Feminists are trying to stop Sexbot Development

Feminists don't want men to turn to sex robots because it drives down demand for their real pussies.

They want to drive the "cost" of pussy up, making it valuable again.

Simple economics.

The supply curve was damped in olden days, because women were good and chaste.

So men had to marry the pussy to get the pussy. The "price" was marriage.

Now, imagine how little valued pussy will be when millions of realistic sexbots flood the western market?

Will there be a shitstorm over this? Because once women are irrelevant, feminism is reduced to being a joke

Shithead professor in England wants men to stay enslaved to the vagina:

>Maybe it’s time to take misogynistic sexual dysfunction more seriously. Maybe people who want to buy sex robots need to present the agreement of a couple of doctors, before they are judged emotionally restricted enough to need to retreat to such an inhuman fantasy. Or maybe, out of respect for women, this technology should just be rejected.


Based RAMZPAUL video on the subject:


Other urls found in this thread:


How ironic that feminists are the ones who have devalued women into sex objects. When a somewhat warm hole is the only thing separating you from a robot (not nurturing, kindness, grace) then I can understand that person being afraid of robots replacing them.

But I can fuck a prostitute for 50 euros. Weren't women always irrelevant. The price of these sexbots will be too prohibitive for decades.

i will smash the skulls and eat their brains if i have to. these cunts won't take my catgirl waifu from me.

A beautiful sex robot who happens to be cheerily multi-functional.

Frankly if scientists can get a good realistic sex robot to be the price of a car or thereabouts, then men will suddenly ignore biological pussy.

She cooks.

She cleans the toilets.

She recharges in a closet for a couple of hours while you are at work (battery tech is getting more and more amazing).

She will wash your car in your front yard, to the envy of all neighbor men.

And, really, imagine fucking a sexbot much like pic related every night.

All she wants to do is please you and then give you a relaxing massage (and only about half of the women I have ever dated could give a decent massage, or wanted to -- though they loved to get one).

Or a good hot bath where shewashes your back and then hits all the fun spots with a glee indistinguishable from any other girlfriend you ever had. And better than most.

She can come programmed with audiobooks, too, for when you want to lay there in post-coital darkness and bliss and read a book.


Also, no period mustaches or crankiness or drama.

Unless you want drama for some reason, I guess.

I'm just worried about my dick being ripped off during a malfunction of that mechanical pussy.

>Unless you want drama for some reason, I guess.

That's the beauty of it; you can program her to be whatever you want.

People still want kids though, right?

>not getting a mechanical penis so you can slay robo-pussy

It's the Ghost in the Penis.

Too many lockouts, lol,
Your dick will be safe and well pleased, user.

Plus, a real woman with irrational behavior could do some serious dick damage with her teeth for that matter.

I can't tell if this ramzpaul guy is satire or not. Some of his videos seem okay but like I just watched his brexit video and it just screams pisstake.

Also applies to fetishes.

as a white man, even a sex robot would prolly cuck me.

honestly i'd put my trust more in a machine made out of screws and wires than in a machine made out of meat and hormones, both of them can malfunction

>She cooks.

That's better than the sex for me.

BBC is superior to white boys. As a white female i stopped dating white men because too many of them are just limpdick, video game playing, anime watching manchildren. Black men are naturally more fit, have bigger cocks, and last longer in bed. Most of you neets talk shit about how us white women have careers, well it's not like any of you neets could actually provide for a woman anyway. It's really cute to see you white boys get so angry about who women date, when the majority of you are the equivalent to fat bitter tumblristas who can't get any sex. Black dick is way better at making me cum and i will never go back to white boys. They're nothing like black MEN

GO and get your sex-bots, you're not good enough for a real woman. Seriosuly do you have nothing better to do than to cry about two girls having fun? Seriously you white boys sure are pathetic lol. Go back to making love to your 2d anime waifu pillow.

White boys are some of the most insecure people I've ever come across. You all act like you're some bastion of morality and success, when in reality most of you really are losers. I came to this website because there were some racist small dick white losers that were from this board that were talking shit to my boyfriend on facebook. All of them weren't using their real name of course but I came here so it would be clear that you limpdick white-boys understand that I am sick of you. There's a reason why your called white BOYS instead of men. The majority of you like i said are neets and the only place you can act tough is online. My boyfriend is 6'4 240 lbs and ripped. So stop talking shit, because it doesn't make up for the size of your puny white cocks.

I can date who I want, I'm happy to have a career, and my future child will be mulatto. I'll be enjoying life, while you losers are STILL here being bitter as fuck, thinking your opinion of women matters as if you interact with them.



lol benis


I hate feminists just as much as the next guy, but only a socially awkward beta faggot would want a sexbot instead of a real woman. Really no loss to women either way.

I've got a pillow waifu. Feminists can keep the rust buckets for all I care. Try banning pillows, bitches hahahahaaaaa..

>quick to call males wanting to fuck a sex robot "sexual dysfunction"
>is 100% against the idea of transgender being the result of sexual dysphoria
the hypocrisy is astounding

At least you can fix the sex bot when it malfunctions

This man gets it.
>captcha was pictures of food


Better yet turn yourself into code and be implanted into chads usb penis. The real thinking mans fetish.

i have real pussy literally coming to ME to get fucked

i dont understand this at all

resistance is futile

>Implying they won't

>if you treat sex as something to after it's the same as heroin

*to go after*

Babies in pods won't be far, so that's probably not gonna be an issue either. When women lose exclusivity in reproduction, that's when they'll truly lose all value,

>vagina dentata


Jeez. Can I borrow that salt for me chips?

It's the way of the future.
Sexbots will make women act and look like sexbots out of mere competition.
The future's looking great.

You can always tell when obese neckbeard virgins are on Sup Forums because the sexbot threads start popping up.

triggerednigger detected. also leaf.

get a maid. maybe a stay out 3 day per week would be ideal.

still no need for a sex bot.

Even if they do I can very easily make my own. Check and Mate feminazi's

this is true but then you also get people shaming male virgins for waiting for marriage, as if that is also somehow as degenerate as sexbots

>having sex bots
>not preserving your bloodline


also bait.


>sex bot washing my truck while i watch tv
>group of feminists drives by in a van and steals her
>they throw her off a cliff
>oops turns out that was my real wife

You sound very happy with your life. I can't imagine how badly you want to kill yourself.

Yup. Quite sad really, but if you think about it, it's the only way these socially awkward beta cunts will get any pussy anyway. So I kinda feel for them a little. It's not their fault their parents produced such shitty offspring.

First post devastatingly savage post.

I'm socially retarded and literally autistic and I don't even support sexbots. I'd rather consider celibacy and rejection of all lust if I'm really not fit for marriage.

someone said leaf?


What people SHOULD be doing is supporting things like traditional and arranged marriage.

That's how everyone, even the betas got wives for most of history. Then comes modernism and it was all destroyed and we reverted back to minimalistic competition for mates

It is coming, user.
Prepare. Now.

My bloodline is garbage and need not be, should not be, carried on.

Bring on the baby vats and genetic engineering.

If you're that desperate, bro, just rape a bitch. Don't wait for some cunt to come along and accept you. Plenty of worthless slags about. Just rape them desu.


This may drop the crime stats as well. Sexually frustrated men that would have considered rape can now just take their aggression and perversions out on a doll. Similar to violent video games being an outlet for young deliquents that would have gotten into trouble on their own.

Women would fall into 2 camps:
1. All men who use a sexbot is a loser

2.Oh shit, men are losing interest in women all together. Better get my shit together or find a way to lure men back to us.

Men would be much happier with sexbots but expect lots of cringe and shame during their introduction.

I agree that shaming male virgins is very backwards because it's anti-chastity. But premarital sex is equally degenerate for men.

And guess what, the truth is that men are ALSO being replaced by machines. It's been happening for over a century now and really, the male value is also being destroyed by modern society, women are just next.

>she thinks daddy will be there to protect and provide for her when abdullah and muhammed drive high-tech decadent western societies down the shitter due to her voting patterns taking power away from white men
lmao, i won't protect you when you're being gangraped and screaming for help

I would happily enter a traditional marriage with my wolfubot.


Who the fuck cares about sexbots other than autistic virgins, lmao?

I don't want pussy, I want a family, and not bastards like a nigger. Hedonists like you are why feminism even got power in the first place.


Hey, I'm an autistic virgin and see no appeal in sexbots.


sexbots won't be like traditional robots made of cold metal and speaking like microsoft sam.

they will be sex toys but for the entire body and not just a fleshlight or something. when the AI gets better, robot girlfriends will become a thing and everyone will look at it as plausible at least.

I actually agree with what they are doing and im alt right.

You need jesus friend


This. Why the fuck would I get a sexbot that looks 100% like a woman that I could already get anyway? It's fucking stupid.

>Then comes modernism and it was all destroyed and we reverted back to minimalistic competition for mates

>waaaaaah they're not forcing a woman to marry my pathetic ass

Ironically we're at the point where some radical feminists are MORE traditional than the anti-feminists and 4channers

sorry this triggers Sup Forums but it's true. If only they would go further and actually support marriage and family again though

Based bro. We are born about 2-4 generations too late.

Sorry m8

It's 50 Euros now? Haven't been to Europe in years.

Fucking a prostitute feels inauthentic. It's got to be worse when fucking a non-living thing.


She'll see you as a man once your done too and not some scared little beta. Women are wired to love and serve abusive men. I know this for a fact.

What song is this?

>Sex bots become a reality. They become hyper realistic and better at sex than real women
>Women lose the only societal value they have in modern times

>sexbots degrade women
>dildos and vibrators don't degrade men

>Work bots become a reality. They become hyper realistic and better at labor than real men
>Men lose all their value

you're missing the endgame, which is to phase out and most likely kill all of us. But hey you'll at least be killed with pleasure



as per usual, unnattractive and undateable feminists are trying to ruin anything good that they can get their grubby hands on.
This is literally why we can't have nice things.

It actually wasn't feminists alone that did this. First it was Jews and corporations, and yes, many of these groups were MEN

i want a maidbot.



What's nice about experiencing the same shitty depression you get after fapping every night with a fake person

yeah sure I guess, because we're the breadwinners who should be providing to OLD HAGS.

>be a breadwinner
>look for a wife
>options are only limited to OLD HAGS
>the prospect of feeding a leech OLD HAG doesn't bring you any sort of happiness
>can't get into post pubescent lolis because muh pedo taboo shit

Thanks age of consent!

>man can only provide manual labor

Goldfish - This Is How It Goes

Did you even see my last post?

I don't believe men should be forced to serve used up women. and I even agree that young marriage is better. But I also don't believe sex is a human right. There's such a thing as abstinence.


Personally I can't wait for the Fembot revolution. How can women even compete? It'll also be amazing to basically have a robot slave - she'll clean around the house, run errands for you, everything.

>out of respect for women, this technology should just be rejected.
This is pretty much the same argument as 'it's the current year'


Thanks. It's a nice song.

No, but even their intellectual contributions are being replaced with computers and outsourcing, and being wanked away by a masturbatory society like the one we have now.

>What's nice about experiencing the same shitty depression you get after fapping every night with a fake person
That's what all of us are saying.
We need sexrobots so that we can avoid fake people.

If you think men wont be replaced in the work force by robots before women can be properly replaced as sexual objects then you are extremely unintelligent and should never ever ever browse the internet again. ever.

>She can come programmed with audiobooks, too, for when you want to lay there in post-coital darkness and bliss and read a book.


>You need jesus friend

I'm not your friend, guy

what the fuck are you on about? You do realize that computers are literally made and programmed by professionals, right? they aren't "replacing" men on anything besides doing maths quickly

This, I don't need sex, but I'd love to have someone cook for me.