Scots, leave the Isle of Pakistan and come home!

Scots, leave the Isle of Pakistan and come home!

Come home, white man

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kek britain is so fucked

I agree, they'll feel right at home at the Continent of Turkey

Scotland has always had closer historical ties to Europe then England

would not be surprised if they broke away from the UK and joined the EU



They should be welcomed with open arms.

Good, you can keep them. If they're as unappreciative of you as they are of us, you'll regret it.

merklebot damage control in full effect

>If they're as unappreciative of you

What exactly have you done for them?

You've been oppressing them for centuries.

>Isle of Pakistan

Germany, are you aware of your current situation?

>Free university
>Better NHS
>About £3000 per person more in public spending than people in the south east

All thanks to benefiting from being in the EU (apart from the NHS, that shit is an embarrassment for a 1st world country and the Tories are solely to blame for that).

And now you've taken that away from them.

>All thanks to benefiting from being in the EU
>All thanks to spending from the EU that originated from the UK in the first place

Really, kraut

You've conveniently left out the easier access to massive markets with extremely low barriers, access to cheap labor, being in a position to easily attract highly-skilled talent, this all added to the economic growth.

But sure, keep playing the old debunked "omg we're paying more than we're getting OUTRAGE" card.

Nah, lets crash this union. We started it, we put an end to it.

If the talent was actually highly skilled, visas aren't a problem.

>Economic growth


Whats this got to do with public spending allowance, by the way? Seems like you just wanted to dodge the question entirely. Nice job Muhammad.

The EU will never crash. It's forever.

Are you aware of ours? We are gonna be Pakistan v2 without the EU

>I'll dismiss economic growth because I hate evidence that the EU was good for us




This. Pretty much the majority of MUH EMPIRE Sup Forums retards.

Hope you all enjoy becoming United Kingdom of mudslimistan

>Scotland butthurted forces a second referendum asap
>get independance
>get more butthurted because EU forces them to apply to get in the EU
>their case is very hard to defend since they have debts, they want to be in the EU only to recieve their yuromonies; they rely only on oil and nothing else
>Spain and Belgium apply their veto to prevent Catalonia and Flander to force independance too
>Scotland's ass on fire
>Putin laughing in the distance
>Price of the barrel of oil drops
>Scotland in huge debts, no more money income, bankruptcy is near and neither EU or UK is here to feed them with cash
>One year after the referendum Scotland begs the queen to re-enter the Union
>The queen reject their demand

>Scotland assblasted for centuries
>"but we wuz independant n sheit"
>Straya bringing the bantz as we observe Scotland becoming even poorer than Best Korea with a suicide rate higher than in Finland

Not if we, Denmark and probably Finland do what we have to do in the next 5 years.

The eternal kraut is happy with this.

You know the Scottish nationalist party supported the nazis...


>You know the Scottish nationalist party supported the nazis...

In 2016, this MEANS something.

All that we have in NAFTA as well.
Yet there is no north American assembly in Washington where Americans dictate my countries policy. Nor do i have to pay fucking taxes to the united states.
Free trade can exist without the EU.

They're busy voting in Pakistani's into their 'NAtional' party.

I hope you guys realize that this is yet another fearmongering tactic to get the UK to ignore the referendum

Did you just go current year on me Hans? Because you just agreed with that it was good that Scotland has historical ties.

One of them being supporting the nazis.

So, No Muslims or Muslims
Tough fucking choice, Muhammad

nah fuck off m80

>the Union of European Socialist Republics
>home of the white man

Hey! Let's not forget about London. It does have after all, like, twice the population of Scotland after all.

Then the Englanders can sit alone in the corner and enjoy their fish which they like so much. (right before the stocks run out)

Yup. This is pure divide and conquer tactics.

The EU told Sturgeon they can't keep eu membership and will have to reapply. They never said the application would be successful. Also the SNP is losing ground to Davidson and the tories.

>Yet there is no north American assembly in Washington where Americans dictate my countries policy

One of the biggest lies of Leave was stating how Brussels controls the members of the EU. This is absurd. Most laws governing the members originated in the nation's parliaments.

Have you ever wondered how Poland, Hungary and pretty much the rest of the members were able to reject taking in refugees with impunity? Does this sound like "OMG BRUSSELS CONTROLS US ALL" to you?

You are a fucking retard for swallowing that lie.

All subsidised by England. Let them go and in a few years they would be another Greece.

>the SNP is losing ground to Davidson and the tories
epic meme friend

The only ground they've lost is to the Greens on the left.

>All thanks to spending from the EU that originated from the UK in the first place
reminder that even Italy was a bigger contributor to the EU than the "united" kingdom, also bigger leeches but hey nobody's perfect

>freedom ends where my feelings begin
someone got triggered? :^)

>Because you just agreed with

I didn't. What I said was, they should be welcomed with open arms.

Agreeing with someone would have sounded differently. I probably would have said something along the lines of, dunno, "I agree".

Now, you'll find that "They should be welcomed with open arms" sounds nothing like "I agree".

Reading comprehension is key.

Half of the people they accuse of being nazis were closer to fucking stalinists.

One guy saying they may have to go quisling is hardly the backing of the entire party. He was first and foremost of the view the conflict wasn't his problem.

Furthemore, given the UK had their own "fuck it, if necessary we can let Scotland fall" defence plans. it's hardly an unreasonable position. The UK was content to fuck Scotland. If it was coming to a hypothetical in which Germany could get into mainland Britain reliably, the most rational option is to turn to protecting your own nationhood instead of going down with the ship.

Are you saying that the EU cannot make laws that its members must follow?

SNP is going to hit a flashpoint in the next few months, Scots are angry as fuck and don't forget a third voted leave. That third plus unionists tip the balance well in the tories favour.

you can have them, hope you don't mind shelling out a few billion more to stop them collapsing hans! it might hurt your wallet a bit with all the other problems you're having and if you want the EU to hold together, but you're a big strong country so i'm sure you'll manage, friend.

this could have destoryed her shity narrative.

>a third who voted leave are going to vote for the Tories under Ruth-Davidson, a relentlessly pro-EU leader.

You're fucking lying. As always Europhile krauts are the first ones to defend their neo-soviet project.

45% of British law is made by Brussels. This is a fact.

i vote for my UKIP guy even though he will never win

Any policy, no matter how small, that is passed by votes that are cast by non british citizens, or a nonbritish regulatory board should have zero impact on The united kingdom and vice versa. Even if it's as small as regulation on pillowcases, it grossly undermines sovereignty. If British Parliament has no act to protect bats, any brit should be able to shoot the shit out of them.
I mean ffs, there have been a lot of times in Canada's path to true independence that we pretty much, mostly had our own power. But people still woukd think your an idiot for being against seizing it. Ubited kingdom, probably wont make us go to war, the Queen probably won't veto any legislation, the uk won't change our constiution without our permission anyway, were not valid arguments for letting the UK have our balls in a sling.
Why should the same apply to UK?
NAFTA, the EC yadda yadda, show that realistically they won't lose any of the pros, unless the EU actively takes a hit to both economies to send a messege, which would be a great argument for fuck the EU.

and 99% of that 45% is menial shit that has next to no consequences for your average joe's life

No, what I'm saying is
>the vast majority of matters are left to the states themselves and
>the EU parliament literally consists of representatives of literally every EU member, stating they have no say in what laws get passed is highly insincere.

Most of the laws that do originate in Brussels and do affect sovereignty of the states concern trade and the distribution of funds.

It was more like 1/4 of eligible voters desu

Still the SNP have no mandate for a Scottish referendum at a time when the country needs to be united in going forward with Brexit.

Menial shit that wrecks our economies with shit regulation that some fat cunt in an Brussels office drew up after Lunch with a kike CEO of a business that is too big to fail.

It might be menial shit to you but it all adds up.

>45% of British law is made by Brussels. This is a fact.

Source. While you're at it, look up which areas those laws touch.

>the SNP have no mandate for a Scottish referendum
>Winning the election with a manifesto commitment to a referendum in this exact circumstance doesn't constitute a mandate.

>b-but muh no majority
>The Green party being in favour doesn't constitute a mandate.

If you believe Scotland genuinely wants to stay in the UK there is nothing to fear from a second referendum. If you believe Scotland wants to leave the UK and thus try to prevent a referendum, it is laughable to talk of a mandate.

"Everybody gets two chances" is a good rule of thumb for referendums. If the SNP lose this one, that's it.

Quebec had two, failed twice, never heard of it again. Britain had two on the EU/EEC, one remain and one leave. Leave won.

The mandate is in the question.

The question the referendum asked was "Do you want scotland to be independent"

This means they could either be in the EU or outside as they would have to reapply.

The country has already been asked this question.

even a single law being dictated by the EU is too many, considering the people doing the dictating were not elected by us and are invariably globalists.

cry all you want ahmed, what's done is done, the EU is going to collapse and you'd better hope your government is competent enough that your country can weather the storm.

>The country has already been asked this question.
And the circumstances have changed. Better Together went too far and decided to push hard on "You won't get into the EU :^)" and now they have to live with the consequences.

If people were dead set against another referendum, the SNP would have lost the election Ruth Davidson's no surrender to a second referendum party.

If people wanted a yearly referendum even though they always wanted to vote no, and they elected the SNP on a policy of holding constant referendums, there would be a mandate there from the electorate.

>even a single law being dictated by the EU is too many

What a beautiful analogy and argument for Scotland's immediate secession. Thanks!

Yes I agree with the scare mongering about the EU.

But what does this amount to, the SNP will be fighting for Scotland to join the EU after they voted independence just like they did in 2014.

I do not see how the circumstances have changed, truth is, they haven't.

>Half Scottish, half indian guy identifying with his Scottish side.
Welp, enjoy sharia while we have selective immigration.

>implying i don't want scotland to leave

i want nothing more than to watch scotland join the EU, be forced to adopt the euro and then be dragged down into hell with you as ivan invades and rapes all your wives, again, while ahmed rapes your daughters. nothing would make me happier than watching you suffer for the role you've had in destroying europe for the third time.

Please tell me you see the irony in your statement.

>I do not see how the circumstances have changed,
"Vote No to Scottish independence and you get to stay in the EU"
[Scotland votes no.]
[Britain holds a referendum on the EU, in which it votes to leave but Scotland votes to stay.]
Now the only way to stay in the EU is Scottish independence.

But even then, even if this didn't create some kind of legitimate moral mandate [i.e. "Scots don't really care about the EU"] it was explicitly in the manifesto of the party which won the Holyrood election, which has the parliamentary capability to put it through [either with Green backing or Green abstention.]

I was actually hoping they would leave in the last referendum, but they lack the balls.
If Scotland left the UK we would never again have a leftist government with a majority in Westminster. Can you imagine how glorious that would be?

I feel sad for N. Ireland leaving because they're the most red-pilled of all countries but if that's the price we have to pay so be it.

>be forced to adopt the euro
This cannot happen.

To join the Euro one must first join ERM2. Scotland [and Britain] don't even qualify for the ERM2 criteria. Joining ERM2 is voluntary [Sweden, for example, remains out of the Euro by refusing to join ERM2] and Scotland is the same.

Even if Scotland wanted the Euro, it couldn't have it. It doesn't meet the convergence criteria.

>we would never again have a leftist government with a majority in Westminster. Can you imagine how glorious that would be?

Why, yes I can. I need only look to the NHS to see how that would play out. Nice going, conservatives.

>we would never again have a leftist government with a majority in Westminster
simply eric

Holyrood can vote on it but they don't have the ability to call a referendum.

Honestly if Scots want to become a combination of Sweden and Greece inside the EU, I say let them but can they keep the chimping out under wraps until we officially get Brexit from the British parliament. All this unnecessary division will harm our negotiating stance in the long run.

>Divide and conquer.
Seriously, you Englanders sound like SNP shills.

>a country the size of yorkshire is surprised they dont have voting power the size of england

What retard made this image, it is simply ebin.

>a country the size of yorkshire

A country, yes. You said it yourself. They should have full sovereignty.

Scotland is a nation. Yorkshire is not.

Nations shouldn't be held to the whim of other nations. That would almost be the crux of the Brexit argument.

They didn't want it though, the cucks

Scotland doesn't have the numbers to properly effect shit. You sound like the SNP's but with England replaced with Scotland.

According to your own chart they have tipped the balance in no less than 3 occasions. 3 too many for a country with less than 8% of the UK population.
And one of the Labour governments elected thanks to the Scottish vote has been the most destructive Britain has ever seen.

Also don't forget how a lot of the left wing governments would have a fragile majority that would make it harder for them to push through their bullshit.

I live right next to Hungary I saw the fences. They said fuck you to the EU immigration policy and pretty much got away scot free.

Do you retards realise the United Kingdom and the EU are entirely different federations.

One has lasted for 300 years while the other is about to collapse under its own hubris.

>They didn't want it though, the cucks

They wanted it, but were mislead to believe the only way of being part of the EU is voting against the referendum.

Now Cameron and Farage fucked them over.

Circumstances have changed, necessitating a new referendum.

>the most destructive Britain has ever seen.
I hope to fuck you're not referring to 1974a. [Both because it barely lasted and then got a majority in England, and because that government inherited dire economic circumstances.]

The UK isn't a federation at all. It's a unitary state with some devolutionary jiggerypokery.

>Why, yes I can. I need only look to the NHS to see how that would play out. Nice going, conservatives.
How about you buy less weed or cuck porn and pay for your own health insurance, faggot? Getting rid of the NHS would be the best thing ever. Oh no, that would be an absurd idea for you. That's why Scotland belongs with you in Europe.

I was calling the UK a federation for the sake of argument because Hans McSauerkraut over here seems to believe we're like a mini united states.

Scot here. fuck off kraut.

i voted leave and ill vote to stay in the UK.

Scotland bitches and moans like a drunk man at the pub, but like that drunk man, at the end of the day they do nothing but go home so they can wake up and bitch and moan at the pub to anyone who will listen.

What's with all the German anti-Brexit shilling today?

It feels weird.
Brits wanted out, why not just let them?

You're literally Yugoslavia. Except you had all the old faggots die the fuck out so they couldn't flame the independence flames.

Because when you made the UK you could genocide and silence the scots for good.

The EU will never, ever accept Scotland, because accepting Scotland would be to accept Catalonia,and the EU knows this.

They have to leave outright, at which point they can re-apply, be vetoed by spain, and then have to make it alone in the world with a 10% GDP budget deficit and a falling oil price.

Good luck selling that to your voters, SNP, good luck telling them you'll need crippling austerity after you promised leaving would mean less austerity.

Yes, I thought the Germans were happy to see us leave because we've always been halfway inside the door.

>"I think SNP mp is the entire voice for Scotland" the post.

>because accepting Scotland would be to accept Catalonia,and the EU knows this.
You can easily make the case that Scotland is unique until Spain tries to leave the EU. This also weakens any anti-EU forces in Spain, a win-win for the EU.

>falling oil price.
Fallen. The price is now relatively stable.

That's not true. We always had good relations, so it's sad that you end all that now.

But the people have spoken and all this shilling won't change it back. It just leaves the impression that maybe we've tried to influence you too much and just can't stop doing that.

And then we ruled half the world?

The scots weren't complaining when we made them rich. Yugoslavia also collapsed due to EU meddling as well.

>The scots weren't complaining when we made them rich
That's why Scotland's national poet was bemoaning a parcel of rogues, and a Scottish Parliament in 1914 was held off only by WW1.

Because Scotland are traditionally quiet.

And we'll continue to have good relations if you want access to our large customer economy.

Alls well that ends well eh?

Remember that the EU hired many, many shills for its cause
then remember the instability this has caused in the UK
and then think about how a unstable, doubtful Britain would negotiate with the EU compared to a strong, sure one.

Think about how we'd deal with common market negotiations thinking Scotland might leave if we don't bend over backwards to get into the market, compared to how we'd deal with those negotiations knowing that the EU has already said "you can't join" to scotland

I'm not saying they're shills sewing discord, but...


The Scots will get goyed royally if they think the EU is a better setup than the UK.

desu you would have to be retarded to leave this union, Scotland has received so much benefit from the English tax payer, they would be willingly committing suicide unlike Britain leaving the EU, we can actually take on any short term economic issues that have risen.


Just kill yourself you dumb cunt