Red or Blue?

Red or Blue?

Attached: d03d5752db78006c15e3810f79064372--red-and-blue-the-beatles[1].jpg (730x356, 163K)

>Boring songs about hand holding or the era they made good music
Wowie what a hard one.

2deep4u try hard babies will say blue

Red has a great selection

Neither. Stop listening to best of's unless you're trying to get a grip on the scope of the artist's discography, or it is a best of compiled by the artist themselves. In this case, it's a bunch of suits at Apple who did it.


t. turbo pleb

>just give me the highlights completely removing the cohesiveness and themes of the overarching work.

pick one.

fuck you aay, blood?

t. boards of canada

hitler would have listened to red

Late Beatles are too long and slow as treacle. I'd rather have
>She Loves You
>From Me to You
>A Hard Day's Night
>Eight Days A Week
>Ticket To Ride
>Day Tripper
>Paperback Writer
>In My Life
>Nowhere Man
>Norwegian Wood

Than anything on Blue

Disc 2 of red and disc 1 of blue

Alpha or Omega?


Preach nigga


Red is their punk rock album. I'd go with red.

Blue despite Rubber Soul being my personal fave.

Red, not a single bad song on that album.

With the Beatles I prefer to cut out the bullshit and head straight for the good stuff.

>Paul the only one not able to replicate original pose


this is gay cause the only way to listen to hall and oates is their greatest hits albums

My dad has a misprint of this LP where the early years are printed blue and the later years are printed red. We've contacted the label and the printing press, posted on forums, no one knows anything about it or has any idea how much it is worth.


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Russian counterfeit

Wait really? Do you actually have info on this.

Each song is a complete work in itself you mong. None of the Beatles' albums have a strong overarching theme, not even Pepper.

Nah just being a dick.

Guess you forgot about Abbey Road huh

Abbey Road sucks dicks

