What the fuck happened between Resident evil retribution and resident evil final chapter?

What the fuck happened between Resident evil retribution and resident evil final chapter?

Retribution ends With her being injected with the t virus and shown humanities last stand
Final chapter starts With her waking up in rubble

Did I miss an entire movie?

..i just started this series 3hrs ago..

Better question, why make a resident evil movie which was supsoed to be a survival horror film be about a telekinetic superhuman who fights the zombies with her hands?

>watching Resident Evil movies
>expecting them to make sense
you're doing it wrong

the former would be shit the latter has proven itself to be hilarious ironic kino

Yea I'm hoping for reboot that sticks to game source

no Sienna Gulliory
no deal

Same thing happened with the game series though. It's not about survival anymore.

My name is Alice ...every fuckin time...fuck!!!!

R7 is nothing but survival, fampai

Hopefully they release a nice looking boxset.

Watch Ultra-violet, it clears up the smaller plot holes in RE.

there's nothing to *GET* it's a about Mila doing action things with swords

Best thing about resident evil nemesis was killswitch engage song at the end

the first movie was unironically kino

Who would win in a fight? Given that they can only make out for 2 minutes.

These films are so fucking bad. I will never get the time back I wasted on these.

Fucking vulgar auteur tards meme'ing this shit

The second wasn't bad either for a zombie movie, the real breaking point of the series starts at the very end of the second movie with Alice ascending to magical mary sue status, from there on everything devolves into pure fanfiction-tier retardation.

whoever's husband can wank some Mary Sue bullshit faster

If they were to completely redo the entire series with a resident evil 1, would it be good? I've only ever played a game or 2 but I found the first two movies enjoying and the rest all shit. Could they go back and make the movies more kino?

who the fuck are they making these movies for? ive never heard anyone say they have seen or are going to see one of these movies.


So Milla by default

RE7 would like to have a word with you.

So is it true that Wesker is killed off in the most stupidest way possible?

These are dumb questions. "Would it be good", it would be good if the execution was good, obviously.

How about RE7

Alice: I´ve killed you.

Isaacs: Nah, it was a clon.

I guess a better question would be if the series is tainted from shit tier movies. I don't even know any normie who watch any of the last few resident evil movies and they watch nearly anything

underrated post

why didnt wesker just shut the big security door before they all went inside the hive?

why didnt the lasers do the same routine that we saw in the first movie when she was in there?

RE7 is shit

What happened to Leon and Ada?