You guys like fashwave? I think it's epic...

You guys like fashwave? I think it's epic. It gets hate from people who dont give it a chance because they dont agree with the politics, well Im here to tell you you're missing out on the most exciting musical movement of the 2010s.

This album right here is imo a masterpiece, a personal favorite, and an underrated gem that can be appreciated by redpilled and bluepilled alike. (music vid)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>the most exciting musical movement of the 2010s.
>synthwave/vaporwave more than half a decade late
ok kid. that video is super nice and totally homo so that's nice

haha absolutely based

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haha epic style1!

oh my cringe


Kek Mckekerson

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greetings my fellow kekistanis!
have you made any progress on establishing the ethnostate lately?

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Cool shit bro

lol imagining being over the age of 13 and identifying with this

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So this is Sup Forums's contribution to the music world? It's actually fucking crap, I listened to it for real

Angry Goy have nothing to do with Kekistani of Akkad

how old do you have to be to get fascinated with this, honestly

Imagine being over the age of 13 and feeling the need to identify with at music or scene, instead of just enjoying it for what it is

Imagine being an adult and not seeing that jews control everything
my girlfriend left me, and all my friends wont talked to me since I joined Britain First but its worth it knowing im fighting the real enemy and securing the future of my race
must be easy being so bluepilled huh
youll regret it when your children are speaking arabic and you have to pray at the mosque five times a day or you get executed

you're doing what so many are terrified of.
keep fighting the good fight user

absolutely based

Dude what if we took some shitty 2013 synthwave song from bandcamp and put hitler and frog pics over it and vague captions like "Save White Race" "Preserve Your Dream" "We Are Brothers In The Meme War". It'd be so epic and aesthetic dude

i don't get it, why would you want nazi propaganda to be forward-thinking and appealing? wouldn't that be bad?

Sup Forums actually thinks it's forward thinking and appealing though and it's fun to make fun of their delusions

yeah my dude that would be le epic
u must do it for the future of the white race

Sup Forums has garbage taste in music, they don't really care what Sup Forums has to say

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Based. Based family and former friends ostracizing these crazies. Bitching on a japanese origami forum is not real activism either lmao

It sounds like something that would fit perfectly into a playlist crammed with anime OST's, mallgoth neofolk, Sabaton, and the compilation of Wagner's preludes.

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well that is mostly what I listen to

t. kek mckekerson

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why am I listening to shitty synthwave that has no defining characteristics besides some shitty microsoft sarah voice clips of old memes that are now being taken seriously by autistic children?


so bad

Sup Forums is worse at music than i expected

picture: brave heroes defending the white race

this is the future of the almighty white race

How the fuck do you look at a genre like vaporwave and see it as a platform to promote far-right ideology? Are you actually retarded? This is even worse than the vaporcommunist bullshit /leftypol/ was responsible for.

Fuck the haters. You'd give it 5 stars if it weren't alt right.

dude it's bad
fucking laborwave
Sup Forums decides which is better

This has nothing to do with vaporwave, it's retrowave / synthwave.

I like the second one

Commiewave is better desu

Fashwave is just Synthwave but even worse

this is so embarrassing

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I really wouldn't though, you cum gargler. It's just vaporwave with Nazi and white power references. If I didn't enjoy vaporwave or synthwave that much to begin with, why should this be any different?
Any moron with a personal computer can pump this garbage out.


this is what nazis believe culture should be
this is what music would be like in a fash society
complete meaningless garbage and propaganda

>tfw Tyrone sleeps with your gf so now you hate all black people

>year 20XX
>live in wh*te, new national socialist ethnostate
>go to work
>co-worker being arrested for illegal thoughts
>go into his office after the soldiers carry him out
>find collection of non-fashwave music hidden underneath his desk
>"Wow! Music that's not fuckin garbage!" I say
>take three albums from the collection, put them in my briefcase
>after work, drive home, begin listening to them on my government mandated fashwave and propaganda player
>light begins blinking on the player
>"Oh no, I'm being monitored."
>soldiers break down door of my apartment
>arrested for listening to non-government approved music

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SO cringy amirite, I only listen to patrician music like kendrick lamar, arcade fire and lil pump

the first song is just the dead rising 2 mall music slowed down.
Its literally just vaporwave with nazies, how is this the best thing of 2010s ?

>mfw in the Sup Forums ethnostate you are only permitted to listen to shadilay (pepe remix), that plain white t's song with the lyrics changed to 'hey pale europa', oreimo soundtrack, MGS V the phantom pain soundtrack (with all the vocals taken out for promoting subversion), the menu music to douglas p's grandpa porn and fashwave

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