Germanics are fucking niggers

What is this? Forest niggers toppling a sculpture of one of the greatest Western civilizations ever known to man, Rome?

Germanics sure are barbarians. Disgusting, tribal barbarians like yourselves. LOL, Sup Forums eternally BTFO.

No joke. They were backwards for centuries and centuries. And when they encountered an organized opposition (The Byzantines,) they got BTFO.

They stopped being a worthless backwater about the time of Charlemagne, which was his significance.

The current Germans have nothing to do with those barbarians.

Fuck those Krauts, fuck them. I truly hope they go extinct in my lifetime.

You shut your nigger mouth when us whites are speaking.

Or what?

It's disgusting, I know.

That is the fate of all decadent civilizations, and the germans are trying their hardest to cause the next one
Wonder who arabs will replace themselves with? Pooindaloos?

Or you get raped.



Filipinos (and Indonesians)


Niggers will replace everyone in the world they have too much kids and the arabs will be first to suffer from their hellish birth rate, in fact the south Maghreb is already invade by them.

As-Salaam-Alaikum, nigger.

Opinion dismissed

You mean by those who try to reach Europe or are they settling there?

Daily reminder that germans are NOT germanics.



We wuz romans...


Gays, manlets and Jews: The empire.

Then what are they? Gaulish celts?

It was precisely because Rome had no racial identity and eugenic ethos that it perished.

It imbibed oriental decadence and became dependent on barbarian manpower when it should have striven to replace the nonwhite population in its dominions.

Rome did have a racial identity, but its elites surrendered power to foreigners and impoverished common Romans.

They still conqured you, Alfred.