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exid errorpop


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the sehunties deserved a thread

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cute giraffe

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365 I'll be there (to stab you in the back)

>when you have to talk to your fans

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this one was early so you're technically right

>not seola thread

did it for her

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want nancy

imagine buying 50 albums to have a fanmeeting with 8 cute girls and having to sit in front of this one

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i'm gonna be honest, i only care about twice these days

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then why are you in a kpop general instead of a twice subreddit?

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stop it
cub is beautiful

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how pretty

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to post twice

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I'm gonna be honest, no one cares about you

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good gawd they will send our girls to north korea? are they crazy??

good taste

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i like how it looks so far

gib daisys

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want olivia

other groups just cant compare to Twice

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I can't wait for their comeback

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like all twiceshitters, he came the wrong way

looks like the same exact concept as girls except with boring clothes

new exo subunit debuting this year, screencap this

i'm a chenchad now

who's this upgraded yves


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can the gaybros come back, i feel lonely here

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not hey mama? it looks retro and suit-themed

the prettiest

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im awake i hope there was no fighting while i was gone


looks like beaker from the muppets

why do you say that?

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it's just pcy being desperate

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need more unicornjihyo in my life

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exid comeback soon

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it'll be the best mediaplay in a long while. you should be excited for them.

i'm happy to report that there was none (don't look, just trust me)

you too

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pcy, sehun, and kai subunit when?

the lights are what's giving me girls vibes

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now this group should go to NK

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I didnt mean to post this but dreamcatcher is cool too

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whos your favorite dreamcatcher

bae joohyun

into the garbage

boulderhead can be bunsen

cute bird

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SOLJI ;_________;

best visuals in kpop-FACT


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bae lisa

why is the tomboy in a skirt thing so hot

wait this isn't dreamcatcher I meant to post this

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i''m xiumin, ask me questions

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i didnt know jihyo was in dreamcatcher

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stop doing drugs

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when is the comeback

that's not a question

love this noona

shes in my dreams if that counts for anything

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those highlights were short lived greatness

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vile twiceshitter

An user asked about collections and this is what I got, all my postcards and photocards are in that Sehun collect book

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how come she always has this look on her face? what emotion even is this?

stop doing drugs?


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tomorrow friend

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me too

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Some girls don't look good when they smile

they saved the best for last

do we forgive daniel

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where did you get that card album thing?

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good fansite

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I'm here to word

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Hyunjin was 2nd

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they all cried at a staff meeting and are taking time to reflect