Well *voice demonstrably gets raspier* That's just because the whole notion and concept is just

Well *voice demonstrably gets raspier* That's just because the whole notion and concept is just
*audible viscous mucus swallow*

well no because
*brings mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get the that article up?
yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster...
here we go
*looks over at screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must he what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds

Actually put a monetary value... on human life...... wow...d'you see that video of a guy whohitamoosewithhiscar?

every time

>the situation in the country today... you know, people can only take so much before everything falls apart. know what I'm saying?
>it's like when mma fighters get cauliflower ear. have you heard of this?
>yeah joe you talked about it last time I-
>it's when the cartilage in the ear gets detached and hardens and eventually breaks off... Jamie can you bring up those photos?
>ugh god Joe I don't want to see these disgusting-
>now take a look at that, it just snaps off, blood everywhere. fucking savage. reminds me of videogames
>okay Joe
>anyway I don't play Quake anymore because it gave me celery fingers

Joe has become such a fucking self righteous know it all this past year. Listen to any podcast with his friends and he's constantly undermining their opinions just so he can feel smart.

who is still shilling joe rogan on Sup Forums and why
i lost what little respect i had for him after that podcast with shane smith


Fuck you anhedonia riddled fags I love Joe Rogan.

This fucking underrated post

> not bananas


>*brings mic closer*

cracks me the fuck up

>when joe eviscerates me live on-air for clicks

what's celery fingers mean?

> watches a video for the new Quake.
> the words "true FPS" pops up
> joe says I know what FPS means...frames per second.
> nobody corrects him...not even that fucking nerd Duncan Trussel.

Yeah I was in that reddit thread too.

Hehe this was great
>you just aren't there bro, its not personal, but these guys are at another level. I dont wanna see you get hurt

>toe rogan


Mind linking the video of the new Quake?

I have no idea why this made me laugh so hard

mind linking a vid of him saying this?

googled and everything