What are some movies where the underdog triumphs at the end?

What are some movies where the underdog triumphs at the end?

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why are alt-right SJWs so triggered by mexicans they need a $100 billion symbolic security blanket just to feel safe?

is the rightwing all just cucks who project their own failures onto others?

Why does the left have to borrow the language of the alt-right in order to sound 'cool' these days?

escape from la

why does the alt-right unironically keep begging for their own safe spaces?

are the alt-right all just insecure fedora wearing manchildren?

>ywn get an intelligent answer to the question

whats the point of a wall with holes lol

Why do people who cry about the "alt-right", "SJW" and Sup Forums derail more threads than any of them now? This is a film rec thread, Sup Forums. Go to Sup Forums if you want to discuss this shit

Nah, it's just that everyone loves technology so much that nobody is willing to admit it's destroying their jobs far more than immigration or free trade is, so we've decided to start walling everything off in a feeble hope that companies will start giving well-done manufacturing jobs again.

It's a bad plan, but again, nobody wants to acknowledge technology as a factor so that's what we're left with.

I guess people dont want crime and shit, is that being insecure

There's already a wall of sorts, but the law isn't enforced. The wall is being improved, along with the law actually being enforced.

The cost is insignificant relative to total government spending, particularly compared to subsidizing illegals in various ways. Including imprisoning illegals.

You lost, move on.

Probably because they actually get harassed by loony leftists, since we're talking about college.

This guy actually looks like he should be on the other side of the wall.

How could anyone possibly get over a wall?

Will this increase the crime rate of people who live IN sanctuary cities around them?

>People give a shit who other vote for
Its not like one vote makes a difference, you shouldn't lose friendships over politics, thats pathetic.

>why do people want to protect the borders of their country fron foreign invaders
really makes you think

Then we should ban blacks, not illegal immigrants.

'Safe space' from people who come to the US illegally, works for free, join gangs, steal shit, kill people


'Safe space' from being called mean things on the internet or being referred to by the "wrong" pronoun

>You lost, move on.
Congress holds the purse strings. They have to find Trump's plan in the next budget before youre home free.

This is an off topic Sup Forums thread as it is. There is nothing to derail.

>wanting your own nation and not wanting to get genocided is a "safe space"
liberalism is a mental disorder.



Join the Luddite Party of America today! This weekend we plan on smashing all the life support machines in our local hospital because the noise it makes SCAY-YURRS US!

Its not just going to be a wall. There are senors, infrared/night vision cameras, drones and other goodies that will come with the wall. Including tunneling detection tech.

2/3 of of those 'white' continents were originally 'brown', though.

>blacks willingly moving to Alaska or northern canada

Oh, good. All of that tech shit should really put a stop to how most immigrants come into the country and overstay their visas: AIRPLANES

It's just rednecks being afraid of poor spics.

People living in shitholes voted for a redneck billionaire to save them from their shitty redneck lives

A wall is an expensive non-solution to a problem that doesn't exist since there are less illegals crossing the border on foot in 40 years

Those brown people took the lands from other brown people. Yet I never see you whine about them giving back each other's lands. It's always whites being guilty and only whites.




>Those brown people took the lands from other brown people

That's a funny way of spelling "Crossed the Bering Straight and discovered two completely uninhabited continents"

They'll give the building contracts to their friends and funnel those sweet gorillions into some good christian pocket.

Mexicans will still come in swarms in buses and airplanes like they do today of course

Maybe it's because a brown nationalist and his supporters are not and never have been in the White House, currently legislating?


But people aren't being replaced with technology in the jobs we're talking about. They're being replaced with cheap foreign labor.

Nice misdirection-tactic though. I bet you'll think you're hilarious up until you get replaced by a Pajeet on an H1B that you have to train to take over your job if you want your severance-package.

>Oh, good. All of that tech shit should really put a stop to how most immigrants come into the country and overstay their visas: AIRPLANES

>If we can't solve one aspect of a problem, we shouldn't bother solving the other major aspects.

>lose the election
>get salty and blame """""rednecks""""""

Thanks for your worthless opinion, Martha.

Not at all. You just have to realize that the jobs created by technology are going to require a more educated workforce. We're never going to return to high-paying, low-skill labor.

Is Mexico such a shithole that the very idea of beaners not being able to walk into America at wil triggers them?

The world is literally built on diversity
I will never understand this desperate need of "race"

So what you're telling me is you're afraid of competing?

On one hand you people complain about those who want special privileges, participation trophies, handouts, and equal treatment on the basis of characteristics, but when it's your life on the line you want the entire system restructured solely to bend over and benefit you.

Because who wants a fucking open border to improve trade when you can have a future military slowing things down by searching all the brown people?


They openly ADMIT they want to/have hopped the border illegally and continue to do so, but anyone who brings it up is a """""racist""""".

Wow, it's gone down from 12.2 to... 11.1.

What a massive decline. Guess we can just pack it up and go home.

No more borders necessary. The problem has solved itself.

Browns took land from other browns -- and there's even questioning over who was here first.

But, I suppose browns founded everything since they were there "originally".

How can whitebois even compete?

>not understanding how corporations exploit cheap foreign labor to everyone's detriment but their own

It's funny how Commie OWS Leftist socialist suddenly turn into hard-right libertarian anarcho-capitalists when and ONLY when foreign-labor is brought up.

If your boy likes fucking an immigrant, employing immigrants at his hotels and casinos, and is himself proud of his Scottish immigrant mother, then maybe this isn't so much of a problem as it is a NON-ISSUE that your manipulative leather-faced hate monger is SCAPEGOATING

What, we LITERALLY just got done with 8 years of Obama.

Because in most of those industries, automation is more expensive than cheap foreign labor but cheaper than domestic labor. A quarter a day versus the 20 an hour or so we used to pay blue collar workers is a big gulf. Pretending nothing lies between it is nonesense. Don't get me wrong, some jobs would return, but not enough to justify the overall increase in consumer goods and the decrease in economic growth.

Yes, Mexico has no incentive to fix their shit because they make billions off of illegal immigrants in America.

Won't the amount of money it takes to spend on border preventative measures, which already exist, as well as finding and deporting illegals cost more than just helping them obtain citizenship?
And aren't they already contributing to American society and the economy?
Like sure, get rid of the people who commit serious crimes but what's so wrong with just wanting to live and learn in a place that nurtures those ideas.

You cant just open a border on a way worse off nation like that, brown or not

congress has to approve the wall
the federal government can't take away already allotted funding or force the states to do anything

I'll be alright for four years. I don't live in a dying rural shit-hole where we vote politicians into office to cut off our limbs because someday we'll see all those profits too!

There are more of us than there are rednecks, you're just better spread out. But Trump won't be in power forever and his actions are opening the door for future extreme action.

Leftists like me have demands and we're to hit back hard after you dickheads put us through Trump and a GOP retard-enabling, science doubting, woman and nigger hating Congress.

>So what you're telling me is you're afraid of competing?

American workers aren't being outperformed, retard, they're being underbid.

Cheap foreign labor rarely if ever comes close to being as good as the labor it replaces. It's replaced because it does the job 60% as well for 50% of the paycheck.

If you want standard AND wages to go down in the name of "diversity", by all means.

It's hilarious how liberals suddenly can't choke on enough of the corporate cock they claim to hate as soon as it benefits brown people.

Why are we building a wall if the majority of immigrants are coming on planes? Why are you Trumpcucks so fine with him spending so much tax payer money on something that clearly won't produce worthwhile results?


Please calm down before posting again.
Maybe change your tampon. It'll make you feel that buzzwords are less necessary.

>we are reeeeeeegion, expect us

>build a wall
>mexicans turn into titans
what now, trump

Wrong again, libcuck

Why are liberals so hateful?

Mexico has nothing to trade except cocaine

American manufactured goods are some of the worst shit on the planet.

>the federal government can't take away already allotted funding or force the states to do anything

But they can force them to allow fag marriage or shut down a bakery for not making gay cakes?

Why do neckbeards claim white genocide just because they are undesirable and can't get laid?

>We'll win you'll see! We're just going to double down on all the shit that made us lose! It's a surefire strategy!

Kek fucking libtards

>diversity is good
>but race doesn't exist

Is that your only takeaway from the research due to the fact that it's the only byline you've seen on your propaganda media streams and/or its comments section?

The radical idea if you actually disengage from your ideology and read through actual information on the subject is that a wall is not the final solution. Those numbers are stabilized especially when you only account for Mexican illegals thanks to a whole host of strategies and legislation, which is what making actual change requires -- The Wall is just a visual metaphor for Trump's base he needs to masturbate to further his agendas, it's something they can understand, because they lack the ability to really understand the issue. Slow progress and nuanced policy intimidates them and fills them with petulance, so they need something tangible yet grand.

How is a leftist inner-city poof shouting "GRRRRRRRRRRR REDNECKS" any less racist or ignorant than a white shouting "GRRRRRRRRRRRRR FUCKING NIGGERS"?

How bad at math are you?

Please join a traveling freak show. That way, at least you can get paid for being a useful idiot

>hitting back

I know that in leftist terminology hitting back means crying, weeping, and whining; but the left has been doing that for years and they keep on losing.

Works for me though, your policies are cancer and maybe if you want leftists policies, I'm sure Venezuela would be willing to take you in.

Dumb piece of shit

Holy shit, SJW's on Sup Forums aren't even HIDING that theyre from Tumblr any more.

We don't. Obama deported more criminal illegals than the previous four Presidents before him combined. At the same time he pushed for amnesty to people who have behaved themselves and held down a job so that they can become citizen taxpayers.

That's a far more sensible strategy than arming our border (which is expensive) over an enormous public works project wall. It's such an impractical idea and very costly in the long-term for a very small return.

Under Obama we were already doing the most effective job with the border, at least in keeping people out or sending back troublemakers, than in the last 40 years. And it was cheaper than Trump's ideas will be.

You want to renegotiate NAFTA? Fine, I can get on board with that, NAFTA fucks over everyone but the ultra-wealthy. The Wall is going to fuck over regular taxpayers with its costs.

I didnt say anything about the wall that guy said why not open the border and just make trading easier, i just said you cant do that when on nation is way worse off than the other

>The world is literally built on diversity

It literally isn't.

The vast majority of human populations were horrendously homogenous even up until the fucking 20th century.

fuck this orange bigot, i hope his autistic son snaps and fucking kills him while he's sleeping

>no argument, just more salt

Yep, that's what I expected. Keep mouth-shitting you angry shit-flinger.

Eight years full of tears.

>spend one hundred billions in a wall
>literally useless unless you spend tens of billions every year just having an entire army surveilling it
>spics still can just get a tourist visa, hop on a bus and get in the US just as easy

Man I'm going to enjoy the next 4 years of this guy doing dumb ass shit

ITT: The Tolerant Left

I went to Mexico to live there as a weird, elaborate test from my dad, and let me tell you something that you probably don't know. In Mexico, it's seen as rude, grossly inappropriate, and you may even get in trouble with the cops for having an American flag or putting an American flag in your apartment.

Meanwhile here we have people proudly stating that they want Aztlan or another Mexico, or that they are literally invading our country, I swear to God the majority of spics are fucking scum.


>It's hilarious how liberals suddenly can't choke on enough of the corporate cock they claim to hate as soon as it benefits brown people.
Why do you talk of liberals as if they're one person with the same opinion? Do you realize every single person who supports an issue is not the same party? Do you not see the fact you act the exact same as these stereotypical liberals you despise, just with the letter next to your party registration swapped?

wow, I only come to Sup Forums but nothing good has come from here in years. why did Sup Forums explode on Sup Forums the last year? that side is more whiney than the liberal campus retards

>Democrats rapidly replacing native white populations with hispanic democrat-voters is "effective strategy"

Gee, I'm sure it has nothing to do with that though.

Right, because genetic inbreeding has always proven better than genetic diversity. In any observed species, really.

>Liberals pretending to be fiscal conservatives once Trump supporters want something they don't
holy shit this is good.