ITT: scenes that made you laugh that weren't suppose to be funny

ITT: scenes that made you laugh that weren't suppose to be funny

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But that scene is supposed to be funny? (Han's lines).


I can't even tell if this is OT or nuT at this point.


What PS2 game is this ?

I mean that shit is teetering on parody.


Has there ever been a worse depiction of a werewolf in cinema?


From the last thread, just wtf is that noise he makes when he touch the ground


This is from Hannibal, I don't really know if that was ment to be funny, but it made me laught. There is also a scene in Red Dragon where a blind women touch a tiger's balls then smell her fingers.

LMAO-that whole scene was cringe, but that bargain basement smash sound effect was golden.

you have been visited by sleepy Deputy Police Commissioner Foley, reply or have bad sleep forever

how did they know where strakiller base was?
how did the chink know anything about how did it function and how to destroy it?
how did they knew they were being targeted?
god this movie was stupid


>Plan on murdering me in my sleep
>What? Nooo!

That one scene from Rogue One where this random guy was all "I'll do it!" and immediately gets shot when he exits cover. I let out a little air before stopping myself since I noticed nobody in the theater made a single noise to it.

This outake from Fraiser:


Pretty much all of Scarface. Why was Tony such a joker?

That fucking stock "crunch" sound


>Has there ever been a worse depiction of a werewolf in cinema?

It would be because the worst depiction, because it was from the dullest franchise etc etc

was this movie a comedy or what?

at his expense yes it was

There's shit and then there's the force awakens. It is by far the shittiest most cliched most annoying film I have ever seen, and I've seen some shit. Even dragon wars wasn't as bad.

when Lois Lane threw the spear, then went back to get it after seeing Doomsday.

>okay so in this scene the lion rips off your other arm
>this is a total inconvenience you know? a real bummer
>I want you to look like "Ugh, again?"

wtf is this shit


I was waiting for them to bring the second death star up. "It's bigger than the other bigger deathstar..."

I think you missed the part where the Kryptonian ship was kicking up a fuss, you remember that scene right? For several hours the kryptonian ship was lighting up the city and then shortly thereafter there's a big dude as strong as superman or stronger. Lois is a freaking nosy reporter gov, so she'd have to be a clueless asshole not to know the two things were one in the same. Maybe DC's not your speed. how about slower theater, Like marvel, they're for the dimiwittedly slow.

Kek, that lying position is like something straight out of family guy

*kiss kiss*

I don't remember the scooby doo movie being that dark.

when he dead, but your power still unlimited

One of the funniest movies of the decade.


8 minutes of the zombie v/h/s segment.
Not entirely sure if this wasn't supposed to be funny.

why didn't christoph nolan show him getting shot

what...? no

oh my god

kek being this salty.

Meant after the 8 minute mark.

BVS was poorly done but at no time was it at all illogical. The Shit Awakens was an illogical movie, from the get go until the end credits. BVS telegraphed consistently.

Kek, why did you bring TFA into this?


Where'd his gun go?

I likec it t b h.

What the hell

Maybe because it was the sequel to the greatest franchise in film history and it was bought by a company who had produced some of the greatest films in history and then they shat out a femanazi progressive stupid as fuck movie that thoroughly killed the series forever.

dont worry he was ok

alt-righters are so embarrassing

lol really
whats the purpose of it

>having low a opinion of feminist pandring makes you alt-right

ayyy lmao

go back to bed

alt-righter am I? Okay buddy. You sound like Daisy Riddley and of how she said if you called her blatant mary sue character a blatant mary sue then you're sexiest. I mean it has nothing to do with all the quips released to the media by Jar Jar and others. It's because I'm an alt-righter. I bet you think there was nothing wrong with the girl Ghost Busters remake.

And it has nothing at all to do with ghostbusters being an all girl cast but it was all the stuff that came before, all the propaganda during and then the fall out and the if you don't like this movie then you're either alt-right or you're sexiest.

>there is a woman in the movie
>"femanazi progressive stupid as fuck movie"
Seems pretty clear to me

I have not even watched that Ghostbusters movie

repeat after me

Don't you mean 8?
Nah, you're right. He'll be gone in 4.


>No bullet holes
>No blood
The fuck? is he faking it? probably a smart move

4 because next is BARRON
>sleep tight at the end

i think its edited. i remember there was a shot inside the tumbler with miranda telling the driver to shoot the guy. or maybe it happened before this webm starts

that some good effects

Do you dumb fucks actaully think DC is KINO and for PURE PATRICIANS and MATURE FILMS FOR MATURE AUDIENCES, LIKE ME? Fuck off it's the same schlock as marvel, the superhero fad needs to fucking DIE. All you man children arguing about it are fucking ridiculous. It's literally an argument of whose is more shitty, it's never about the actual merits of the films (of which there are few, almost none). Superhero movies are unironically the lowest form of film.

>at no time was it at all illogical
Are you fucking KIDDING ME BVS WASN'T ILLOGICAL? WASN'T ILLOGICAL? FUCK SAKE how about eisenfucks ridiculous illogical plan that he'd have to be able to see the future to accurately plan? Or how about them not explaining fucking shit? Where is original lex luthor/what happened to him? Holy fuck eisenberg if son of real luthor? The fucking shit? Why did lois throw the spear away? MARTHAAAA etc.? You think that shit makes sense? You fucking plebes are so goddamn retarded holy fuck.

why don't seats have parachutes?

>I think you missed the part where the Kryptonian ship was kicking up a fuss, you remember that scene right? For several hours the kryptonian ship was lighting up the city and then shortly thereafter there's a big dude as strong as superman or stronger. Lois is a freaking nosy reporter gov, so she'd have to be a clueless asshole not to know the two things were one in the same. Maybe DC's not your speed. how about slower theater, Like marvel, they're for the dimiwittedly slow.

because they are expensive

>this one

This entire movie

The entire movie was meant to be funny, that scene especially


Looks like the wendigo from until dawn



that cant be real

Because Nolan makes dumb decisions, they actually shot a scene where he was knocked over by the Tumbler but it was left out in editing because he decided it would be better if he was shot instead despite the fact they didn't actually film that or plan for that.

That shit was dumb. The 2nd one was pretty bad except the cult skit but even that was dumb at the end. The first one only had one bad one iirc. The 3rd was stupid and forgettable I only remember the Mexico zombie cult

it still would've been terrible though

he throws a guy out of the way only to stand there and allow himself to get hit

>ow wow that happened I guess
>I'm bored

fak u. this scene was nice coming from capeshit. minus the jar of pee stuff, of course.

I took it as hes in shock that that just happened.

>no valid defense for how shit TFA was
>no valid defense for its obtuse plebness
>muh muh muh alt-right

Jfc no wonder you enjoyed it.

He's not. He's dead. Then Death takes possession of his body to experience human experience.

sleep tight, puppers. Don't let the bed bugs bite

>i dont know what alt-right means: the post

Get out of your parents basement white boi


Meanwhile, back in 2002


found the numale cuck :D


The "it's treason then" scene will forever be the gold standard of unintensionally funny. There are worse scenes, but none as funny.