What do you think about flag burning?

What do you think about flag burning? youtube.com/watch?v=4Ql56jzWjZ0

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It's protected speech. I disagree with it, but it's not my place to try and stop them

I guess if you wanted you could rig a drone to carry water and put out the flag/soak the protesters

it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the desecration of a flag, due to its status as "symbolic speech."

what the fuck
are you-
are you fucking kidding me

It's a disgraceful act that spits on the graves of all those who died to give them that freedom.

Distasteful but free speech.

I respect their right to do it, but they're still massive faggots shitting on a symbol of why I respect that right.

I'm pretty sure flag burning can be on the same grounds as hate speech, yet nobody does anything unless if a nignog speaks out.

That we should start doing it to because I don't want to perpetuate the illusion that we're co-citizens with these people or that our governments are actually on our side.

Or that we have a country, a nation or a home.

It's basically saying fuck this country, don't be surprised when some people get pissed.

When you burn a flag, you shit on the legacy of a ton of people who died to protect your ability to turn a flag.

freedom isn't free, etc etc

edgemasters with no understanding of history, it's all emotionally driven behavior brought on by facebook and television shows

> Soldiers go to war and die to protect a country which allows freedom of speech and equality of opinion for all.
> Judiciary supports minorities to ensure they have a good, fair life. The US is literally the most fair place for LGBT peoples apart from shitty northern European nations.
> Burn the flag anyway because your not being completely pandered to and other people have the democratic right to oppose you.

Funny how they are burning a symbol of free speech, they are hating on the only world superpower that approved of gay marriage.

It's like them burning the first amendment, or burning a book of the civil rights movement.

These fucks have no idea how lucky they are to live in the US, most countries would arrest them or even hang them, I'd say the US has been the most socially progressive nation in the world since their civil war

Sure they're fucking stupid but well it is totally legal.

We need an American gestapo to form so we can round up these degenerates and send them to the gas chambers.

Wait, wasn`t there a sandnigger in the news that died after inhaling smoke from an american flag he burned?

also its a good thing they do it, costs them sympaties

it's just burning some fabric with some colors on it,

doesn't bother me

Pretty much this. What more do these faggots want? Is letting them flaunt their degeneracy and be absolute sub-humans not enough for them?Or do you think they would stop burning the US flag if we gave them all $500,000 for being the useless degenerates they are?

Freedom of speech is a bitch
Sorry if it hurts your feelings.

You deserve to be gassed. I got ill and started shaking seeing this happen. Them burning the flag is symbolic for hating the US and wanting us all dead. They hate us.

It's okay when gays do it.

They can have all the free speech they want. Doesn't stop me from wanting to slaughter every last one of them.

I'm not a representative of the government so I can beat them up and take the flag without feeling a bit bad.

Wasn't it Texas v. Johnson that made flag burning legal in the US?

It's an act for people who've done little but demand so much. Flag burning is disrespect to everyone that's fought for the flag. Literally only for ignorant, disrespectful dredges of society.

There is something ironic about flag burning when it's done by people that would be executed outright in half the countries on the planet.

They should visit Iran looking like that.

XXXTREMELY disrespectful and hateful towards everyone that is a citizen in that country.

The only proper way to dispose of old glory. The boy scouts of America are the biggest group of flag burners here. It's literally the only legal way to dispose of it.

Granted they don't follow proper etiquette, but burning is legit


Why don't they burn this one? What are they afraid of?

Free speech. I don't like it but I won't stop people from doing it.

I have never understood why people get so butthurt over flag burning. I get that it's a symbol of one's country but it's a fucking piece of cloth, why should I care? Flag burners are just looking for attention anyways

>go to flag burning or stage one
>be dressed as genderdruid or whatever
>holding up a Hillary sign next to burning American flag
Here's the idea someone just do it

I don't get why they don't just leave the fucking country?

Plane tickets only cost abo- oh wait I forgot we're talking about unemployed manchildren

Pretty sure OP is talking about flag burning as a form of protest, not to honorably retire it.

This was linked to /r/Anarchism

Link: m.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/comments/4pys86/us_flag_burned_at_trans_march_2016_in_san/

Cringeworthy edgy teenagers. How do you think they'll feel when they go back and read those comments in 10 years?

they will be crying about how little they are getting in state assistance

It should be legal, but it also shows that you hate the country and should leave if they dislike it so much.

The edge is too strong

Make flame retarded flags.


It allows you to sell them a new flag. If they burn that one too, that's yet another flag sale you might get. They're turning their money into ashes, whilst the flag makers get to sell more product.

I'm surprised that it's legal. Not because it's offensive but because it's unsafe.

Can people really light shit on fire in public? What if I wanted to protest by burning a shirt or something? Can I go out in a crowd of people and start lighting something on fire? People would probably fucking call the cops lol.

All this.

It's nearly always American flags being burned, you never see news of other flags being burned. Imagine the uproar if a bunch of KKK members (The 5 of them left) got together and burned LGBT flags in public.

On one hand, it's distasteful and is equivalent to shitting upon all the people who died in the last 200 years so you can be burning the fucking flag.

On the other, people are buying those flags specifically to burn them, ensuring flag producers and retailers consistently profit, and free market capitalism is a cornerstone of american culture, so....?

We should make a law stating all flags must be Fire proof or flame retardant.

Then we sit back and laugh as they try to light them up

Oh boy, the irony is too much.

I feel that it is a form of treason against the United States and should be punish as so.

>Burns flag of Country they live in
>Why do they still live in Country

The left destroys nations by using tactics such as subversion, corrupting institutions, corrupting and defiling culture and identity, and spreading degeneracy to weaken a nations resolve from within. It's just what they do.

Man, they allow screaming mental ill people to burn the flag. Well, the mental ill people are not faulth for their illness.

>not opening a store that sells American flag + Gasoline starter packs at a 500% markup to fags while wearing a serpent's smile
>not using the wealth generated from your booming business to buy political clout and put in legislation to ban fag marriage in the future

Do any of you even belong to the Machiavellian Jewish school of Economics (MJE)?

ironically they think they're sticking it to the establishment and the elites, while the establishment probably hates the flag more than they do.

>That Kenneth Browning dude trying to be funny and edgy

i read federal as fedoral.

Isn't arson illegal? What if their pink hair dye catches fire and their anal plugs fly out their assholes at bullet speeds from the smoke built up by the fire?

He does the far left tactic of trying to use our insults against us, but misusing them horribly.

If you are angry help to stop the Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:

flag burning speaks volumes more about the person burning it and purpose of the protest than it does about the ones who hold it dear

in the context of protest, it's one of the most pathetic things to do

>muh freedumbs!!!

Lolbergtardians are scum

AWWWW what's the matter you need a safe space?

Fuck off Ahmed.

these monkey sounds

I believe that laws should be based around moral absolutes, and that we should govern ourselves based off of a code of ethics. Ideally, the nation should be first, so there would be no degenerates who do these things. However, if some self-deprecatory faggot poisons their communities with this Marxist filth, they should be ostracized and, eventually, physically removed. What happens is that the behaviours spread like wildfire, leading to communities of degenerates who are technically correct that they are free. I believe freedoms are earned, not given, to men of greatness. If you let the filth have freedom, you will destroy your blood. Save the relativist "but who is to say what is right and wrong!" garbage, you've had your time in the sun, you've been allowed to run around like crazy. Once-great institutions have been poisoned by your degeneracy, no longer will this behaviour be tolerated. Will you revel in your constitution and all its glory when the degenerates use it to take you over?

>What do you think about flag burning?

Drop the "L" then we'll talk.

It's not an argument.

Freedom of speech.

I don't really give a shit. It's a piece of cloth and I have to tolerate a lot of idiotic opinions and displays including Neo Nazis and Marxists.