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Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 57.jpg (2400x1602, 292K)

link for jihyo saying she had a boyfriend? i've never heard that before and it sounds like bullshit

oh, word

Attached: 201.gif (450x462, 3.75M)

Twice stage edition

Attached: 1521370634547.jpg (1080x1350, 118K)


Attached: sehunTea.jpg (500x750, 78K)

you did make fun of it the last time

xiumeme thread

Why are they selling chokers? Japanese Reveluvs are like 12 years old.

Attached: choker.jpg (1280x1504, 316K)

Attached: DBAN1_IUwAAueeP.jpg (1200x1800, 212K)

flipflip thread

there's your gay thread and your girl thread

stop being stupid

Attached: IMG_8454.jpg (1000x1500, 916K)

wonwoo's tiny wrists

Attached: DW9bnFMVwAA4-zF.jpg (1536x2048, 208K)

goodnight kpg, especially my bonabros

Attached: 1513114316166.jpg (1158x1158, 207K)

can't wait for gfriend's comeback

Attached: tumblr_p5xeeelgeh1u0guzxo1_1280.jpg (720x540, 64K)

Attached: DOY_HDDVQAETOJ7.jpg (707x437, 50K)

Mark can get it.

Attached: 1490843709613.jpg (1000x1500, 207K)

i love his cheekbones

Attached: bona27.jpg (1200x1800, 913K)

same here

Attached: v7x9xUu.gif (417x429, 1.42M)

Attached: 1466558116192.webm (988x1114, 1.36M)

this but jisung instead

a break? yeah

Attached: 0000037214_001_20171019104301753.jpg (2000x3006, 1.46M)

playing tug o' war with winwin...

Attached: 1505202736787.jpg (1440x786, 52K)

Simply K-Pop Line-Up 180323 1300KST

Sha Sha
Live High
Cheon Danbi
The East Light
Jang Moonbok
Golden Child
Weki Meki


Attached: DY4vtx-U0AEK7kN.jpg (1200x900, 141K)

babysoul suplexing randy orton and becoming the new WWE United States Champion

>pcy has more followers on instagram than bts on twitter

Attached: 1514131765855.webm (914x720, 2.74M)

plastic surgery to fix that busted face? word

haseulie, my underappreciated adoration

Attached: DAcXQn8W0AAwO-e.jpg (1200x900, 122K)

they're going to catch up and btfo pcy soon

i wonder why gfriend isn't posted as often anymore
outside of the occasional dedicated posters it's only dirty erpers

Attached: 1499657407173.gif (370x210, 2.49M)

penguin bros post some good fancams (preferrably 4k)

go die, pcy

someone link me that arin fancam

Attached: 212844.jpg (1000x1500, 156K)

refusing to let winwin win so he gets all tired out...

Attached: 1520969109850.webm (867x600, 1.6M)

worst show lineup in a long time, feel bad for our guys the east light to be put with that shit

you've got the best pictures of my wife, thanks for sharing


i'm in the black suit

Attached: DHRqfZKUQAAJTUH.jpg (1500x2251, 264K)

he was making it up. jihyo's never said anything about having a boyfriend

she's my wife, but i get what you mean

Attached: DIqYSi3W0AANXup.jpg (1200x797, 124K)

Can they just get an official lightstick already? Fuck SM

wow thanks for the info

who the fuck doesn't know 'i love a rainy night' by eddie rabbitt?


many men have had these view of Jihyo irl

Attached: Jihyo Closeup.webm (1920x1080, 1002K)

theres two shows today, so ofc the bigger artists would go to music bank instead.



Attached: DYz-CtEVMAECyg4.jpg (1953x2048, 666K)

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What's so funny, Yeri?

Attached: Jihyo MC.webm (1000x562, 2.66M)

then, while he's fatigued and laying there, you use the rope to...



wtf is wrong with you

Attached: DY3gQ8TV4AAu4Oo.jpg (1932x1932, 386K)

kpg is boring tonight

Attached: cathy115.jpg (1080x1350, 1.04M)

fasten a hammock so he can take a nap...

oh no, user. that's terrible. what can we do to make it entertaining for you

last time i saw this face it was telling me "i want to play a game"

shitpost more

post that omg monkey promo picture again

I'll see you guys at kpg meet up in chile right?

Attached: DY7_-3lUMAAXkZQ.jpg (800x1199, 121K)

mark is ugly but haechan is even uglier

Attached: DWmm7O0VwAAHwqM.jpg (1024x682, 58K)


i thought we were writing a fic

he's very popular in korea

Attached: DYqY8p5VAAU1IZI.jpg (847x1200, 76K)

more loona

bacon the retarded ghost

i am to please.

i like the way you post, user.

oh, truly? regardless, the somi example still exists, and there are somi fans here.

Attached: Chuu&GuyFriends(2).jpg (320x400, 25K)

ahuevo wey

>let's talk about things as they were, buddy
>before i got mixed up with her, buddy
>laugh with me buddy, just with me buddy
>let's not let her get the best of me, buddy
>don't ever let me start feeling lonely
we can always wait together, buddies, that way it won't feel like such a long time

Attached: umji (114).jpg (1840x2048, 315K)

Attached: 1508925566355.jpg (623x972, 144K)

this chuu guy is so nice. i love him!

i forgot to attach the picture. my apologies. omg promo

Attached: omg.jpg (1200x1200, 226K)

alright guys what concept do we want exo to tackle next? don't say royalty because we've all already said royalty.

i am ready for aperin


How does she do it guys

Attached: DYPQdjfU8AAzxhq.jpg (1080x718, 68K)

fuck off chuushitter

Attached: 1498782656534.jpg (343x641, 37K)

a disbandment concept

bdsm concept

bts concept

Attached: 654365.jpg (1200x801, 133K)

they need to go full slutpop

kill yourself

good music concept

How does she do it guys

this seola guy is so nice. i love him!


chuu guy is a literal angel

Attached: 0101-6.jpg (1000x1500, 913K)

gay club thot concept like the nct dream go teasers