Trumpies already boycotting ESPN

>Trumpies already boycotting ESPN
>sjws are now gonna boycott ESPN

Will they ever recover lads? I mean their ratings are bad as everyone is mad at them.

Trump played those SJWs like a fiddle.
Call him petty, call him childish, but he knows the trade.

ESPN brought this upon themselves.

Jamele Hill and Twitter activists thought she had Carte Blanche to say/do whatever she wanted as long as it had the anti-Trump slant to it. When she started fucking with ESPN/NFL advertisers, aka where the money is, aka actually the only thing that really matters, she was biting the hand that feeds her and ESPN was forced into action. They created this monster and now they're going to have to pay the price.

For the record I don't side with super sensitive Trumpbabbies, but ESPN is a shit network and deserves to fail.

>players boycott anthem cuz muh false narrative police brutality
>righties boycott the NFL cuz anthem protests
>Jemele Hill boycotts Cowboys cuz flag policy
>SJWs boycott ESPN cuz Jemele Hill got suspended for boycotting Cowboys for flag policy
>righties were already boycotting ESPN cuz liberal bias
>NFL forcing everyone to stand for the knee now
>Trump did all this by shitposting on Twitter
>my literal face when 2017

ESPN will be a text book case of mismanagement

>Actively speak out against sponsors that are clients of your company
>Surprised when they get in trouble.

Trump voter here

ESPN and Jemele Hill both suck, but I'll be damned if i let anyone (besides the Chiefs) screw up this season for me.

I legit think we can we the Super Bowl this season.

I mean, ESPN cancelled their famous 24 hour college basketball day recently. That alone makes their failure worthy

i havent been able to watch non-live sports programming on espn in 10 years, and now i cant watch the nfl either if i want to avoid all this political bullshit, so i dont feel bad for espn at all, fuck them for ruining something i loved so much in my childhood.

yeah im sure i would care more to still watch the nfl i hadnt already seen my team do the impossible and win an owl in my lifetime, now i just dont give a shit.

she got suspended for talking about the advertisers, the ones who pay money to ESPN, same as linda cohn got suspended for talking shit about how stupid they were to overpay for the TV deals, this has jack shit to do with her trump stuff, liberals are fucking brain damaged

ESPN doesn't care about the trump shit cause they race bait all day long, they care about their own employee talking shit about their business decisions


>False narrative
Like this guy who was shot in the back by à cop who then tampered the evidences?

>Taking down Di$ney

>andy reid
>superb owl
pick one

330+ million people in America, every now and then shit happens. The idea that cops are out there slaughtering black ppl at some alarming right is the false narrative. It rarely ever happens.

>sport has been cancelled

you have to be over 30 to remember when ESPN was any good.

>yfw ESPN never airs "Fantastic Lies" anymore because of the backlash they got.

What a time to be alive

this. also, the real narrative which is never reported is that Rahm Emmanuel basically told the CPD not to go to several neighborhoods except to claim bodies, and Chicago has over 2000 shooting (500 fatal) every year ... the vast majority of which are black or Hispanic gang crimes in those neighborhoods.

Love to see the day the media reports that.

They're not slaughtering black people, but policy brutality is a very real thing through the US. I'm more than certain the kneeling is to protest police brutality which includes murdering people with the use of execessive force.

You're stawmaning a bit hard here

Violent crime is also a very real thing, and police officers deal with violent criminals daily. That most of these confrontations end peacefully is a testament to the officers.

Not saying mistakes don't happen, they do, not even saying there aren't bad apples cuz there are, but that it's some widespread problem is a total lie.

Feel free to cite some sort of statistic that shows the narrative is anything but false.

You have the same chance of getting attacked by a shark than you do being an unarmed black guy getting shot by the police. Lets kneel for shark attack victims too.

Van rompuy is that you?

>it rarely ever happens

Right, except that when it does happen the officer gets called a hero and the prosecutor and defense work together to strong arm the jury into not indicting him. The point isn't that police go around unlawfully killing black people, it's that when an officer actually does something wrong there are literally zero consequences.

perfect storm for espn destruction

>Calls Trump a white supremacist
>No consequence
>Colleagues rally around her
>Jews happy because this irrelevant dumb bitch is driving website traffic
>Upsets advertisers
>Instant suspension

So it was about money all along. Jews overplayed their hand on this fiasco and it's blowing up in their face.

Hint: An overwhelming majority of police shootings are absolutely justifiable.

There are a few recent cases where the officers got off when they shouldn't have, but almost every case where officers get off is due to an overzealous DA using the spotlight and overcharging the officers with crimes they cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

And there are consequences. Many officers have lost jobs or faced charges for brutality/shootings. You only hear about shit that fits the narrative.

i remember watching it, i couldnt believe they ran it in the first place lol

It's funny how conservatives' biggest fear is a powerful and tyrannical Police State. Yet police forces are basically a cartel of government funded cronies who can murder American citizens at will. The right wing will bend over backwards and let a cop fuck them in the ass so long as it's only blacks getting and not them.

Citation needed

So basically you admit that there are some cases where shootings are not justifiable. Yet you can't name any instances where an officer actually went to prison for shooting someone unjustifiably. That's the whole point. Police are literally above the law.

a handful of cases like this a year where cops fuck up and get off is unfortunate but it is what it is and will never be perfect

There are many officers in prison right now for breaking the law, several of those for shootings on the job. I'm not your Google, this is common knowledge.

If you're going to bring murder charges against an officer for a shooting in the line of duty, you better be able to prove it. If not it's not the justice system's fault, it's the District Attorney's.

>It's time for us
what did he mean by this?

everytime i turn on ESPN its politics

if i wanted politics i would watch a politics station


found the nigger


>NFL advertisers pay her salary
>calls for a boycott

How dumb is this coon

It is always about money user. People will take the moral highground as long as the dollar backs them. Go back to GG the writers were happy to slay all gamers their core base for a lolcow getting butthurt over some trolling. The second people started e-mailing advertisers and advertisers started pulling out. Articles like
"I am just want to talk about video games"
Came out and they started distancing themselves from the whole shit show.

It is ALWAYS about money. They just never learn their lesson and assume the majority who just want to be entertained will take it.

Pretty much this.
ESPN needs the NFL, not otherwise. However, if the NFL becomes desperate, it wouldn't surprise if the "favour" the Steelers or the Packers to reach the SB.

They're losing on all their major properties.
>Star Wars shit

it's almost always the case that the "victim" was doing something illegal or are resisting for no reason.

hilarious that liberals ALWAYS over look this

it's always all about the money, as it should be. Liberals don't understand business

It was about repeated public insubordination, even after a warning. Same shit happened to Curt Schilling when he wouldn't stop posting conservative memes.

ESPN only cares about their bottom line, and they won't let any single person undermine their profits by alienating fans or advertisers to push an agenda.

cop in South Carolina that shot that dude in the back

There's a female cop in texas or arizona or something that is facing life.

cops should also be given the benefit of the doubt. A cop is much more likely to get killed for not being cautions then they are to kill


Brutal people (blacks and white trash) deserve to be handled in a brutal manner. I'm 37 and have NEVER had a bad run in w/ a cop. The people I know who have had problems, deserved it.

last year a cop purposely let themselves get beaten severely because they were afraid of the shitstorm resulting from defending themselves.

>white (sometimes even black) police officers are forced to fire on violent niggers trying to kill them
>Do niggers start asking why so many of them refuse to listen to a police officer when he tells them to put their hands up, and come to the conclusion so many of these deaths could be avoided if they had exercised common sense?
>Nah. niggers start crying racism