Entire UK Shadow (Labour) Party Has Resigned


Commiefags BTFO

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how is this not a massive win for Corbyn?

is he not fundamentally opposed to blairites - he's finally gotten rid of them, hasn't he?

Based Commie


The fsb/kgb are interviewing replacements for corbyn. Unfortunately the only people applying are illiterate Russian meme trolls.

The very long night of Jeremy Corbyn

So the labor party is basically a British version of SYRIZA at this point?

Shadow Party? Sounds god damn spooky

Where do the blairite cucks go now?

The lib dems

Actually yeah this is kind of true. Commiefags aren't really BTFO as a lot of the current shadow are Blairites. In these situations, I'm not sure whether Corbyn is retarded or an absolutely genius. He played a weird game with regards to the referendum (as he clearly didn't support Remain) as he's now in a position to say that he was pressured into supporting Remain despite his own beliefs. Corbynites eat this shit up and I believe he knows it, so ultimately the fact that it's mainly Blairites fucking off is kind of a win for him. He can actually begin to shape the party into a true left-wing entity as he knows the support for the neo-libs has pretty much died.

He decided on his shadow cabinet, if they were blairites they were blairites he chose. But at this rate he's running out of options for people to stick in those posts, and at the very least mass desertions aren't a good look.

Why can't Corbyn come to understand that he was a giant accident. Miliband's only legacy for Labour was opening up the leadership contest. It's a disaster that they're never going to get over. Corbyn has to know his leadership was an accident of history and the trouble is that he can probably hold the leadership for as long as he wants so long as he has the support of the majority of his party's members. Labour knows they're out of power for the next ten years and they can't stand it.


yeah, but if you're the outsider that was voted to pewer by accident than there really is a limit to the amount and extent of people you can BTFO on your first day

le comrade Corbyn confirmed for 4D secretary general

They're the ones he chose but ultimately I think a lot of the Corbynites have kind of accepted that he had to make exceptions. The current cult of Corbyn will swallow an awful lot of political jizz and most of them will brush off Corbyn's hypocrisy as either being 'he had to accept it' or 'he accepted it with a longer term goal'. Given the results of the referendum, it's more likely to be the latter. Most Corbynites will accept any shit they're sold and Corbyn has a number of ways to spin this.

>Commiefags BTFO
More like UK BTFO.
If Corbyn leaves the chances of Labour winning the next election becomes very real.

Which is why Sup Forums is a pro-Corbyn board

Looking forward to Dennis Skinner being a front bencher

he had to near beg those people to join the cabinet and will likely find it impossible to replace them

labour is imploding

More like a deliberate effort to place into Labour someone who was going to cause internal disruption.

No I'll just vote Jeremy back in again during the leadership contest with my honorary 'budget' labour membership.

Is Boris Johnson just trump with a British accent?

Burnham's finally making his move then?

Funny how this massive coup seems to have no leader...

almost as if someone is pretending to stay out of it so he can swoop in as a compromise candidate (see also why Eagle isn't resigning, Andy will need a shadow chancellor)

so after Jeremy fails to fill out his shadow cabinet, do you think he'll resign or introduce mandatory reselection?

It would 100% split the party and hand the country over to the tories for another 15 years, but it is Jeremy...

You are massively overestimating the power of 'MUH BOJO' with regards to the general electorate. Anyone who Labour can put forward will ultimately be divisive; they'll split the true left from the Blairites and that will create a split. The Tories have kind of marked a winner in Bojo as he's normie dynamite and a known face to most of them. The fact that he supported Brexit gains support from a lot of old school Conservatives and the fact he's on the TV a lot gains support for tthe central types.

He's much more self effacing. Like all politicians he has the ego, but he shows it in a very different way.

No, he fits the definition of neocon pretty well.

>If Corbyn leaves the chances of Labour winning the next election becomes very real.
How? Which political figure in the Labour party could possibly win back the trust and confidence of all the people that have been alienated by Labour over the years?

By overestimating I mean underestimating. Currently pretty shit faced.

Me too, top-tier bants from Skinner.

>If Corbyn leaves the chances of Labour winning the next election becomes very real.

hahahaha a huge amount of young people who elected Corbyn just won't even vote in a General without him

Tories will increase their majority significantly, Boris would be insane not to call one.

In fact if Labour kills itself in the next month with a split, the Lib Dems or SNP will likely become Her Majesty's Opposition.

No. Trump is a businessman. Boris was a mayor.
Big difference by a few billion dollars. The only similarity is their passion for private enterprise.


>Buh buh muh Jezzaaaaa

Shame 'le bumbling man' meme doesn't work anywhere north of London

No, I meant literally just trump using a british accent. Like a british John Miller.

haha you are retarded.
Trump has less than 2 million dollars left for the campaign.

Look at me, Andrew Burnham, the mildly left of center candidate that has publicly refused to stab Jeremy in the back!

Oh no I'd hate it if I had to take the responsibility of leading the party to unification as the only figure that could rally support from the left of the membership...

(just as planned, Angela)

Sure, but a Hard Left Labour Party has a virgin's chance in Bill Cosby's house of ever remotely getting close to power.

This. Bojo pretty much fits the neo-lig/neo-con type. The fact that he's pro-Brexit was ultimately down to inter-party politcking more than anything else. He knew that Brexit split the Conservatives in a big way and knew that the referendum would essentially make or break his chance at being the next PM. The fact that he's never liked Cameron kind of settles this.

He chose people he didn't like to unite the Labour party.

I don't think BoJo will get many votes from the right wing of the conservatives. He isn't anti-immigration and even proposed amnesty for illegals. If you look at his mayorship he is probably to the left of Cameron.
A lot of old school conservatives would turn to UKIP or simply just wouldn't turn up to vote.

Also up to this point the only person openly trying to get Cameron's chair is Theresa May, a Remainer who happens to be to the right of Boris on issues concerning immigration.

Anyone more to the centre really. Get someone from the Blairite crowd like Andy Burnham and the party is good to go.

>I don't think BoJo will get many votes from the right wing of the conservatives

polling puts him at 55% of the vote even in a wide field; once the Conservative MPs take that field down to a 1v1 he's guaranteed to win

If they promise to cut immigration down they will


I have this helicopter I can "lend" them :^)

As far as politicians come, I respect Corbyn.

I wouldn't like to see him go, he is what the left in the UK should be. He's an old, white guy who had an old, white guy education so still believes in the fundamentals of our democracy.

Not necessarily true. All things consider, he did pretty terrible overall in the referendum debate. His main points of success was the debate where he did his 'OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY' speech, yet Leave still won. You're underestimating the power of a TV personality here when we're in the age where a lot of people who aren't voting to the extreme of the political spectrum are voting to who they know.

Glad for him and his party. Now that the party is purged he can go full communist.

>Doubling down on SJW SHIT
>Cutting Immigration

Pick one m8

what is shadow cabinet?

true, with Boris's party likely to propose maintaining free movement in europe, an anti-immigration platform is labour's only hope for success

But if you think the current Labour party is capable of running that campaign, you are a fucking retard. Can you even name a dozen MPs who'd represent that in the shadow cabinet?

Since Boris was a mayor of London and was therefore a champion of equality whether he liked it or not he can never be Trump with a British accent. Trump's principles are way different from Boris in the equality dept. but at least Trump doesn't surrender those principles. That suggests Trump will keep going to the very end, win or lose.

He *did* have a lot more in the dollars department, but I do admit it seems our Trump needs donations now that the gold vault is a bit emptier. Or a lot emptier due to the campaigning as you say.

Hey at least Trump isn't Greece. They are pretty fucked now we aren't giving the EU any more welfare bucks soon.

the primary opposition party appoints one person per government minister to call their counterpart useless shits without offering a real alternative

all they ever actually do is plot coups

They literally carved that in stone in the last general election, it's not enough to just promise it because they are still very much the DIVERSITY party and their activists call are far too fond of the word racist for anyone to actually believe it.

I'd respect him, despite his stance, if he actually stood by Brexit. Given the fact he didn't, he's clearly an unprincipled fag. This would be fine if he hadn't been bigged up as someone who is apparently a pillar of his own principles.

Appealing to Leftist voters in poor areas affected by shit wages and immigration is very different to middle class leftists in London

Labour need to decide which of these they want to represent

>They literally carved that in stone in the last general election

lol, no they didn't

they pledged "controls on immigration", not "reduced immigration"

the entire stone was packed with weasel words, just made it all the sadder

>Labour need to decide which of these they want to represent

They already did in 1997.

daily reminder this is part of the process of turning labour into the immigrant party lead by Spear Chucka.



Wake the fuck up the kikes are relentless!!!!!!!

Just heard that new announcement. Basically him saying he's still not standing down and someone will have to stand against him. Labour party tearing themselves apart and absolutely ensuring they won't be winning any election any time soon.

What a clown. You couldn't write this stuff better. Beautiful

How Eurosceptic was he? Was he Tony Benn tier?

He needed to support 'remain' to keep his party together, but clearly now its evident that was a poor political decision.

I get the impression his true opinions have become, 'yeah he should probably stay but im not happy about it so dont really care much either way'.

>Spear Chucka
lmao he literally quit the party leadership race because he was "uncomfortable with all the scrutiny" brought onto him. He is probably a massive homo who snorts coke from chav cock and will never risk becoming public.

The would be the cabinet if their party was in power.

If Labour was in power, the current shadow cabinet would be the regular cabinet and the members of the Tories cabinet would be the 'Shadow cabinet.'

yeah I get that but it will be an equivalent.

After all this, if Labour go back to Blairism now, they're finished in England as well as Scotland.

How do you resign from an imaginary cabinet?

I think Dilbert Man did say Corbyn was a master persuader.

He dropped out immediately seemingly for no real reason. Someone has something specific on him, and just being gay would get him the entire liberal diversity vote.

>what is shadow cabinet?


People who lost the elections role playing a fantasy world where they didn't lose.

Is pol pro-Corbyn? I did a quick wiki search and he sounds like a British version of Bernie. That makes me wonder why you all seem to like him.

Can anyone give me the red pill on this guy?

>as you say
Read this and checked your flag.


We're pro-Corbyn the same way Trumpets are pro-Bernie

The left tears itself apart err tim


And all Labour had to do to win was promise no Brexit if elected.

Ok? Why exactly should we care?

Corbyn might be the British Bernie Sanders, but the Blairite faction of the Labour party are essentially copying the Clinton approach to politics. Corbyn is purging their influence on the party. Honestly, if Bernie were causing major upheaval in the Democrats in the USA, with all supporters of the Clintons being purged, what would your reaction be? Bernie and Corbyn might be misguided, but the likes of these Blairites and the Clintons are literally satanic.

Waiiiiiiiiiiiit a minute!

Thanks user. That makes perfect sense now.

Where can I get a hat like that?


probably at a soviet USSR museum gift shop

Ask you local rabbi goy.

I think it is a greek sailor's cap like GRRM wears.

Either that or a store with red army surplus, oh never mind, it's Communist, so no surplus for the goy.

corbyn is a kgb shill.

That's why he helped you leave the eu.

You should hang him and farage.

Moscow funded ukip

This is good news. Labour has been polluted with degeneracy-serving-degenerates for a long ass fucking time. It’s about time the Labour had a major culling, so they can start replacing faggots with real, working-class people with actual life experience outside of a Tumblr blog from within a gated community.



butthurt liberal post with fresh comments (no sign up to leave comment)

last post shared all over facebook, full of salty tears

Really makes you rub the hands.

Things can be Great again USA.

But that's up to you. What I mean is.. the Brexit vote is over. despite the explosions still going on over here from that: it's your turn next, i.e. November prez election.

> And the media glare is about to switch over to your side of the pond. Big time.