At least 7 injured -- some stabbed -- at California rally, authorities say

Sup Forums, obviously this is becoming a serious issue. We need to save lives. We need to ban knives. I mean, common, it's 2016.

Other urls found in this thread:

>violence is wrong
>unless it's against people that disagree with me

Libtards are so hypocritical it hurts


White supremacists btfo
That's what you deserve for being irl racist pieces of shit

Keep your meme racist to yourselves or your Internet Sup Forums echo chamber racism

So fuck everyone's freedom of speech, eh?

There is no conclusive evidence that proves which party initiated the conflict.

I can assure you it was those butthurt tattooed nazi white trash, though

is that you?

>no conclusive evidence
>I can assure you...

>There is no conclusive evidence
>I can assure you it was

>posted this photo of a guy being assaulted by a mob of culturally enriched fellows

Can't tell if serious, but you're just as bad as this shitcake who thinks that assaulting people with knives is just as bad as people I don't like exercising their right to free assembly.

Fuck off and die.

Don't you have some people to behead or some kidneys to steal you spic?

The right,which is comprised of white criminal trash is much more likely to chimp out than any other group of protesters.

Thar's just my view based on the facts I know, it has no bearing on who initiated the conflict.

You posted a fucking photo of you chimps chasing down an unarmed man in a MAGA shirt. Does it hurt having to face reality every day or were you just born with the extra chromosome that let you ignore it?

If stormfags initiated the conflict the anti fascists had every right to carry a knife. The anti fascists were also there to exercise their freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

If you can't stand the heat I suggest you not to organize rallies irl

Man antifa got fucked up bad huh?

The white kid instigated the fight, and he didn't even get hurt.


>If stormfags initiated the conflict the anti fascists had every right to carry a knife.

Stabbing unarmed people with knives because MUH FEEFEES HELP isn't your 'every right'. Your every right is to get shot if you assault someone with a knife, but this happened in commiefornia where rights are fickle things.

> The anti fascists were also there to exercise their freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

And so were the 'white supremacists'. But I guess it only counts when it's the people you like, right? That's how it works in Mexico, at least.

>The white kid instigated the fight
Citation needed, sure did instigate that fight with four, five spics who are chasing after him.

Looks to me like more violent sub-humans being unable to tell television from reality and reacting on their primitive, base urges to stab and behead anyone who doesn't give them the proper amount of drugs.

>pepe means

omg, stop, I can't breath

video of the battle of sacramento

The man in the OP picture was in a wheelchair when he came to the rally, he was disabled and the antifa attacked him. 6 Antifa were stabbed and 1 Nationalist was taken to hospital

Attacking people with knives in not protected under the First Amendment. Shocker of shockers.

the people stabbed were antifa

It looks like the liberals were the ones who got stabbed champ. at least from everything I've seen.

Nothing lost.

>All those antifa ganging up on people and beating them with sticks.

I notice that the news article omits that. Also omits all the other antifa shitheads running around with pipes, clubs, and baseball bats in that webm.

Looks like they fucking deserved it and it's an open-shut case of self defense. HUH.

We all know why your country is a piece of shit

They made the first stabbing and initiated the conflict.


Re-read the article. Sounds like the racists though they were gonna be attacked, so they armed themselves.

Got an article of video to back that up?

"Only one thing could have stopped our movement - if our adversaries had understood its principle and from the first day smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement."


They're actually more wrong that the white supremacist group since they violently assaulted Americans practicing their rights to assemble and speak with a permit.

If I posted this as a "LARPing gets out of control" would you second guess it?

Oh my god, that is hilarious. No I would not second guess it.

Almost mistook that flag for a common one.

most of the victims were liberals

Anyone have the Heimbach interview on REd Ice today about this happening?

why do they have shields?

Antifa caught sheathing knife.
10 seconds in

3d worlders in leafland wouldn't understand

Obvious bait

Anyone explain why the police are holding what look like paintball guns (1:55 in vid)? Do they actually use paintballs now?

Mexicans are trash

Pepper spray paintballs. And yes they do

Hey now, everyone knows white nationalist skinheads are peaceful chaps who wouldn't harm a fly. All they want to do is implement a solution for the non-white/non-heterosexual problem. Why do you commie bullies have such a problem with that?

thanks, apparently wikipedia thinks so too
"Police have been known to use paintball guns loaded with paint projectiles, to mark particular rioters so that police can easily identify and arrest them later."
makes sense I guess

for those interested

Stfu third worlder

>throw bricks and bottles
>get stabbed
>waahh tumblr pls help

>lefty scum start fight and get btfo
Listen to these leftist chucks try to spin this as anything other than them being humiliated the moment they stepped up to real men.


So what's happening exactly? Is this Trump supporters being assholes or Trump protesters being assholes?

I hope the cartel lops your head off you smelly brown mexcrement.

Neither, it was socialists stabbing other socialists because they weren't the right kind of socialist.

Sounds about right


Both, I guess. Still no clear evidence on who swung first. The neo-nazis were heavily outmanned, though, so I find it doubtful that they were the aggressors (unless they have a fucking deathwish).

>pic related

We live in a sad fucking time when you can't safely support a presidential candidate without risking assault by unstable retards.

I personally fully welcome the riots that will come when Trump is elected. Trump will make an example out of them, show them domestic terrorism will no longer be tolerated


ah man love it.

If this happened in a more gun friendly state you'd see dead antifa.

The neo nazis had a permit for what they were doing, antifa showing up at all but especially armed is an act of aggression.

Learn to inspect element and change shit. Yours looks like a shit paint edit that you couldn't even crop.

Showing up to a political event with a mask should be a crime at this point desu. You can't trust this fucking lunatics to not stab someone and disappear.

Most of the people who got fucked up were lefty scum, you stupid bean nigger


Doctor Pavél soy CIA

Donna Stern
2051 Hyde Park Rd
Detroit, MI 48207-3885
(313) 526-9023

Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 468-3398

woman in charge of the group that attacked them

>PePe means

Love it, but fix pic


Her facebook:

Her job:


how will people defend themselves from the evul nadsis if they want to have guns banned?