>failed business owner
>beta of the group
>desperately wants to be a macho gangster
>cucked by his own wife
Was he Sup Forums incarnate?
>failed business owner
>beta of the group
>desperately wants to be a macho gangster
>cucked by his own wife
Was he Sup Forums incarnate?
Other urls found in this thread:
That's not Ralph.
who else would you be cucked by?
>God tier banter
>Made lots of money
>Enjoys getting cucked
Literally Sup Forums and Sup Forums personified
I'm disappointed they didn't show Ralph entertaining black bulls. He wanted to be pimped out by a mistress.
who did his wife fuck? I forgot
GOAT Artie scene.
No one.
Artie was the worst kind of cuck: pussywhipped by his own wife.
Unlike Ralphie who enjoys getting cucked just for the sheer pleasure. Artie is a numale.
Tony before she was married to Artie.
Ralph inspired me not to be ashamed that I insert as the girl while watching BLACKED. You can be a sissy in the bedroom and still be an alpha in your everyday life.
>I insert as the girl while watching BLACKED
i-im not alone
I started hating Tony after he killed Ralph over a fucking HORSE like a PETA faggot. The guys son was dying and he needed money.
It wasn't about the horse. It was really about Tracee, which in turn was really about Meadow.
who the FUCK is Tracee
That's not first post best post.
The stripper/whore who Ralph beats to death.
I always had a soft spot for Artie because he reminded me a lot of my best friend. Everything about him. The way he would get drunk to gain confidence. And the way he would hide behind Tony while he talked shit to real gangsters. Even down to the balding.
didnt he aslo get pegged?
She was a hooooorse
She was even referred to as a "thoroughbred" by Silvio
Pegging is basically foreplay for getting cucked. Soon enough you'll desire real bbc.
That's not how cucking works
If you marry a woman who has received any dick before you, you're a cuckold.
Is this what christcucks believe?
>Being disloyle to your capo
Ralph thought he was a tough guy who treat Tony like he was co-worker. T was the boss at that point.
Same reason Tony gets away with a lot of bullshit.
what happens next?
>hating artie
Kill yourself. His interactions with Tony were hilarious.
Artie is one of the best characters
Kill yourself
>I insert as the girl while watching BLACKED
What the fuck does that even mean? Kill yourself ESL nigger.
he pretends hes the girl whos getting fucked
You just described the American president.
Then he should say that instead of using retarded terms.
you know Quasimodo predicted all of this
why would he marry tony's fat, awful sister anyways
Kill yourself retard. I hope your mother gets INSERTED into a big FAT ELEPHANT COCK.
Wow anons, qu'est-ce que c'est, men? Message machine broken ?
No idea. Mikey Palmice's widow would've been the waaay better choice, she was hungry to get back on the mob money train.
>giving a shit
pick one