Moe Shop

What do you think of the new EP?

Attached: DYTDl_1X4AEgowe.jpg (1000x1000, 307K)

Gonna listen to it later. Saved.

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You won't be disappointed

Is there a mega of this? I don't want to pay the 7usds for it

its on soundcloud, you can get a google extension to download all the tracks from there if you want to go through all the effort

ripping from soundcloud is cancer quality though

Won't the quality be rubbish though?

It's not as good as Pure Pure but it's enjoyable at least. I'll take anything I can get after Moshi Moshi.

Thought this was a sixnine cover.


Attached: GucciShades.png (540x406, 253K)

I find the whole futurefunk thing very pleasant but it's all the fucking same.

>locking files in slsk
why do people do this

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Well it clearly says trade something for it. Just check if you have an album he doesn't and trade it for it.

>animay soundcloud shit
Not even gonna give that garbage a chance.

That file doesn't look genuine

It's not really future funk

Hey user I really enjoyed this, could you recommend me any similar stuff?

>weeb trash
no thanks

More Moe Shop would be the easy response. Just explore Future Bass playlists on Youtube and you can find all kindsa stuff. Moe Shop is kinda standout though, nobody gets close to him.

"Weeb" is a meme, or maybe calling it a mass psychosis would be more accurate by now.

i have no idea but that artwork is sick
do they have it out on vinyl?
wouldn't mind it being the 1st thing i see when i wake up

your loss

why are the glasses reflecting pic related

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it's on spotify brother
but i'm sure you already knew that

just finished it and it's garbage
