Characters that ruin shows

what are some characters that in your opinion ruin/almost ruin an otherwise great tv-series?

for me its pic related

she thicc tho



jon snow

What? I think she did good.


this. he should have stayed dead

both of these but OP said "an otherwise great tv series" so game of shit doesnt count

How? By actively moving the plot forward trying to stop the bad guys?

Oh man I disagree

id fuck her

>complex mystery missing many key components
>instantly solved without a reasonable amount of information given by strong woman
>men holdin genius, awesome strong woman back

the only thing I have a problem with from OPs post is implying that Fargo season 1 was any good

You need to get laid son. Alright bait tho, keep at it.

Me too. I'd shake that soft belly until there was a baby in it as well. Then I'd fuck her even more.

basically thisi just found her so incredibly unlikable. i have problem with strong smart overweight women, i suppose

>without a reasonable amount of information

>Lagertha from Vikings

All of her scenes were inserted simply to appease SJWs. I'm actually very liberal, but I get tired of this obvious shit......and don't make Grease characters black!

i agree, though that hatred was clearly intended.

I get where they wanted to go with that but they really went too far with it. Especially season 3 where the plot was kinda slow it became almost unbearable

She did nothing wrong. The amount of praise Walt gets on Sup Forums is telling.

Walt did nothing fucking wrong. He did everything for the love of his family

her character development is what really does it.
starts off somewhat reasonable, but by political demand turns into a political cartoon

>Hey Walt, remember that time we started the company that made me rich? Let me give you all the money you need for cancer treatment

I didn't like her either. But she didn't ruined the show. Too kino for it.

>liking Fargo

literally BLACKED the TV series. They turned the original Margie character, an actual strong, likeable, realistic midwestern woman, into a MarySue straight out of every dumb fucking thing coming out of Hollywood now

Season 1 was strong independent womyn
Season 2 was BLACKED

Season 2 was only saved by Ted Danson creating his own language and alphabet.

>thinking you need to be a feminist pushover nu male to get laid

oh poor thing

nah, it was just a mid-life crisi/power trip

It's just so fucking ham fisted.

If viking socirty truly was more egalitarian in terms of gender that's awesome, please do show that, but show it with some tact and logic. There's no excuse for this.

wasnt she supposed to be in a lot after fargo?
