ITT: Your controversial opinions and hot takes
I like every single trip on Sup Forums, not one I have any problem with
Talk Talk was the last good post-rock band
Spiderland isn't that good
non blues based metal sounds like muzak in rock form
fantano should find something else to do
I enjoy music
Most post rock is just shitty Krautrock
Roy Montgomery was the only good post-rock artist
xxxtentacion is good
>literally who? was the only good post-rock artist
sounds about right
Imagine the smell
my teeth literally look like that :(
>literally who
what is that green shit
Obscura is the worst album ever made and all the hipsters that like it are fucking retarded.
art angels is the best pop album of this decade
Departure songs is still the strongest for me
The Kinks > The Beatles
Kid A is shit
There haven't been any good post-rock bands
Bromst and Person Pitch were the best albums of the oo's
here let me ruin that for you
bengalfuel is boring
Hey fagget, this thread is for opinions, not facts
nigger music sucks
Kid Cudi's music isn't that bad
friendo is a good tripfag
t. Friendo
First 3 Slipknot albums are objectively good
Speedin Bullet 2 Heaven has five listenable songs on it.
Crust punk is vastly superior to post-punk
spiderland is great
Björk is boring as fuck
bengalfuel is just spammed trash, dude just changes IPs and samefags his threads, it's obvious. And mods aren't doing shit.
Shield Gang and Sad Boys pioneered this age of rap, only for people to fuck it up.
that cover is so sexual
Punk in Drublic is the best punk record, period.
What a shit opinion
Young Americans is better than Diamond Dogs
Captain Beefheart was a talentless hack who gets away with the gimmick of being "intentionally bad"
yeah kinda with some exceptions
>branding a youtuber's twitter feed onto threads we have already
Just call it an unpopular opinion thread you shill.
true for TMR. That vox video on youtube about it made me realize how much of an emperors new clothes thing is going on with it. but some of tracks off safe as milk are pretty cool.
Björk isn't "hot" or "cute"
Queens of the Stone Age are the best rock band of the past 20 years.
bjork is literally the walking manifestation of the 90's manic pixie dream girl in musical form
>the walking manifestation of the 90's manic pixie dream girl
With an extra chromosome
Bladee paved the way for autotune, and no one will ever compare to his talent regarding it
autotune was used way before rap. Cher used it
only niggers were stupid eneouge to think every song should be autotuned
Bad taste
>Sour Soul by Ghostface and BBNG is the best Wu Tang album after the self titled
>808s is the worst and the only bad Kanye album
>Undun is the best Roots album
>Chocolate & Cheese is the best ween album
Anthony Fantano is not a cuckboy, he is a thoughtful critic with valuable opinions.
Even more unpopular opinion: Shinola Vol. 1 is the best ween album
I love you, honeybear is a post ironic masterpiece
I like Exmilitary better than No Love Deep Web.
I think Government Plates is their third best album.
I dislike Jenny Death.
Very much overestimating how much influence Bladee has had on anything.
> Correct
> Incorrect
How can you be 'correct' about liking one Death Grips album over another? It's not like you're saying which one is objectively the best, you're just saying you personally prefer one.
Blackstar is David Bowie's best album
Yes, but I’d say it’s tied with Heroes
Kendrick has almost learned to make his voice listenable
Sparks are criminally underrated
Watching From A Distance is obviously about being gay.
spiderland is actively quite mediocre, i will never understand why Slint stans hate godspeed so much when they're basically the same thing
kinks underrated but this is a dumb opinion borne exclusively of the cultural impulse to hate something that's obviously very good just because everyone jerks it off.
not shit but not that good either
Bromst is right but person pitch is bad and only non-musicians like panda bear
some of it isnt, some of it is. most of it is.
this. can anyone explain to me what's good about TMR?
great opinions lads, keep it up
no one has done anything interesting in hip-hop or rap in a long time
Interview 2016 is some of Death Grips’ best work. I don’t understand why so many people dislike/hate it. It’s a 9/10, in my opinion.
reddit fuck off
you're right, but so many people hate it bc it's much more musically adventurous and much less
wow. this is truly a shit opinion
I remember when I used to think this
I like Slint far more but godspeed is good too
Joy Division isn't that great.
Mark Kozelek recent string of records (starting around 2012 with Among the Leaves) is the most important thing to happen to singer songwriter music since Elliott Smith
No. He never substantiates his posts beyond ''wrong'' and doesn't display any real knowledge of music theory and the like.
>Captain Beefheart was a talentless hack
Yes, but TMR is still great
Any lyrics in music is an instant boner killer for me.
stupid. justify this
Fantano is by far the best music reviewer and Scaruffi is a pretentious pompous dickhead who knows nothing about objectively viewing art
Grindcore is better than crust punk
TMS is some of death grips' worst work. It is unbearably cheesey and their safest release by far.
This is bad. I hate you.
disagree. it's not like death grips is some crazy boundary-pushing experimental group. They're pretty accessible, so i don't really see them putting out a "safe" release as being bad. In fact, i often wish they would do safer work, bc i think their strength is more in their ability to make slightly unconventional sounds and aggression accessible. a lot of the time they act like theyre way more experimental than they actually are, and just end up being bad as a result.
this is a 9/10 and One More Light is their only bad album
ILYH is a great album, but it's not post-ironic nor a masterpiece. plus, Pure Comedy was so bad that it actually made me like his earlier albums less since i'm less sure about what's a joke and what isnt.
JPEGmafia rip offs many of his contemporaries (death grips, danny brown, clipping.) but isn't as good as any of them.
This is just being a legitimate low IQ plebeian not a hot take
can any of you actually explain what makes it good
please listen to it again, it's not as good as your remember
But really if you can't intuitively understand it or find the rhythms and melodies just by listening to the music you should probably stick to The Strokes or something brainlet
well they usually defend it saying "well man you gotta listen to individual instruments to see their effort and magic" but it's just bullshit. you rate an album based on everything, which includes instruments and bandmates working together
i enjoy this album, it's a fun listen, but it's in no way a masterpiece everyone thinks it is
i'd rather listen to this on a day-to-day basis than godshit or mbv
>everything is going to shit but at least we still have our love
>goes on to explain that said love is actually his love for being able to despise the love-ee to the point of not feeling ashamed to be genuine in front of her and also thinks its all just a dumb chance of luck
>going beyond irony through irony to find a solid belief
>not post-ironic tho
hmm.. quite an interesting conundrum
>controversial opinion
>hurr music needs to be complex to make you think
>what is a pleasant listen
>bitch bet you can't even find hidden rhythms in this album
>easy music? nah m8 i'll just stick to my albums that sounds and dick and farts, but you can hear melodies once you put your mind to it
Not if you consider it a follow up debut to Exmilitary, if you didn't experience
ExM and witness the change into TMS you won't understand
is that a clear thesis of the album though? there are definitely elements of post-irony, but i think a lot of the content is just him being direct and sincere. Since our culture is currently supersaturated with irony and cynicism, the fact that he is occasionally ironic, post-ironic and sincere makes people assume he's on like four layers of irony which makes it this uber-post-ironic masterpiece. Most of the moments of "post-irony" i've seen people cite are just moments of directness and sincerity. using irony to highlight meaning or find sincere belief isn't post-irony either, that shit's been done in the arts for literal centuries.
It's time for soyboys to stop subjecting us to their version of "art"