just government and the most just people.
Jason Brooks
No, I don't!
Christian Foster
>MAKE AMERICA DANCE AGAIN EDITION Pic related, he cut the best electronic album of the 1980s tbqh
John Morales
still true tho, she is dying, and the picture is perfect
>implying killer raptor corpses werent found in iraq after operation desert storm
Xavier Flores
Well, my word, it is actually trending, break out the memes senpai, time to get to work.
Anthony Gonzalez
They polled less than 850 people with a 12% Democrat bias. There is also no telling what demographics and geographical regions they polled.
The NBC poll makes more sense. I'm ok with a +5 lead for Clinton nationally just because of how the silent majority works and general polling demographics (dems are polled more), but there is in no fucking way that Hillary is over 50% in this country. WaPo's poll is absolute shit and it's pure damage control mode after that speech and Brexit.
Luis Martinez
>I prefer NBC/WSJ poll
What did he mean by this?
Liam Hall
>he didn't know about the hidden killer dinosaurs Those were the weapons of mass destruction Bush was talking about. Dinosaurs can walk pretty fast so they got out of there before our army could get in.
Angel Garcia
It's not a slippery slope if her position is that women can abort babies in their 3rd trimester. That's her actual position and he's in direct opposition that very position on the basis of that doing injustice to the just is wrong.
Joshua Cox
Notice how the NBC/WSJ poll was actually conducted by a Democrat and a Republican pollster and it's Clinton +5.
Now notice how this shitfest ABC/WaPo poll is +12.
Charles Lewis
NBC/WSJ poll was conducted by a Democrat and a Republican pollster.
Hunter Hughes
Christopher Torres
Did they release their polling methodology? Some of the other polls like NBC did for state-by-state polls.