What are your thoughts on legalization and regulation of ALL drugs which are currently illegal?

What are your thoughts on legalization and regulation of ALL drugs which are currently illegal?

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Shut up retard. That's an incredibly stupid idea



>because my dad said dwugs is bad and I didn't look any further into it

Legalize bath salts and krokodil. The problem with resolve itself in short order.

ALL? Legalize and regulate shit like heroin and krokodil?

Yeah, no fuck off.

what's the problem. FUck heads who decide to take that shit will die and survival of the fittest will become a thing again, leaving only those who can actually look after themselves

No thanks. Seeing a meth addict, or any other kind of person that's been affected by nasty drugs is really sad. I don't want that to happen to more people.

pot should be legal in all states. I dont want my state to be one of the handfuls that legalizes it, and then we get flooded with upper middle class hipster faggots who then vote in more cucks laws

I also think most other drugs should be decriminalized at least


But throwing addicts into jail and then having them unable to get hired helps them right?

Yes, legalize everything. Maybe after a while people will start acting maturely, taking responsibility for their own actions, and stop expecting to be babied by their government. It also might improve general willpower of the population by killing off/disabling the weak minded.

regulation means it's illegal but you can get a license to use it, fuck off. I want less regulation. I wanna sell mushrooms at the farmer's market

Legalising weed would chip at organised crime's profit basis and would allow some people to self medicate trivial problems, whether for depression, insomnia, appetite/medically underweight or whatever. MDMA would make it vastly safer, since it would no longer be mixed with more dangerous drugs.

Everything after that the argument becomes progressively weaker until legalising heroin/opium literally means having these sad little dens with obscene crime statistics surrounding them.

DEAIDF plz go

We're tired of corrupt law enforcement stealing from people simply giving what people want.

>bath salts and krokodil

You realize shit like this wouldn't exist if drugs were legal, right?

No. You must be a special kind of retard.

Driving the shit off into the fringe and creating a subculture doesn't help.

around here you are going to get a bunch of losers responding to you that never had the opportunity to understand drugs.

really this is the only viable option to control drugs and drug use. the war on drugs is a sham.

The only people who support prohibition are LEAs, drug dealers and hardcore statists.

marilise legajuana i say

Is it bad that I think the government shouldn't be able to force you to not do drugs like it's your life senpai you know the risks

>but people would just spend every second of the day shooting heroin when there's cheap cocaine and weed everywhere

>meth and PCP


>muh feelings

We should viciously hunt down people who produce and distribute meth. It's fucking dangerous and looks too much like MDMA. Our kids are taking this shit

As for coke, weed, heroin, acid etc. Should be legal. Maybe not heroin, because it's arab. But everything else is fine. Would be safer to control our drug culture professionally.

Idk, mass drug use seems to indicate a society which actively desires an escape from the awfulness of reality. However, would you rather money be going towards schools and roads or to expanding a drug lord's armories and villas?

I don't want degenerate junkies on the goddamn street harassing me. I'd rather not get my dick ripped off by some dude on angel dust.

If they're rotting in prison they're away from me.

>Maybe not heorin, because it's arab.


I think weed should be legal and all other drugs decriminalized. Also I think that if someone harms someone else while under the influence of one of the decriminalized drugs the penalty should be severe.

I really don't understand people with your point of view. Are you a drug taker of any sort?

If they legalized Fentanyl then it would be like legalizing Sarin, since Fentanyl is more toxic than Sarin, and aborbed through the skin.

Who cares? If junkies want to kill themselves than how is that our problem?

Granted, but they might kill me with their stash by sneezing it into the air or leaving some on a hand rail of a stair, and then I put it in my mouth or pick my nose or something. Or maybe a crazy buys a bunch and does a mass murder

No, mostly because I have a plastic crack addiction and couldn't afford it. LSD and weed are mostly harmless I'll admit. But crack, method and heroine users suck people into an addiction. A lot of people, don't know if it's a minority or majority, completely degenerate and get thrown out on the street.

Then they pollute cities. They build shitty ass """homes""", they smell and look like shit. Some will even harass you if they really need a fix. Fucking street corners full of crack addicts with a shitty ass cardboard sign begging for spare change. Stealing food and all types of degenerate shit.

The only solution now to get them off the streets of the city is to jail them.

Good point.

LSD is so damn powerful, You could buy like an ounce of pure LSD and wipe it on peoples car door handles, or spray it everywhere and people would get dosed and trip balls.

Because if a 7 year old got addicted to crack at age 7 because some kids bought it to school from the local grocer their life would be ruined forever.

Yeah but they would be redpilled when they came down.

Kids. Kids would get hit with it.

Overpopulation is a problem user.

Your comment sounds so privileged I doubt you've even in an environment with drug addicts. There are reasons why these addictions start, particularly in poor environments. Either way we'll be paying out of pocket not just in taxes so people can fuck up their lives up and elitists opening up these prisons can profit off of our tax money

muh chillin

>some kids bought it to school from the local grocer

OP said legalization AND regulation you fucking illiterate.

Look at what Portugal did. They legalized everything and drug used dropped in youth populations.


It really doesn't matter one way or the other if drugs are legalized or not. People will still procure them and use them no matter what. I can go on the Deep Web and buy a sheet of acid for around a hundred bucks. Its illegal, but I can get it with relative ease. Making it legal would be the same damn thing, only instead of resorting to dealers or the Deep Web I could just visit a licensed business to get the shit. The only way you could benefit from legalizing all drugs is if the government intervened and integrated the drugs into pharmaceutical and recreational industries, such as offering licenses to dispensaries for weed.

Oh no, looks like I gotta check my privilege.

Furthermore, that's not an argument. You didn't address any of my points. You just kinda made a weak point at the end about prison profiteering which I didn't mention.

Yeah let's look at Portugal. What a shining beacon of society we should all look too.

they made their shitty society a little less shitty through decriminalization so I dont know what youre trying to prove.

Now Portugal can't put away the homeless degenerates who pollute the street long term. That's pretty shitty.

But I'm glad children are smoking less weed!

So basically HP Lovecraft brought to life?

the reason that junkies are junkies is because they take horribly made drugs. If drugs were legal and regulated, then even the worst drugs would be made purely and therefore would be "healthier". Not to mention the fact that people who would resort to heroin or crack would be much less likely to if there was weed, coke, mdma and LSD readily available. Druga buse doesn't create bad situations, bad situations creates drug abuse

Why not.

More like The Purge but instead of killing each other your dosing people with LSD. So each "hit" is a dose.

This would be a fun game to play.

I really hope everyone would join me in saying no to unregulated aspirin.

No that's fucking degenerate

I counter and say bad people make drug abuse. Without drugs existing they'd still do something retarded.

Even if they take the purest LSD, they're still gonna blow their money on it and litter the streets.


>implying taxpayers won't foot the bill on their medical expenses
yeah, nah m8. then again I doubt an edgy teenage neet cunt would understand

If people want to fuck themselves up on drugs why not let them

People do it with alcohol every day

>What are your thoughts on legalization and regulation of ALL drugs which are currently illegal?
Only viable approach in the long term.

>implying kids aren't involved in natural selection

All drugs should be legal
If the government has the right to tell you what you can, and can not do with your consciousness you don't live in a free country. Period.

All the muh degeneracy
muh kids will addicted
hur durr
You people are literally fucking retarded. It's a statistical fact that legalizing drugs lowers crime rates, and lowers use among minors. Addiction rates also go down.
You know what else happens?
There is literally no downside except the Jews stop being able to make a shit ton of money off of it being illegal anymore.
People who support prohibition of drugs support the kikes. Period.
This is all fact. It's not opinion.

All of you mentally ill druggies should be rounded up and given a good dose of electric shock therapy.

That said, cannabis should be legal, if only to shut you retards up.

Im 19 and its easier for me to get pot than beer.

>kids bought it to school from the local grocer
Like they do with alcohol and tobacco and guns?

If I want to grow, sell, own or take drugs then it's none of the government's business. I'm not infringing on anybody else's rights. I don't need the government to protect me from people selling heroin just like I don't need them to protect me from people selling booze and tobacco, because I'm a fucking adult and I can make those decisions myself.

Heroin addiction is a disease and should be treated as such. Rather than arresting people and throwing them in jail for abusing a substance that has no effect on anybody but the user, why not spend that money on rehab clinics and getting information about this shit to people at a young age?

Yes drugs CAN make people commit crimes, but those crimes can be dealt with individually. Got fucked up and hit someone? Busted for assault. Burgled a house to pay for a drug habit? Busted for burglary. Grew and ate drugs in your home and affected absolutely nobody but yourself? Good for you, enjoy your hobby. Sold some drugs at a profit to people old enough and mentally capable enough to decide if these drugs are for them? More power to you, Mr. Businessman.

If I can make the decision to have a kid, if I'm deemed responsible enough to drive or join the military or vote, then I should be considered resonsible enough to decide if I want to eat some magic mushrooms or smoke some weed.

hat said, certain drugs, while they should be legal, should also be extremely tightly regulated. Heroin and crack only directly affect the user but they're still dangerous and addictive, so they should be as regulated as guns or prescription medicine, and addiction needs more medical attention than it currently gets.

>It's a statistical fact that legalizing drugs lowers crime rates
Wow, so making legalizing something that was formerly a crime makes there be fewer crimes? Groundbreaking.

Why not legalize murder too?

>electric shock therapy
So a megadose on a psychadelic right?

You ever meme so supreme you fall into a dream that lasts an eternity? You ever give a bad person an eternity inside their own head? Some say it's like hell..

>easier for me to get pot than beer

This was always my experience from about 14 years old until I was 15 and had a buddy who looked old enough to buy booze. Even then, weed was just as available as alcohol, if not more so. I was scoring acid and ecstasy years before I was legally buying booze.

this user gets it

yeah I really don't get it
>shitload of money made off of taxes
>people can do what they want
>fuck the cartels
>no more heroin from the taliban
downsides are shit

I don't think that there should be any laws about what you can and can't do with your own body, unless you're actually too retarded to make decisions for yourself.

I think the baseline should be whether or not you're legally allowed to participate in a contract directly, without a legal guardian, and without such contract being automatically subject to abject voidability (such as the type of contracts that children are legally permitted to enter into) by the individual.

As far as I am concerned, any person that can enter into a contract and be held to that contract as signed is a legally sovereign individual, and they own all liability to what they deliberately do to themselves without being coerced.

All concerns such as a person's potential increased chance of causing a car crash, for example, can be handled by the existing laws (such as the "per se" DWI laws in multiple states).

There's more, licensed sellers can regulate the age of the person buying it and the quality of the substance.

Cannabis CAN be harmful if certain strains are used by people whose brains are still developing. Under the wrong conditions, long term psychosis is a real danger, but only if it's sold unregulated.

And other drugs are sometimes cut with chemicals that are more dangerous than the drug itself, that also only happens with an unregulated drug trade.

Prohibition might be well intentioned (apart from the blatant infringement of people's personal liberties), but all it does in practice is put the sale of drugs into the hands of unscrupulous, unregulated street dealers who will sell junk to children, and maybe even try to get them hooked on more dangerous (and more profitable) shit while they're selling them pot.

If cannabis is a gateway drug then it's because having to buy cannabis on the black market exposes people to the availability of other drugs.

>get rid of welfare
>legalize drugs, all drugs

First few years would be rough as the genetic trash takes itself out. After that it'd be smooth sailing with good drugs for the weekend.

Why are we not doing this again?

All drugs that are currently illegal are simply too dangerous to be legal even if regulated. Pot doesnt really fit the mold but smoking it is still degenerate.

>Now Portugal can't put away the homeless degenerates who pollute the street long term.
are those really from the new drugs policy i thought portugal always had roming homeless

i say decriminalize everything to certain extents, with super strict fines, and focus all the extra resources on dealers

prohibition of alcohol led to the biggest crime wave in us history and the drug prohibition is doing the same

Like alcohol?

I agree with all this, shame no big politician is really pushing for it, it really seems like it's time.

10/10 quality post here, user.
Hats off to you and everything you've mentioned.

Just got do them in the first place then you wouldn't have to worry about getting in trouble.

Alcohol isn't illegal, but yes. It would be better if people didn't drink with the goal of getting intoxicated. It's degenerate.

Lol go right ahead BUT I am not paying for your addiction treatment.
More sheeple to herd LOL

This is the only way to handle drugs. If drugs are illegal people will still take them. Drugs should be legal and regulated like alcohol and tobacco and people should be educated on the effect s. The drugs will be better and more predictable aswell because they will be pure and not cut with a ton of stuff and so it will even be healthier on the users. There won't be a need for scary as fuck stuff like spice and bath salts because the actual drugs they are trying to mimic will be available legally so people won't take that shit Having drugs illegal alsobmade this degenerate subculture that just encourages drugs and gangs and stuff which Ieads absolutely nowhere.

Legalizing all drugs is irresponsible.

>drugs that are currently illegal are simply too dangerous to be legal

Illegal drugs have:
>no age restrictions
>no quality/potency control
>lethal turf wars fought over dealing territories
>limited information gathering regarding use and effects

Keeping them illegal is much more dangerous.

I think that's the endgame of effective drug policy. What is far more effective than criminalisation is creating a social atmosphere in which the consumption of drugs is harshly denigrated; for example, if heroin became legal tomorrow, the vast, vast majority of people would look at you like you're crazy if you offered them heroin.

The idea is that rather than going to drug dealers for a hit, you go to a doctor. The dealers profit consistently and massively from sales and use the profits to further undermine the rule of law, whereas a doctor obviously has your health and the health of the public as their primary consideration.

It would be a change that happens over generations, but it is ultimately the best solution. We are not ready for it now.

Sadly the idea is by legalising these drugs we decry that we are condoning drug use. That is blatantly untrue and an emotional and narrow-minded belief. It is simply the lesser of two evils, because drug use will not go away, and the benefits of regulation far, far outstrip the costs of the black drug market, beyond "my feelings". It's a real shame that "my feelings" is enough for the time being to block effective drug policy.

No, actually not. Most people are just irresponsible and dumb that's why they fall off into addiction. It is irresponsible to not being able to handle your drug taking. Every individual has to find out at which point their drug taking starts to become irresponsible, and not cross this point. It's that easy.


If drugs are legal, how does the CIA finance themselfs? By doing a BBQ-fest?

i think the milennials are ready for the libertarian pill

>Secret recipies are literally Top Secret Classified Level 1 clearance type shit
>Tastes amazing through secret chemicals and FDA shennanigans
>Get to eat that AND smoke weed or whatever

Sounds like a win-win.