The best war film in years.
>Thank you based Mel
The best war film in years.
>Thank you based Mel
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It might be the worst war movie I've ever seen and it's getting nothing but praise. I feel like the whole world is playing a joke on me. I'd type out all the reasons why I hate it if I wasn't on mobile.
mel really likes burning bodies flying through the screen for some reason
I watched it last night. It was the most over dramaticized and hollywood-ized war film I ever saw. Didn't like it. Hugo Weaving was good as always.
It took way too many ques from Full Metal Jacket and Saving Private Ryan in particular.
I dare you to
Was it cheesier than Codetalkers? Because that's my current bar for "goofiest war movie ever."
It's one of the best films of the year but still not a great war film.
>mfw Vince Vaughn
He's also obsessed with asians and their tunnels.
>a bloo bloo bloo imma scared to shoot anyone sarge, i need a safe space
Of course millennials eat this shit up
Saw it last night.
Not really good by any means.
> US troops charging headlong into the Japs like some medieval-tier battle instead of remaining in position and dishing out overarching fields of fire to cut them down.
> Flaming bodies ragdolling through the air like some bugged-out EA game
> Using half a corpse as a meat-shield while hip-shooting a fucking BAR and hitting 4 Japs effortlessly.
How the FUCK do military technical advisors let them get away with doing this retarded shit? what the FUCK.
>he thinks the point of the movie was the actual act of him refusing to kill people
80% of it was cliched nonsense and the other 20% is really not enough to make the film stand on its own
No fucking clue why it's getting so much praise
>it's a white boy war propaganda movie
here's your answer
Someone post the webms.
It really doesn't help that the guy looks scrawny as fuck too.
It wasn't good, it was alright, 6/10
this desu
Go away Lena Dunham before I post that webm again, you disgusting pig
>if I wasn't on mobile
Excuses excuses...
>tfw stupid dumb american gets a powerup halfway through the battle and wipes out your entire clan
>i need a safe space
He stayed behind after other amerifags ran off and saved a shit ton of them and some japs. He just didn't believe in personally killing them.
Shit's fucking epic, who are the cucks here who says this shit looks bad? Hollywood needs more war movies like this instead of PC faggot shit
if you're so concerned with realism go watch WWII documentaries you autist
> that medic guy carrying all the bodies while the Japs are shooting him. LMAO. He wouldn't be able to down them with that fucking rope anyways.
Japs would have cut that ladder too
Why bother putting this in then, or are you just gonna wave this argument away with
>lol trusting movies when they say true story
>The best war film in years.
>Hollywood needs more unintentionally hilarious, over the top war films that are based on true events
Please, Lord. Let me get just one more
*air horns*
He didn't want to kill anybody, but kicked grenade right back to the thrower.
>Not posting the superior version
It was average at best. It's very holywoodian which is kinda shit.
he wanted to save people
Why was this guy acting like a corpse, only to spring up and scream when someone touches him? Isn't that the exact opposite of what you want to do when you play dead?
He refused to hold a rifle because he didn't want to kill anyone
I really don't understand it, what the fuck were they thinking.
>climax of film
>is a montage with no tension
Nothing actually happens in this film. The only meaningful conflict is the court scene, but that's brushed off because Hugo Weaving gets a letter that says that the scriptwriters didn't want to write an actual court scene where they delve deeper into Dawes' beliefs.
guys passed out, unaware of his surroundings, guy leans on him, perhaps his wound causing intense pain that shocks him awake and screams
beyond all the ridiculous combat the editing and pacing of the movie was very strange. so much time is spent on his childhood and then the trial, then all of a sudden we're thrown into everyone on okinowa immediately heading into battle. the very first battle scene builds to a high point of intensity and then abruptly cuts off. the ending feels cut short as well. why were there no scenes of him returning home considering how much time they spent on his family? mostly I just wanted to see more of Hugo Weaving
Naa you're just a pooper is all
He didn't want to kill anyone, but he wrestled that one Jap to the ground, letting his squad mate shoot the Jap.
But that's what made it so... Fun...
for the same reason that when you tell a true story to a friend you embelish it and try to make entertaining
nobody takes movies as 100% factual, unless they're retarded
right and also became a medic to help out, this grenade is going to harm many people and he tries to mitigate the damage, injuring himself. He actually did it in real life
Oohhh no no no no
>mel gibson called BvS shit
>HR was possibly even worse
jesus christ, i don't know how i forgot this happened
Zach pls
You either make an accurate war film (Iwo Jima), or you make an embellished, borderline propaganda film (Pearl Harbor). You don't get to have both
I see you Mel
Wanna take this outside?
Did you forget the part about him batting and kicking away grenades in real life as well?
>fit and has dad strength
should've just made a movie about him fighting niggers in LA
No I didn't read a biography on the guy before I saw the movie, and neither do I care
that might be because your a melting snowflake
Are the Japs portrayed as subhuman, bloodthirsty animals? Mel has a hardon for "evil culture versus righteous culture".
>shooting at a surrounded group
Can you imagine the friendly fire on that?
It was about his deeds in the battle. Not about his personal life.
Thats why its more important to setup what he is and where he is coming for to elevate the importance of the doing. It was already 2h 30min in when it ended.
I think this movie is the perfect pleb filter, the people who hate it hang on to trivial things and try to pull the context (they dont understand) down from surface level.
Thats when you know a film is well made.
Supposedly a lot of the stuff actually happened and they actually had to leave stuff out because it was too ridiculous for an audience to believe.
>people who hate it hang on to trivial things
Ok buddy
>that wouldn't have happened
>actually happened
Because muh feelings are more important than muh details. Artistic license and the like.
This is a picture of the Maeda Escarpment (apparently with Doss himself standing at the top). So no, it didn't actually happen like it did in the film.
why did they make it like 5 times bigger?
When they first got to the ridge it was fucking terrifying. The way that cliff looked, the smoke, the navy bombardment, the ground littered with minced meat. It was a fucking nightmare.
This scene would've been great in an Evil Dead movie, but not in a serious "based on true events" film.
for this effect
I know this happened in real life but I can't get behind this guy's attitude to morality. So killing someone is against his beliefs but accessory to those actions is okay? Is it actually this easy to trick god?
>tfw you trick the platoon into doing your killing for you and trick God with his absolute objectivity
heh, nothin personnel
You dont understand it.
Thats okay.
We watch muslims do their stuff in middle east, live their way of life. Their wifes cover their hair and its not seen as bad thing to fuck a boy.
Its about belief, you cant rationalize it. It just is.
That's idiotic.
isn't there a case to be made for making the most out of a shitty situation?
Kermode says it best, bits of it are like something out of Tropic Thunder
Was a good one definitely, glad I saw it in theaters.
The whole time I was like "Please God, give me the strength to eat one more tendie!"
We humans are not rational.
You could argue that his past experiences with violence was the main cause of his pacisfism, but in the end we never know.
I think she says in the movie that's he's aware of all this but he's too dumb to work it all out so he just compromises. His desire to help the dudes fighting for his country is as big as his conviction to never kill so this compromise is the best he could think of.
>We humans are not rational.
retards aren't humans.
There's a scene and a few lines that indicates he was healing both sides, murricans and Japs.
really he's there to help people not fight a side?
Are you retarded?
Are you?
I agree and disagree with him.
There was tone of cheesyness, but i think calling it parody is a bit overstatement.
Best movie of 2016 tho
The shittest opinion in years.
Last third ruined it
Just got back from theaters after seeing this movie and got here on Sup Forums to see if there was a thread about it.
Honestly, it felt like a made-for-tv drama to me. It was obvious and by the book. So uninspired. Weaving was great though. I loved how brutal the war was as well. I really felt the dread and panic of that place. Can't say I liked Garfield though. He was a bit off.
That was a meh movie. It was okay. A cliché biopic that could have been made for tv save for the budget. I don't regret watching it but could have used my money for better things. The story was definitely beautiful though.
No kidding, this movie suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked
People dissing this scene are fucking retarded, it was intense and scary as fuck
You're like an infant.
This actually happened, except Doss didn't leave on the stretcher, he crawled around the battlefield still trying to save people
>middle of ww2 battle
>safe space
Youre not very bright are you user?
That happened in real life, moron. As a matter of fact the movie only covers the Hacksaw Ridge battle. It never goes to Okinawa. If it did, then you'd have seen some real superhero shit being pulled off by Doss all the time.
>Intense and scary
>Literally just a jump scare
What are you an infant, little baby
who are you quoting new kid?
it was good but he should've done another groundbreaking film like Apocalypto. Everything you see in this movie we've seen a hundred times before.
Corpse aside, can you even shoot a BAR from the hip with one hand?
First half of the movie is pertty mediocre except for Hugo and Gardfield acting.
War moments are the fucking shit tho, fuck yeah.
yeah dude, that scene where the guy picks up half the corpse and with his other hand headshots like 20 japs, that is crazy shit, and it all actually happened
To be fair it's the Asians that are obsessed with tunnels. They like tunneling.