What's so great about whites anyway?

What's so great about whites anyway?


The printing press was pretty good

They invented the language you're speaking and the computer you're using.
and the chair you're sat on in the house you're black ass is 'cotching' in.

99.9% of modern civilisation was created by white people. Hence why every culture on the planet tries to emulate the English (example being suits and ties).

Except China did it first and better

Tbh English is a subpar language that is only good for quick, summative and concise statements. For this reason, it is the de facto language in computing manuals and programming languages.

It falls flat in any sort of complex expression, however, which sounds better in any of the other Romantic languages.

>Except China did it first and better
China never developed the printing press you fucking faggot

No it wasn't better plus their language was not exactly conducive to moveable type. Try harder chink

Nothing. So don't try and go into white countries. If you're brown you definitely should pack up and leave all the evil white countries right away.

memes basically

Please, get this message to all the immigrants breaking down our doors.

>looks at flag


The modern printing press is a highly mechanized process of the ancient art of Paper making and ink calligraphy.

>he uses a computer to print his letters


Mainz, W. GERMANY.

Beautiful city I have lived in.

They are just better. That is all.

>which sounds better in any of the other Romantic languages.
You sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.

We get it, you're a contrarian.

Bet one of you leafs invented incest.

Made this thread 3 days ago and got bannned. Enjoy your ban from the cuck sjw mods here.

Manual handwriting is not a "printing press" you desperate retard.

They can be pretty in a way no one else can.

You know... pink skin, blond, red hair and all that stuff.

And that's all of it.


Young whites fuck you up

I actually read, write, and speak 6 langauges including Japanese, English, French, Spanish, Cantonese and Esperanto.

Compare these two sentences if you're bilingual in French:

>For a long time I used to go to bed early. Sometimes, when I had put out my candle, my eyes would close so quickly that I had not even time to say "I'm going to sleep."

>Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure. Parfois, à peine ma bougie éteinte, mes yeux se fermaient si vite que je n’avais pas le temps de me dire: " Je m’endors. "

French flows and reads better.


Pick all if white. Pick two if yellow. Pick one if brown. Pick none if black.

You are a fucking retard--look at the tribal monkey stealing achievements he did not earn himself. Identity politics is like clothes you fucking moron

Imagine an ant colony, how cozy it must be inside of those giant hives for a single worker ant.

now imagine the whole world being that ant colony. Now imagine that one ant species, basically designed all the little tools, all the idea's and methods for all the other races of ants colonies to use. While 50% of all the ant colonies on the planet (all the buildings, cars, planes, ships, steel industry, satellites, dams, coal power plants, roads, streetlights, sewage systems etc.) Being easily made by whites.

You are basically a foreign ant of a different race, living in a white ant colony, in their creations, from your food, to your clothes on your back, to the transport, and media. 99% of the things, including your halal meat is in some way or shape made by the whites. The only thing that is your is a sand bible (which is still printed on mass by whites most likely)

No wonder why your dying out - your arrogance is abhorrent. And besides the Dutch are not even white.

The modern world is a white civilization that has been coopted, usually in a shitty way, by other races. The white race was so kind to give its inventions to other nations. If it didnt do that, there wouldnt be tall skyscrapers in hong kong right now.

The best part is that the other races know this, their children instinctively know that their own country is shit, and that everyone is playing futile catch up with the whites.