What's the best response to claims like "Not all muslims"?

What's the best response to claims like "Not all muslims"?

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funnyjunk.com/nsfw/hnpjLua/Zayscurge xintyorr gemmeev/

There is no best reply because it's a cop out that Christian have been using since forever.

Not all anything.

Throughout history the peaceful majority of any group is irrelavant.


Muzzies gonna muzz. Just sayin'


Join the Red-Green Alliance, invite a refugee into your house and become a Cuck.

>that look on her face

You just know.


>Not all bombs explode

you misspelled


Ask them if they would eat from a bag of skittles, if 1 in 1000 skittles are poisonous.

> "Not all muslims"?
some of the Muslims are black
some of the Muslims are brown

"Not all" is an euphemism for "most"


It is a fallacy.

This video


Thousands muslim men v one 27 year old woman. She Happens to be a muslim too but imagine if she was a Christian or some stupid whore millenial who doesn't believe in anything

Absolute animals when their religion gets a hold of them..


this video

that man is black

not all blacks are muslim

not all cucks are white

Why do you fedoras keep promoting feminism in these images? Wanting women to be submissive is not bad at fucking all.

t. christian

not all wild mushrooms are poisonous but you're not running around eating them are you?


Not all Muslims are terrorists
But all terrorists are Muslim

When was the last time you saw a non-muslim holding a severed human head?

Look how it completely takes over the mind like a parasite. All actions are in turn to support the parasite.

Can you imagine these faggots during World War II?

>hurr why are we bombing Germany
>it's our own fault Japan bombed Pearl Harbor

There's some credence to it. I would say most Western Muslims are totally fine. That is to say, those who are fairly well integrated. Culture is the issue, almost moreso than religion. The letter of their law is hateful and twisted. However, like Christians, they tend to pick out the bits they agree with and genuinely believe the 'Religion of Peace' stuff. Aside from that, they tend to be right wing in terms of social issues, and thus fairly comparable to Sup Forums.

However, go to Shariah countries and the story is quite, quite different. The people there are brutal and violent savages, ignorant of their own doctrines and kept intentionally ignorant and obedient. Take a British-born person - including Asian - to one of these shit holes, and they will be appalled by the inhumanity and disgusting behaviour of those they encounter.

There was a very amusing story where a British Jihadi went over there intending to blog his experiences as propaganda to radicalise others. I wish I had it, but I don't. Still, some highlights included people just taking his shoes, unplugging his phone and charging theirs with his charger, never washing, never queueing and making a terrible cup of tea. There was genuine disgust, and it was marvellous to read.

Is the problem the idea or the filthy race it inhabits - or both?

This girl is a muslim
funnyjunk.com/nsfw/hnpjLua/Zayscurge xintyorr gemmeev/

"Yes some Muslims."

Like our based friend Geert Wilders says, not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are almost always Muslim, their "not all Muslims" nagging is not helping because it makes it virtually impossible for people to help us combat the radical Muslims who actually are those Muslims.

And let me remind you that the amount of Muslims who actually think that the west deserves to be destroyed consists of more people than there are people living in America, so yes there is a very serious threat out there of people who are more commited and a lot more ready to destroy us than we are commited and ready to destroying then.

How about the fact, that just by them immigrating here means the death of equal rights.

You dim cuck

They are only reasonable because they are still nationally a small percentage.

I fucking dare you to go near their mosques in Birmingham for example and say something anti muslim - they'll string you to a lamp post m8

"Not all priests fuck kids but far too many do for me to leave my son alone with one".

Eh, the IRA were catolic werent they? And Nelson Mandela wasn't a muslim, but considered a terrorist. Guy Fawkes, didn't he commit a terrorist act?


Wait 50 years and see?

requesting that pic with the elephant

bullet to the back of the head

I've lived near mosques a couple of times and I never had any trouble. You're right though, I wouldn't dare do that. However, that is probably more cowardice than anything - more than likely the worst that would happen is I'd get punched.

I will say this: majority Muslim areas do, in my experience, tend to be less clean. That could be because of some social deprivation issue though, I don't know. Perhaps a poor white are would be the same.

Additionally, I knew someone who worked in a hospital and they told me that Muslim visitors would simply never obey the rules. Case in point: there were specific hours, and a limit of two visitors. Routinely, entire, loud families would stay outside those times. Sometimes up to ten people.

That was horrifying.

Trigger them with their cucked value with claim like #notallnazis #notallcolonizators #notallrapists #notallpedos #notallkillers #notallgenociders #notallracists #notallhophobes #notallislamophobes

Not all Germans were Nazis either but they still rose to power.

My favourite chapter of the #NotAll movement was when men tried to defend themselves from accusations about being oppressors. To which, the feminism crowd responded with #YesAllMen.

Remember: ALL men without exception are and will always be irredeemable. You should feel guilty, but it will make no difference because you cannot fight your monstrous nature.


read there whole book of lies? you mean they pick and choose just like Christ stains? we call that hypocritical.

>those legs in tights
>this fallen in face
>dark eye circles
my fetish

Not all guns.

Gets the leftists butthurt

Here's a bowl full of M&Ms, not all of them are poisoned. Eat a hand full.

'That's the wrong way around; all terrorism is muslim '

Not Russians were stalinists - didnt stop the purges

They're right.
Just like not all nationalists are violent murderers like Tommy Mair, not all Muslims are violent murderers.

The response is that you simply prefer the products and output of Western civilisation. You do not judge Islam by individuals like the 9/11 pilots, you judge it by the output of Islamic countries.

I like South Park; I like science fiction; I like Lord of the Rings; I like the style of clothes I wear; I like electronic music and classical music; I like Greek mythology, etc. These things are all Western. I like these things and they have not arisen from Islamic society.

Ask them: "Do you know all Muslims to say not all Muslims?"

You just know the checkered shirt dude sleeps on the ground next to the bed while Gertrud and Jamal get busy under the covers.

The Nazis never were voted by a majority of Germans. The silent majority doesn't matter. A vocal minority can overrule the silent majority easily.

This Most of the mudslimes.


Not all Germans were Nazis.

Of course not all muslims are terrorists. Only a fool would try to debate otherwise. But what liberals don't understand is that this is completely irrelevant. Ok, yeah, not all muslims are terrorists. Correct. But why does this mean muslims have a RIGHT to immigrate into the US, or any group of people for that matter? Immigration is a PRIVILEGE. If there is even the smallest chance that allowing immigration from a particular group will result in a net loss to society, then it shouldn't be considered even for a moment. The average IQ of all muslim nations is below the average IQ of the US. FOR THIS REASON ALONE immigration from all Mid east countries should be banned, unless we switch to a system where you must prove high intelligence/aptitude to immigrate. Forget about the number of terrorist attacks, that shit ain't even relevant compared to the damage being done to our gene pool. And I'm not even talking about the white gene pool. I'm talking about the American gene pool.

Say this to a leftist they'll have no response other than to basically admit they think its a good idea to destroy society in the name of equality.

all muslims


I also point out humanitarian Nazis like Oscar Schiller and John Rabe, who without Nazi Party affiliation would have been powerless to save the lives they did. Then sit back and watch them justify Nazis being good people so that they don't have to admit they were wrong about Muslims.

I'm a Muslim, and I can't tell the Syrians apart. Can you?

syrians are cool tho

Normal Muslims have been shamed, facing social stigma and on the defensive for a long time.

We need to put an end to this bullshit and tell everyone to fuck off. If you have a problem with some Muslims in your country, deport them and shut the fuck up.

Don't bother the rest of us who have nothing to do with your internal problems. We don't owe you anything.

Just call him a cuck faggot.

Or you can argue that enough muslims are terrorists to make most muslim countries live under constant terror.

>Normal Muslims have been shamed, facing social stigma and on the defensive for a long time.

For good reason. "Normal" Muslims are in favor of Sharia wherever they go. As soon as they become a majority in a country it goes to shit and becomes a backwards hellhole.

"I have a bowl of 100 m&ms. 5 are poisoned. Would you like some?"
>Not all m&ms

"It's not about 'all muslims' being this or that, it's about how the islamic religion has a clear, significant imbalance in it's ratio of radicals:moderates, let alone what the term 'moderate' actually means for the islamic religion. The risk:reward is too skewed."

Talking to my boss.

No we don't. Pakistan has been independent for more than 65 years, still no Sharia here. No one wants to live in that kind of place.

The Wahabis in Saudi region are the batshit crazy people with money and influence. We are just as sick of them as you are.



Are you trying to fuck with me?

>203C The Federal Shariat Court.
(1) There shall be constituted for the purposes of this Chapter a court to be called the Federal Shariat Court.

All Muslims benefit from a couple of nutcases being left to run amok on everyone else. Yes it's a parallel to saying that just because some folks owned slaves in America, every single white man has benefited from it.

Actually, Islam functions by letting crazy people do crazy things in name of God, while claiming the community isn't responsible for it. It's their go-to response whenever an Imam preaches violence in their mosque; they say, everyone is allowed to preach here, it's not our problem.

Just tell them that all Muslims are still the supporters of a religion that wants to see everyone who is need a part of it either dead or subjugated.
Doesn't even matter if not all Muslims actually want that, because in the end they will still help make it happen either voluntarily or involuntarily.

"not all nazis"

Enough statistically to draw a conclusion.

Most of them are setup for marriage and family contracts. Our constitution and legal system is based on English law. High court and Supreme court are independent and deal with civil and business cases.

None, just believe in the power of your own ignorance, and it shall overcome all!

just the majority.

That it is actually the majority.

There are 1.6 billion of them. It's not unreasonable to say 1% are extremist.

>Western Muslims are totally fine

>hypocritical cunts who are incapable of following their own religion
>actively cover up for the radical majority by straight out lying or misrepresenting islamic teachings
>literally the only reason governments can't treat islam as a destructive religious cult

The "good feminist" logic applies here. If they want to be treated like they are worth shit then they should actively fight the cancerous majority instead of defending it by proxy via lies and true scotsman fallacies.

They don't? Then fuck them.

"not all Muslims"

But enough of them to be concerned.


>Most of them are setup for marriage and family contracts.

Sharia courts were the only courts for rapes in your country until 2006.

Let me remind you what you just said here "still no Sharia here."

Fucking liar.

Not all Muslims, but it is all of Islam.

How is it living in Russia withh your mindset? Givven the fact that you have many more muslims than us, even after the rapefugee crisis and that "based" Putin has installed all these wonderful laws in their favor and such.

Not gonna lie...
> fapped to this video

But even in the mainstream, Muslims absolutely condemn the actions of radicals. What more can they do? They say these people do not represent them, and more, that they aren't Muslims at all - a severe indictment, and one I'm sure their radical counterparts would echo.

You are a dumbass. Full implementation of Sharia law is only found in Saudi region.

Sharia is not some vodoo thing, it is a system of governance with many branches dealing with issues ranging from family, commerce, sexuality and faith.

Since we are a Muslim country, we still reference some parts of Sharia where convenient. If Sharia was really in effect, we would have no banking industry, no interest income and I won't be here shitposting.

It's disingenuous considering they have no right to decide who is an is not a Muslim and that there is a clear history of Muslims sheltering and hiding future attackers in their communities and mosques.

>Sharia is not some vodoo thing, it is a system of governance with many branches dealing with issues ranging from family, commerce, sexuality and faith.
>Since we are a Muslim country, we still reference some parts of Sharia where convenient.

So then why did you make the claim you had no Sharia law? You were the one who made that statement.

"Not all Nazis are like that."

is that jessie rogers ?

"Sharia law" and referencing sharia are not the same thing. Common law prevails in Pakistan.

Because we are arguing with feminist sjw types.

I do not believe that the bulk of British Muslims, or even a sizeable minority - I'm talking about people born here - wish to see Britain and the West destroyed. I think they like it, and they see that a desert hellhole is a bad thing. That or they romanticise it in the same way you see the American negro wearing an Africa pendant, but certainly never intending to live there or even visit.

Anyone can look it up and research for themselves if they care to.

You don't need all muslims on board in order to do some damage.

Not all Nazis wanted to gas Jews. It means nothing.

>What's the best response to claims like "Not all muslims"?
All mudslimes worship a genocidal maniacal homophobic,sexist,racist,anti-christian,anti-semitic,disgusting inhuman sick pedo

No such person can be considered "moderate" or "normal"

Their religion commands to convert or kill all non-mudslimes.
To lie in their own benefit and religion benefit.
Wherever there are shitty mosques and mudslimes,it is considered mudslime land.

>you can't make this shit up.jpeg

Not all, but most of them. And all it takes is most of them.

The most common response I get to this study is by Muslims who say "I don't remember being surveyed." It's really obnoxious.

Enough muslims

Not all white people