So what's the best fox news show?

so what's the best fox news show?

Kimberly Guilfoyles juicy legs

The Gavin Mcinnes Show

Whatever one that Abby is on

>tfw they moved her to FnF First so I can only see her at 3:00 my time

>fox news

propaganda for idiots

That's actually good for me because that comes on one hour after I get out of work

That's CNN dude.

It has always been O'Reilly Factor and always will be

I wonder why the moved one of their hottest people to such an early time.

if Fox was smart, they'd give Gavin, Michael Malice, and Dave Smith their own shows.

now Gavin isn't going to do Fox News anymore because he realized they're virtue signaling by hiring a giant black guy.

Apparently Tucker Carlson show is a huge ratings hit for the 18-49 demographic. He is doing huge with 20 somethings too.

That will subside when Drumpf has tanked the country and has been removed from office. He's already starting to fuck up.

>has been removed from office

Good. Mike "fags in body bags" Pence will began his gay genocide.

I fucking hate how Trump is soft on these disease vectors aka faggots.


What's good my fellow centipedes


Praise Kek

>O'Reilly Factor
>Media Buzz

In that order.

Anyone else read that as Cucker Tarlson?

Judge Jeanine
i want her to yell at my penus

>watching Fox News for anything but the braindead bimbos in skirts


In return you'll get a free-trading, regime-change advocating neocon. Great.

Red Eye was pretty decent back when Greg Gutfield hosted it. Wasn't amazing or anything, just something comfy to watch in the middle of the night when they had decent guests on

trump was a fucking genius picking him

the left fears trump dying even more than they fear trump


yeah, gutfield is pretty entertaining still on his new show

I was always under the impression fox was some kind of terrible propaganda but after watching it for election coverage they don't seem any better or worse than the other networks and they at least wear their bias on their sleeve

I dont really like watching Greg Gutfield at all, hate his new show and don't care about other shit he appears in but, he was a good host for red eye, he really filled that spot well

there's a dozen people I'm a fan of who are regulars on Red Eye, but I've never watched a single episode.

does anybody actually watch it? it seems like it's kept alive solely by the fact that the guests love doing the show instead of by the audience it gets

>muh right wing safe space

I tune in every now and then and it's mostly the same but, I just cant get into it without Greg hosting. Taking Greg away was comparable to John Stewart leaving the daily show~ it just doesn't work as well without him

So many people watch Fox, RedEye pulls in ratings just from the viewers who die with their tv on.

>implying Outnumbered and 5@5 aren't the best

well any other news channel is a liberal safe space, so who is getting coddled more?

Doesn't the fact that you're posting that image here disprove that image?

>perpetually confused retard talks to an even bigger retard to overshadow his retardation: the show





In that order

Almost every morning I wake up and see that hot black woman on outnumbered to start my day

There are hundreds of way to support and read independent journalism. No need to dwell in front of the TV and consume corporate media.

is this the "Age of Uncuckening"

could one man's victory against the world, against the globalists have been the catalyst for the greatest social change we've seen since the National Socialist party in Germany?

>eric bolling
>kimberly guilfoyle
>dana perino
sure, why not
>greg gutfield
alright, might aswell
>bob beckel
>juan williams


I can't be this disconected from the mainstream, right? Literally what the fuck is on those stations to warrant these numbers? I have no clue what the fuck is on USA, I haven't ever watched that channel, and isn't TBS nothing but Seinfeld and Family Guy?

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Bob is usually great, except sometimes he falls into one of his liberal shitfits and takes things to a really angry, unhappy place and makes everyone uncomfortable.

beckel pisses me off more than Juan williams

bob beckel just sounds retarded sometimes but juan williams gets very smugly self assured in his world views

he's an angry old fuck who could die at any minute. its very entertaining

Seinfeld beats whatever else is on cable 99% of the time and they show it a LOT on TBS last time I had cable

They're both okay, but they get annoying when they have to break character and are forced to tow the lefty party line lest they be ripped apart by other lefties

I love his book title

pic related is TBS

USA has mr. pleb-bot


Is there really this many people who watches Fox News on Sup Forums? It is propaganda, fake news, whatever you want to call it. It's just conservative bullshit, hateful rhetoric blaming immigrants for the problems the wealthy have created. They hate sensible gun control, THEY WANT GUNS IN SCHOOLS! I don't know if you are just backwards rednecks or uneducated fools but wake up people!

>wake up

Trust me, people are waking up alright.


The 5 and anything with Heather Nauert