You dont think you'll actually win do you?

You dont think you'll actually win do you?

No, sir...

Sometimes I do. Even when I'm feeling black pilled, I am not deterred from my beliefs.

How can anyone look at the picture for more than 3 seconds without gagging. Kikes seriously look like sith lords when they get really old.


How can a man that wealthy not have at least considered simple plastic surgery to correct those eye bags?

Baggis, the Hungarian Haggis challenges you to a duel!

>Soros will die in your lifetime

Fifth then third.

Why does Sup Forums think this guy is the endgame boss? If anything, it's the Rothschilds. You know, the Jews that have banks in every country except Iran, Cuba, and North Korea? The family worth 500 trillion?

After the Brexit it's more SoreAss than Soros.

If you win, you lose.

If we lose, we win.

That's how stupid your strategy is.


He literally looks like a human butthole.

It's amazing all the different ways that Jews look hideous.

Our meme magic grows stronger with each day and your day's are numbered, Juden. In the near future, you shall fear Sup Forums's internet war machine.
Kek bless

That's literally just a meme. There is a point at which you become so influential that you have no effective power. A single man cannot directly control multiple nations without eventually stepping on someone's toes and getting fucked up.

Things change.




post yfw he's on his deathbed when suddenly it's announced that technology for immortality has been created

>The Jews have been playing 5 dimensional chess on a 3 dimensional board vs people playing checkers
But now they're playing 5 dimensional chess on a 4 dimensional board vs people playing 13 dimensional chess. Get fucked.

I wouldn't bet on it

The Rothschilds are nothing more than leeches and will exploit any situation for their profit while Soros just directly causes problems


Shutup Soros, you've got a face like a beggars ballbag

people got sick of the jew faggotry and flipped the board after smacking all the pieces off it in 1 swing .

now the jews dont know what to do they need rules and sympathy to protect them and they know they are sitting across from a mad man but if they get up and leave they forfeit

How can you win against something that plays both sides, always?

The only winning move is not to play.

there's only 11 dimensions, bong

When Britain is ashes, you have my permission to die.

If you're going to be a billionaire and look like that, why not just go Full Palpatine and rock the black robes and shit?

I don't know if we'll win, but I know he will lose.

How do you lose when you are on both sides?

It doesn't matter.

Soros isn't the endgame but he's a big player

Is he that one boss in JRPGs that you have to fight the entire game and then when defeated the real final boss reveals himself?

why are the bags on his eyes so saggy? looks like he needs a bra for them

>tfw you live so long your face starts melting off

Soros is the endgame boss of Game. Game 2 will feature more of the men behind the curtains. Game 3 will go off the rails and be about ancient aliens.

It's not about winning Mr. Soros. That is where you and your ilk will fail. How can you win a contest when you don't even know the name of it? You have just lost the game

If Britain can overcome the rothchilds.... I am a believer of anything now... Trump/Farage 2016

fuck off frogman

Yeah. We don't give a fuck.
Getting our island nation back from the hands of the Jewropean Union was a start.
As if other countries matter?
Our arrogance is our strength.
We simply don't give a shit what other countries think of us. Especially Germany.

Other nations' hatred makes us strong.
The boss Jew in your pic can pull his tricks on us and we couldn't care less.

Game 4

I see it like the Jews vs Muslim thing.

Nobody ever wins. It goes on and on until Earth is destroyed.

To me it's more about surviving and thriving, with self-directed homelands of your own, amidst this context of perpetual antagonism.

There is no utopia, there is no point at which we make peace, or one side wins, or corruption ceases.

so what comes next for soros after brexit? what is his next move?

No, but the fight is worth it and it makes life interesting to see things that regular people don't.

What are you talking about, mate?
He made hundreds of millions from brexit.

Damn, I've heard of having bags under your eyes, but this nigga got ballsacks under his eyes

"The wickedness of your heart enticed you, who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, who says to himself, "Who will bring me down to the earth?"

"If you go up high like an eagle, and if you place your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down, says the Lord."

"How Esau was searched out, how his hidden things were revealed!"

"Until the border all your allies escorted you; your friends enticed you, yea prevailed against you; your food they lay as a wound under you; there is no discernment in them."

"Shall I not in that day-says the Lord-destroy wise men from Edom and discernment from the mountain of Esau?"

"And your mighty men shall be dismayed, O dwellers of the southland, in order that every man be cut off from the mountain of Esau by slaughter."

"Because of the violence of your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you shall be cut off forever."

"On that day you stood from afar, on the day strangers captured his possessions, and foreigners came into his cities, and on Jerusalem they cast lots; you, too, are like one of them."

"And you should not have looked on the day of your brother on the day of his being delivered, and you should not have rejoiced about the children of Judah on the day of their destruction, and you should not have spoken proudly on the day of distress."

"You should not have come into the gate of My people on the day of their misfortune; you too should not have looked at their affliction on the day of their misfortune, and you should not have stretched out [your hand] upon their possessions on the day of their misfortune."

"And you should not have stood by the gap to cut off their fugitives, neither should you have delivered their survivors on the day of distress."

"For the day of the Lord over all the nations is close; as you have done shall be done to you; your recompense shall be returned upon your head."


>actually thinking the antichrist can die

"For, as you drank on My Holy Mount, shall all the nations drink constantly, and they shall drink and be stunned, and they shall be as though they were not."

"And on Mount Zion there shall be a remnant, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall inherit those who inherited them."

"And the house of Jacob shall be fire and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau shall become stubble, and they shall ignite them and consume them, and the house of Esau shall have no survivors, for the Lord has spoken."

"And [the inhabitants of] the southland shall inherit the mountain of Esau, and [the inhabitants of] the plain, the Philistines, and they shall inherit the field of Ephraim and the field of Samaria, and Benjamin [with the inhabitants of] Gilead. "

"And this exiled host of the children of Israel who are [with] the Canaanites as far as Zarephath and the exile of Jerusalem which is in Sepharad shall inherit the cities of the southland."

"And saviors shall ascend Mt. Zion to judge the mountain of Esau, and the Lord shall have the kingdom."

Their family is like a spider with many limbs. Calling them a meme is shill tier retardation. Please end your

>thinking jews get to play both sides in the epics battlez
kek . only jews think they get to control both sides. the last year of jubilee was last year. the tribulation period is upon jews . it should be clear its only jews that have to suffer. it never says anything about any one else getting screwed

Looks like the Rothschilds got another one. RIP.

Soros is growing weak, and like all men- will die.

I am in my prime wit truth and reason by my side. Soros will lose his grasp one way or another.

Considering I quadrupled my money BT buying gold super low back in September and I bet on Brexit to leave by that margin I'd say I am on track.

>Is he that one boss in JRPGs that you have to fight the entire game and then when defeated the real final boss reveals himself?
Uh, yeah, actually. That's an almost perfect analogy.