Wow really makes you think

Wow really makes you think.

>Did you know?

In Godfather, the horse head that Jack Woltz finds in his bed when he wakes up is the head of his favorite horse that we see earlier in the film.

Now that's what I call filmmaking.

>poor czechs we dindu nuffins

LOL yeah except most foreign volunteers within the axis forces during WW2 came from eastern europe

Also the czechs got a great deal of autonomy as a Reich protectorate and only really started sperging out and committing massacres against the sudeten germans in 1945 when the pan-slavist Ehrenburg-esque propaganda riled them up

Of course SPielberg doesn't mention any of this though

Makes me think they should have been speaking English to the Americans rather than some gibberish they call a language.

It's a two hour flick, not a documentary

This is a load of horseshit though

Over 1 million slavs and eastern europeans volunteered to fight for the Nazis in the Russian Liberation Army in order to fight the Soviets which they perceived as the lesser of two evils. Many of these people were transferred to fight in the western front.

He didn't even go into a rudimentary analysis of the underlying factors that caused WW1 and eventually WW2, how can anyone say this movie was honest?

Really made sink in for a moment.

>THAT is filmmaking

I want to punch whatever faggot redditor who wrote this in the throat

fuck you nigger

Did you know the name Titanic was actually a ship that sank after hitting an iceberg. This ship appears throughout the film!

THAT is filmmaking.

>mfw nazis trying to create polish ss battalions
>not a single volunteer

>mfw nazis trying to create police force in poland
>more than half of them belonged to the resistance

>mfw berlin 1945
>modern germans have more polish than german blood thanks to the BSC (big slav cock)


Here you go, fixed it for you.

>fixed it for you
>fixed that for you.png

What did he mean by this?

Did you know the Titanic had already been damaged swapped out for a different ship, the ship that sank was not actually the Titanic. All about insurance.

Are you fucking autistic? (Answer is yes)

You made a thing! :D


>fighting for the Nazis

They deserved to die, wether they were forced or not. They still had a choice: the choice of dying instead of taking part in this evil.

>you would have done the same
Probably, and I still would have thought that I deserve death for doing so.


>Shooting surrendering troops
The good guys everybody

>not killing as many Nazis as possible
this guy doesn't get it

what are you some little antifa fag?

I am an American.
I'm seeing lots of hate towards anti-fas, and I honestly don't get the reason behind this hate.
Is it because they're all leftists?
They are, but they are not promoting it when bashing fascists. They identify as anti-fascists, and wether you like it or not that belief is absolutely compatible with our tradition, history and culture.
If you're American you should oppose Fascism and Nazism, if you don't want to do so then you truly don't love Freedom.

I'm not american, I'm from an ex-fascist country and just want to let you know you guys are considered turbocucks around here

Actually freedom of speech is the core american value, nothing in our constitution or laws has anything to do with bashing fascism or nazism.

and sucker punching racists and flipping trash cans over isnt really that cool either. they arent even killing people. leftists are pussies

>said the guy who lost the war and know closely follow whatever indication we give to your leaders

But yeah, we're the cucks, right?
Given the importance you guys give to violence and ''might is right'', it is funny how you can't see how we're the superior ones in this relationship, even when evaluating ourselves with your own criteria.

Funny, i always tought they said they washed themselves for supper.

I meant you as people are very cuckish


Berlin was always a source of degeneracy and basically everything bad with the country, even before the world wars and desperately asks to get bombed and the left with its earth salted.

they were only shooting Allied troops ironically

Of course it hasn't been codified through law, yet history proves my point in this case.
Regardless, there is much literature on the uselessness of debating with Nazis, even Hitler held this same opinion. It's not a ideology based on reason, and it is completely free from any sort of debate, since all of its premises are purely arbitrary.
I accept the fact that punching fascists is illegal, yet it is still an inherently american action and I will partake in it everytime I can.

>and sucker punching racists
That actually worked, considering that Spencer refused to attend the Women's March out of fear. Wether you supported the march or not, you still can't deny that it worked.
>flipping trash cans
This is why I haven't identified with antifas. I approve their repulsion for fascism, but there is a whole bucket of leftist ideology directly linked to the movement wich I don't approve.

Your military is overwhelming conservative. I'd love to see you leftists fight anyone.

I disagree with your post and want to make that known on the internet.

man the liberal fantasy of punching fascists is kind of pathetic. we all know you have never been in a fight in your life. and explain to me how its an 'inherent american' action to assault people you disagree with, when thats in violation of the First amendment. nazis havent even been around for a hundred years you fuckin stupid millenial

>All soldiers in the Axis side were Nazies
>All soldiers under the German Reich were Nazies
Nice meme

>punching fascists
>inherently american
American politics are thoroughly right-wing. The democrats are a right wing party, the republicans are a far-right party. Sanders, who is a social-democrat (ie. the political option that is dominant in most of Europe since WWII) has been laughed out in the US as being a hippy loon.

Explaining that USA was largely responsible for WW2 (and the fact that this was all an Anglo Jew plot to destroy the French Empire) was never going to be pointed out by a Anglo Jew.

Have you read anything I've written? I'm not a leftist.
Regardless, there is nothing in bashing fascists that goes against conservative ideology.

>we all know you have never been in a fight in your life.
I've served in the Navy for 8 years of my life. Unless said nazi is an actual UFC fighter I will be able to punch him and at least come out of it as even.

>action to assault people you disagree with
You're just an intellectual coward. You're not able to pick any exception to this rule, not even for nazism. This doesn't show tolerance, this just show stupidity and the inability to respond to a ideology wich can be dealt only with violence.
The history of every fascist country proves my point. If you think that you can debate with mister Spencer, you're just delusional. The only reason for wich we shouldn't shot him yet is because he doesn't have enough followers to be percieved as a threat.

Well, both my grandpas weren't as coward as you and actually went down to Europe to gun some of those freedom-haters down.

How can you punch fascists? Do you have a lot nazis hiding in your basement? Or do you consider your mom a fascist when she buys you store brand tendies instead of name brand?

>You're just an intellectual coward. You're not able to pick any exception to this rule, not even for nazism

Free speech is all speech, not just speech you like.

>it's a dumb americunt politics thread

How are you this stupid?
>I've served in the Navy for 8 years of my life.
Oh, carry on then

Lmao. Literally the faggots of the sea. Great work, sailor.

Free speech is a limitation to government, not to the individual. It's not the job of our police to stop fascism, that could give them a precedent that could be exploited.
Yet, I have the right to punch nazis. I may end up in jail, but I possess this right as a human being, and there are strong ethical reasons for applying it.
You may paint me as naive, but Nazism is not just ideology. It is a very precise ideology with very precise consequences based on very precise premises. When you look into all of this factors you will quickly realize that there is no legal way to deal with the thread of fascism.

Your true colors are showing guys.
Are you sure that you're not the leftists here?

It's sad, but even in the good guys armies are bullies. Geneva agreements were signed to avoid stuff like this

dude we had to kill all those allies trying to stop the Nazis we didn't have a choice lmao

Hola Clickhole

>call out a literal faggot for saying stupid shit makes me a leftist
I don't think so hot stuff

>Everyone who is my enemy is a nazi
You're doing this thing called generalization, again, not every soldier who was under the German Reich flag was a nazi

Saying that Richard Spencer is not a Nazi is intellectually dishonest.

And USA, Russia, UK, Japan and Germany also signed agreements not to use Flamethrowers in war, but still did, under the guise of "terrain clearance and minefield clearance". Didn't stop them torching each other.

100+ countries have also signed agreements not to produce, distribute, store, use or sell clusterbombs. The USA still does because "we make them smart lol" but then go "Yeah everybody in NATO should nerf their grenade killing range because muh civilians".

Agreements are for peace time, mate. When push comes to shove, nothing is off limits, as the winner writes the history and ends up justifying it.

Yeah, that was the point, they weren't trying to represent anyone as the good guys.

so what, they're still the enemy

Is he a National Socialist or does he just agree with some of their ideology?

I mean, thinking eugenics is a good thing doesn't make me a Nazi. If it does, the USSR and American governments are Nazi's, as they believed it was a thing.

Then again, for all intents and purposes, the USA Government believes that psychic powers are real, just like the Germans did. So fuck knows.

Go suck off your boyfriend while the marines and army make themselves useful.

Did you know Jared Leto lived as the Joker for an entire year and made everyone on the set of Suicide Squad address him as "Mr J" or "Mr Joker"?

THAT is acting

You don't shoot surrendered enemies down, user. If not for the Geneva agreements, for proving we're better than them first you give them a weapon and then you shoot them down

>1945 Germany wasn't Nazi enough

>Mom, they started!
The point every American reaches after a deconstruction on the America is the good guy argument.

Muh validation!

There is nothing in his line of thinking that goes against the Nazi ideology, and he extensively uses ideas directly taken from Nazi and KKK propaganda.
It may sound new to people in their teenagehood and first adulthood on Sup Forums, but the terms, concepts and philosophical ideas the alt-right is using are extremely old and predictable.
If nothing you believes in goes against Nazism and your entire lexicon is based on Nazi propagando you're either a nazi or a surrogate of nazism.

I fucking hate Americans.

t. American

what kind of goal post moving is this? I'm completely lost

and your country isn't important enough to be named?
right, because it's irrelevant

nice dubs yuropoor

As a glorious American, I'd like to congratulate you on your dubs.

Are you mad that your semen rations are late again? We're making them as fast as possible.

holy shit it keeps happening

You ruined it yuropoor.

What part of that is 'they started it'? I just said that in times of war, countries will willingly drop the shit that they, in public, deemed "immoral". Because, as I said, the winners decide if it was immoral or not.

Gunning down soldiers like this is a sad thing to happen, but some people were dicks. In terms of the film, it's to establish the fact that Americans were capable of doing bad things and to establish the two characters as dubious moral code.

Again, laws and writing and shit mean nout in such a situation. Americans tortured fuck loads of Iraqi PoW's in the War on Terror. That's not a 'started' thing. That was a thing that happened and a thing people do.

The best you can do is not let the public find out. In the case of WW2, it was very possible that a failed invasion of Western Europe would spell the end of any chance of France being free, if not extending the length of the war in Europe by a decade. You go all out or you risk more shit.

The British heavily bombed German cities, killing civilians. While in turn the Americans bomb factories. Many argue the Brits should have concentrated on repeated bombing follow ups on American targets to end the war. Ball Bearing factories especially. Only once was a city raid ever close to achieving moral collapse, but the Allies pussied out.

>But user, they can't possibly be Nazis because they're so respectful and peaceful unlike those NASTY liberals who want nothing but violence, all the altright wants is to kill all minorities.

>Mfw Sup Forumstards unironically advocate the extermination of other races but are having a collective freakout because one of them got punched

My bad, I ignored the last part of the post (I'm arguing with a Spencer defender too).
>not every soldier who was under the German Reich flag was a nazi

Much literature have been written on this topic. The Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt is a cornerstone of this logic.
Nazism didn't need fanatism from literally every citizen to work, but it still needed his support in a way or another. Being neutral towards nazism, or working for them regardless of your real intentions should not be excused in this particular case.

As Sartre brilliantly explained in Being and Nothingness we are always free, no matter how much the outside world is trying to condition us. Even when a rifle is pointed at our head we still have the freedom to rebel and accept death instead of taking part in this evil.
If you don't see the evil in Nazism you have some sereious reading to do.

Also I hope that with
>ot every soldier who was under the German Reich flag was a nazi
you weren't quoting the ''clean wermacth'' propaganda.


So, NotAllMuslims = Legitimate thing to say
NotAllAltRight = Not a legitimate thing to say

Not all 'altright' (a shitty and purposely nebulous term to cover everybody from centre to extreme-right) want that. Some people find punching a guy, twice, with a sucker punch while he's being interviewed a bad thing.

Assault isn't justifiable regardless of who it is. Be it a 'liberal' or 'sjw' or 'altright'.

But the Czechs were one of the few groups that were never armed but the Germans, either forced or volunteers. Hitler expressly forbid this to prevent a repeat of the "Czech Legion" of WWI.

>And USA, Russia, UK, Japan and Germany also signed agreements not to use Flamethrowers in war
No they didn't.

>100+ countries have also signed agreements not to produce, distribute, store, use or sell clusterbombs. The USA still does
Because the USA has not signed that agreement.

>Assault isn't justifiable regardless of who it is. Be it a 'liberal' or 'sjw' or 'altright'.

Too bad that that's literally the only way to deal with nazis. What's your plan? Are you going to debate to a great extent with all the guys who are organizing politically in a crypto-nazist movement? Will you use reason™ and logic™ to change their mind?
Give me a break and stop being so naive. There is no neutrality when it comes to nazism. You're either with them or against them. Thinking otherwise is childish and just reveal historical ignorance on your part.

schoolkids were executed because they made a stupid joke about germans and people were killed on the spot just because they looked at the soldiers wrong

fucking kill you are self you fucking bellend

>Generalizing a group based on place of birth is okay, but don't dare assume someone who advocates the extermination of other races advocates the extermination of other races

The guy that was punched was an actual Nazi who openly advocates for the extermination of all black people because humanity doesn't need them apparently. Seems pretty fair that he was punched twice.

1. Protocol III of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. This clause prohibits the use of incendiary weapons on people. You can, however, use them to clear foliage.

2. Read the rest of my sentence next-time, champ. My point was that USA finds the idea of banning the use of clusterbombs stupid because they can make them 'smart' and that means they're not a risk to civilians, but then goes on to say that NATO members should reduce the killing radius of their hand grenades because "they are a risk to civilians".

The USA finding one a stupid thing to ban (clusterbombs) and the other one a rightful thing to reduce the effectiveness of (grenades) shows how the idea of morality depends on who is calling for something to be banned or not be banned.

I never said it was OK, who are you quoting?

So, the extermination of people who I disagree with based on their political beliefs is the way forward? Okay.

>openly advocates for the extermination of all black people
Dumb faggot believes everything he sees on twitter


>it's OK to assault and kill people who I disagree with as they have views that I disagree with


What about when they killed Heydrich and got reprisals?

>So, the extermination of people who I disagree with based on their political beliefs is the way forward? Okay.

Yeah, because the disagreement I have with Nazism is a minor one. Extermination of ''lesser races'' are a 50/50 problem, right?
Are you really unable to see a clear difference between Nazism and, let's say, conservative republics? Do you think that the leap between punching a Nazi in the face and punching a democrat in the face is so short?

>mfw I'm playing both sides of this argument
>mfw I'm arguing with myself to get other people to argue with me

I operate on a completely different level

>Over 1 million slavs and eastern europeans volunteered to fight for the Nazis

oy vey goyim! only the hollywood kike version of history is true!


I want to do it, too, but then the mods would see my faggotry and this makes me uneasy for some reason 2bh

It's okay to assault people that advocate for the extermination/genocide of an entire race. These people choose to be Nazis, you can't choose your race.

Not at all. I don't think the solution to your Nazi problem is to physically assault or kill them because you disagree with them. After all, they disagree with blacks being a positive side of the human race and wish them all dead, right?

So one is OK because you're assuming you have moral superiority; which is, it's OK to kill all Nazi's because they want to kill all black people? Even though Nazi's NEVER wanted to kill all black people and had black soldiers in their armies?

Utterly baffling. I couldn't give a toss about Nazi's, they are a non-threat to the stability of the world. What is a threat to this world is people thinking they have objective moral superiority to inflict things on people because those people wish to inflict the very same things on other people.

Baffling. Utterly baffling. We're done here. I'm starting to think you're just shitposting. Nobody can have views like this and not be batshit insane. That includes Nazi's.

wew la

That's me, la. I am the Puppet Master!

"We should kill all blacks and jews!" Is not a political belief.

What is it then?