What will the future be like?

Sad mode: Let's be realistic. No optimism bias. If you actually think things will turn out well, explain why.

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After eu implodes, China vs america cold war

I predict that we will see right-wing governments take power in many Western nations.

The elites will attempt to stop this, of course, but will eventually accept the inevitable. They will settle for a consolation prize of sorts; they will redirect the (eminently understandable) rage of the average white citizen against their own tribal enemies; i.e. the Muslim populations of the Middle East and North Africa.

We will see a massive blood-letting, as tit-for-tat killings between Europeans and Muslims in Europe spiral into a sporadic truly global conflict between the West and the Muslim world.

This will lead to massive capital and skills flight from the West to the relatively stable and civil nations left in the world, mainly Latin America, China, and Japan (although the latter two will have reservations about accepting whites - widely perceived as violent and warlike themselves, so only a very skilled minority will make it). So in the end, Latin America and those parts of North America untroubled by war and economic instability will absorb the bulk of the displaced white population.

Those whites left behind in Europe and elsewhere fighting bitterly for their few square miles of clay will - even if victorious - inherit an economically devastated and impoverished land. Europe and indeed the white race's brightest stars will for the most part have been poached by foreign lands overseas.

Europe will have essentially been wholly Balkanized, in every sense of the word. It will be fractured as was the Balkans - and it will also resemble the Balkans in terms of its backwardness and poverty.

In short, Europe and perhaps other parts of the white world also will essentially become a proxy battleground, a fractured, ruined land that is only a shadow of its proud former self. It will be a new Balkans, or perhaps a new Southeast/Central Asia.

Its people will have become pawns, gripped in the hands of and being used for the interests of alien Turks, Russians, Jews, and others.

Because the fate of the world and earthly life doesn't hinge on the human race.

We might all destroy ourselves, but life will continue right up until the sun dies. And there's plenty of time before that happens- we might not even be the last species to evolve our level of intelligence.

Summer Olympics commence in Tokyo.
World Expo opens in Dubai
Euclid space probe launch to study dark matter.
Yuccan Mountain Repository opens and begins the collection of nuclear waste.
San Francisco to Anaheim HSR completed and opens.
BeiDou becomes the 4th generation global navigation system.
London's Crossrail HSR opens.
Harriet Tubman becomes the new face of the $20 bill.
"Real" 4G Networks begins service with PAN integration (PicoNet).
Saudi Arabia complete construction on their first two nuclear power plants.
US voters re-elect Hillary Clinton president of the United States.
Seretech sued for negligence following deaths during a New Year's Riot while contracted for security.
"Sanctuary Districts" created in several states restrict movement of urban poor in several US states.
India's ISRO lands humans on the moon with the Chandariyaan IV.
Brood X cicadas plague eastern US for many weeks.
Lightweight ARD becomes commercially available and affordable.
Thailand completes its first nuclear power plant.
Brazil switches to digital television only.
US v Seretech is decided in favor of Seretech, affirming the right of corporations to private militaries.
North Korea collapses and accepts unification with humanitarian assistance and Chinese peacekeepers.
Winter Olympics commence in Beijing.
Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Platinum Jubilee.
FIFA World Cup commences in Qatar.
Intense meteor showers occur due to the Schwassman-Wachmann 3 comet.
E-Paper becomes commercially available.
DHL implements first AI logistics management network incorporating 4G-RFID tech.

Kanal Istanbul is completed and opens for traffic.
London completes it sewer reconstruction replacing the last of the Victorian-era waterways.
The first Mickey Mouse cartoons enter the public domain.
Whole Genome Sequencing will be affordable for most newborn infants.
World Expo opens in Minnesota.
Mars One begins cargo launches to support the establishment of the first human settlement on Mars.
PLATO launched into orbit by the ESA.
UK-led Lunar Mission One will begin mineral exploration on Moon.
Summer Olympics commence in Paris.
Cognitive and Cochlear neuroprosthetics will be commercially affordable for elective use.
Vietnam finishes construction on their first nuclear power plant.
US voters elect Senator George P. Bush president of the United States.
The Bell riots occur in several US metro areas in response to corruption and income inequality.
FAA implements GPS NextGen to track all aircraft at all times.
Giant Magellan Telescope is completed in orbit.
Square Kilometer Array radio telescope completed in orbit.
USS Enterprise (CVN-80) is commissioned to replace the retired USS Nimitz (CVN-68).
Voyager 1 ceases transmissions.
Masdar City, UAE, is completed at close to 85% residency.
First volumetric holograms begin service in hospitality and marketing.
Augment Riots occur across United States and a massacre occurs in Detroit.
The first case of Nerve Attenuation Syndrome is discovered from unhygenic neuroprosthetics.
Tokyo becomes the most populated city with 36.4 million people.
First nuclear power plant is attacked by terrorists in the US. Shiawise Inc. is sued for negligence.
Bell et el v US strikes down state laws authorizing "sanctuary districts" as violating due process.
World Expo opens in Łódź.

Queen Elizabeth turns 100.
Sagrada Familia completes construction.
Mars Science Laboratory is goes offline.
World population reaches 8 Billion.
FIFA World Cup commences in Canada.
Winter Olympics commence in Innsbruck.
Australia discovers massive oil reserve near Antarctica.
United Nations forms anti-terrorist taskforce known as UNATCO.
NRC v Shiawise is decided by SCOTUS in favor of limited extraterritoriality of transnationals via Seretech.
JR Central opens its new Maglev line between Tokyo and Nagoya.
Elvis autopsy will be unsealed 50 years after his death.
Northrop-Grumman B-21 Specter enters USAF service as the longest range bomber made.
Mars One program succeeds in landing humans on Mars onboard the Orion II launched by an Ares VI.
Location aware media become ubiquitous.
Voyager 2 ceases transmissions.
Anti-Augment Riots occur across United States.
Separatist terror attacks occur in Pacific Northwest and Utah.
Iran-Saudi War erupts disrupting oil supply negatively affecting Asian markets and the US dollar.
World Expo opens in Sydney.
F-16 and A-10 series decommissioned and fully replaced by the F-35.
African Monetary Union is formed establishing the Afriq as the common currency for the AU.
Germany regains control of the Moldhaufen port in Hamburg from the Czech Republic.
First automated cars and trucks begin hitting the general market.
King Charles III succeeds the throne of England.
Summer Olympics commence in Moscow.
US voters re-elect George P. Bush president of the United States.
Chinese officials announce the first multi-party elections despite restrictions on press freedom.
Yutani Corp develops first weak AI medical diagnostic software.

>stable and civil
>Latin America

Depends on how far into the future.

Right now we have pie in the sky SJW trying to legislate how you sit on a subway.

Then you have the reactionary right to the immigrants who bring crime, uneducated, superstitious culture with them.

Along with the inequality of wealth and rapidly global food price increases the near future is looking a lot like civil strife will happen.

I'd say in next 15-40 years civil unrest will happen through much of the western world much like how 1910-1930's were in US. And the non-west will see a lot of civil wars which who wins is anyone guess but probably military dictatorships for the most part.

All of this leads to isolationism and fascist regression around 2060-2100's. Possibly wars or even WWIII if a world power is stupid enough to attack another, more likely they will just attack some African/Middle Eastern shit hole to distract the populous.

Apophis near miss incident spurs development of an NEO early warning and deflection program.
New Horizons probe leaves the solar system.
First auto-turret drone deployed with US infantry forces.
5G begins service featuring Giganet 1G/sec download and support for SPIMEs and virtual currency.
US dollar crisis creates worst economic downturn since 1932, martial law is declared over civil unrest.
A record year for "mindjackings" of neuroprosthetics raises national security concerns.
New arrivals on Mars begin commercial mineral prospecting.
Record low oil prices brought about by reduced demand and accelerated seabed drilling.
India becomes the most populated nation, surpassing China.
60% of Earth's population lives in urban centers. 41 megacities contain 10% of the global population.
Automation of workforce accelerates rapidly due to labor shortages in developed nations.
99% of households on Earth now have access to flushing toilets.
A bi-polar geopolitical situation exists as China reaches parity with the US.
Nuclear energy production has increased by 125% from 2015 levels.
FIFA World Cup commences in Beijing.
Winter Olympics commence in Malmo.
HIV vaccine is released for distribution.
Eurozone enters financial crisis due to losses on the US dollar, causing civil unrest.
First asteroid prospecting claim reached by Planetary Resources Inc., landing on Ceres.
Secession movements gain control in UT, TX, NV and Cascadia beginning the War of Western Secession.
Eugenic augmentation undergoes weaponization by most developed nations.
World Expo opens in São Paulo.
NovRusFed agrees to sell eastern Siberia (mostly Chinese now) to China due to financial insolvency.


Certainly there is a never-ending class struggle of sorts in Latin America, but people generally don't literally explode very often in the streets or that kind of thing. Sure there is the odd coup or period of unrest, but the better parts of Latin America (Chile, Argentina) are going to start looking better than a lot of Western Europe in less time than you think.

>Yutani Corp develops first weak AI medical diagnostic software.

Forgot that the time travel terminator chip is reversed engineered and strong AI is already used by the world in 2020.

Unfortunately there will probably be a mainstream pedo acceptance movement in the next ten years the way things are progressing.

Largest 50 Metro Areas have implemented Utility Smart Grids.
First autonomous-only fighter aircraft (Lockheed F-41 Broadsword) enters service with USAF.
Universal translators using natural language processing become commercially available.
Retrofit of the M1 Abrams series of tanks is completed upgrading them to semi-auto operation.
Summer Olympics commence in Milan.
US voters will elect Eric Trump President of the United States.
Iran-Saudi War concludes with a stalemate permanently rearranging the Sykes-Picot borders.
UK High Speed 2 Rail way is completed linking Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester to London.
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and IVF gengineering will become affordable to general public.
Optogenetic BMI with Wi-Fi capability and ARHUD will become commercially available.
War of Western Secession ends with a rebel defeat, Western US remains under martial law.
Rare Earth deposits are discovered by ORO off the coast of Panama.
FIFA World Cup commences in UK.
Winter Olympics commence in Sapporo.
The Northwest Passage is now open year round to ship traffic due to ice melt.
Weak AI becomes commercially available for domestic androids and smart pets by Yutani Corp.
Martial law in Western US lifted.
US incorporates all Indian lands and abolishes the reservation system. Land contests ensue.
Quebec votes for independence and is denied by Canadian government causing civil unrest.

Where are you getting this copypasta explosion from

except they destroyed Cyberdyne in 1991
space-time paradox and all

Yeah probably, and energy getting really expensive as 1 billion more cars in India and China hit the roads, then electric cars pulling from the electric grid.

Basically thank your lucky stars if you're in a developed country.

That's the spirit!
Fucking monkeys really and a freak of evolution.
Overpopulation and depletion of a critical resource, dieoff, rebirth, that cycle will go on for some time for the monkey me thinks.

ive been writing it.

based on some sci-fi timelines and actual dates projected for certain events.

this is fresh pasta

AI will crush empathy before the century is done and will reduce the population of the world to 100 million. Im not sure if thats good or bad but we cant continue the current path.

>Resources exhausted or driven to the point of being too expensive for 99% of humanity to access

>Environmental changes crash food crops, animals, fish stock and causes extreme food scarcity.

>Fresh water rendered undrinkable.

>Infrastructure collapses with no one able to maintain it.

Basically, Fallout without the nukes being necessary, but a lot less helpful.

The last World War 2 veteran passes away.
AR optical lens commercially available.
Summer Olympics commence in Ankara.
Civil War erupts in northern Mexico sending millions of refugees to the US.
World Expo opens in Zaragosa.
US voters re-elect Eric Trump President of the United States.
ASEAN+3 forms a common market and security agreement called the Eastern Economic Circle.
World population reaches 9 Billion people.
Boeing B-417 Thunderstorm will enter service with USAF as the largest bomber ever made.
Fossil fuels have been largely replaced for transportation and energy in developed nations.
Eastern Europe and NovRosFed ban human augmentation and disenfranchise augmented people.
Japan's Diet passes Yamato Act dissolving METI, restricting foreign land use and privatizing industries.
EuroFed is formed as a federation of EU states with a unitary government.
EuroFed recognizes corporate extraterritoriality in its constitution.
Weyland Corp markets cure for cancer, pushing its holdings to the top of the Forbes 500.
US officially cancels its security agreements with Asian nations.
64-bit computational and memory devices will be defunct due to the Unix Epoch Glitch.
All documents pertaining to NSA's PRISM program become declassified.
Self-repairing metamaterials become commercially available.
FIFA World Cup commences in Nairobi.
Winter Olympics commence in Santiago.
The EEC, now the largest economy, establishes the Nuyen as the global reserve currency.

More automation, extension of drug patents, increased immigration, middle class jobs are off shored to an increasingly wide array of "migrant only" special contract work like H1B, more extreme political correctness, nationalism becomes socially offensive therefore national sentiment will be censored on a town/communal level. I dunno, just more of the same but more extreme.

USN's rent-free lease agreement expires for UK bases this year.
Brood X cicadas plague eastern US for many weeks.
American economy has recovered from its lost decade of recession.
Cuban Communist Party power loses majority for the first time since multi-party elections.
World Expo opens in Montreal.
The GM M-39 Bobcat APC enters service with the US infantry forces.
The last B-52 bombers have been decommissioned from the USAF.
The Antarctic Treaty expires and a convention to develop a new one begins.
Cargo will only cost $5 a pound to launch into space.
Trans-Euro TransNetwork is completed and opens service from Germany to Southern Italy.
Smart transportation networks will aggregate traffic into convoys improving road capacity.
US voters will elect Gov. Daniel Matsumoto President of the United States.
Summer Olympics commence in Athens.
The last of the secessionist militias have disbanded or have been incarcerated.
Winter Olympics Commence in Colorado Springs.
All music made before 1973 will have entered the public domain by this year.
Commercial shipbuilding begins in orbit with two projects in dry-dock.
King William V succeeds the throne of England.
The US and Canada form the North American Union.

Think most of 2020 stuff is only couple years away and those dates are way far in the future. Then realize it's already 2016... What happened to my life, when did I get old...

>India's ISRO lands humans on the moon with the Chandariyaan IV.
>Designated shitting craters.

lol this is so comically out of touch

>Nothing about expansionist behaviour of Islam

That makes the whole thing less plausible.

OP, I've actually made a video about this.

Please, consider the following:


i'll work on that

First powered armor exoskeleton enters service with NAU infantry forces, the B.D. A-1 Juggernaut HULC.
The last M1 Abrams tanks retire, fully replaced by the GDLS M-44 Mammoth with autonomous drive.
Summer Olympics commence in Montevideo.
NAU voters will re-elect Daniel Matsumoto as President.
Artificial Intelligence will reach a singularity in which exponential self-improvement begins.
Tokyo-Osaka Maglev opens for traffic.
First manned mission to Calisto is a success.
6G begins service with extensive use of HAP technology to extend global cell-range.
World Expo opens in Tokyo.
The USN retires the last powder weapons from service, replacing them with EM Railguns.
World War 3 begins between Western and Eastern economic blocs.
Winter Olympics set to commence in Yekaterinburg are cancelled.
First commercial fusion power plant begins operation.
First molecular assembler becomes commercially available
NovRosFed invades Central Europe.
NAU voters will elect Cyrus Ben-Jaffar as president.
Nuclear power economy and electric cars have resulted in greenhouse emissions being halved.
Most cars operate on fuels cells.
World population reaches 9.5 Billion.
Dhaka becomes the most populated city with 42 million people.
Lunar commercial mining commences to supply fusion reactors with He3.

watch bladerunner

All the native fish in the Great Lakes are an electrical barrier away from being destroyed by Asian Carp. Hundreds of thousands of years of eco system is but a single fuck up from being destroyed.

cool vid. will check out later

Hard to predict when and where next major terrorist attack will hit. Read Mark Twain he was predicting Islam terrorist attacks back in the 1880's

He didn't know where and when but he knew the increased ease of travel and religious zealots would have effects for the next couple hundred years.

I doubt it. It's pretty clear that Muslim terrorism in the West can't be stopped, certainly not without either mass expulsions/exterminations which themselves would trigger global conflict with the Muslim world, or through totalitarian controls which are anathema to most whites and are likely to be resisted with force given how many guns there are in America.

Even if another actual global war is somehow averted, it's going to be at least as hairy as the Cold War and probably worse. Simply because of the European Muslim demographic factor and the fact that the Jews are playing both sides, they are inciting the whites against Muslims (this has a nice side-effect of redirecting anger that might otherwise explode against Jews and other non-Muslim non-whites) and the Muslims and indeed all non-whites against the whites. Shit IS going to get bad.

US census concludes that the US population has exceeded 420 million people.
First space elevator enters service for low-orbit habitats.
Great North American blight begins diminishing wheat and corn output.
Battle for Alaska and Australia begins.
WW3: A nuclear exchange occurs between India and Pakistan.
NAU voters will re-elect Cyrus Ben-Jaffar as president.
World Expo opens in Buenos Aires.
UN and most world governments commit to the largest refugee resettlement in history.
Battle for Alaska ends with NAU victorious.
Daytona Beach Racetrack closes down.
First artificial neural network that can approximate the human child's brain is developed.
Retroviral telomere lengthening becomes commercially available to prevent aging.
Battle for Australia end with Allies victorious.
Brood X cicadas plague eastern US for many weeks.
NAU voters will elect Daniel Sarif as president.
Commercial mining ventures in the asteroid belt exceed 300.
World War 3 officially ends in stalemate.

Make sure to watch in full attention. Works best if you take a toke of weed, or have a beer or 2 as well. Helps with the concentration.

im considering 9/11ing Lake Michigan with some Asian carp just to see how triggered and butt hurt all of the local liberals will be

Also I think perhaps "ring wing" governments will come to power, but they will be run by people who are also communist sympathizers. Former middle class whites and other well off people seek refuge in stable, successful foreign countries, they may adapt, they may not. The educational system and media push for more diversity in a friendly, green-spirited manner, eventually greater and greater quantity of immigrants arrive in these countries, then eventually a repeat of American demographic change. Educational system repeats process of minoritized/oppression propaganda and nationalism outlawed, ethnic majority are held captive to political correctness, just like USA, Europe, Japan and Australia today and eventually South Korea.

Beatles catalogue enters the public domain.
Dermis embedded media becomes commercially available.
Great North American blight ends after a crop gengineering campaign.
UK population reaches 81 million.
Japan's population has shrunk 30% from its max and is over 40% over age 65.
The average sea level is 9 inches higher than in 2015.
Global temperatures are on average 1 degree hotter than 2015.
Olympic Games re-open in Lagos for the first time in 16 years.
NAU voters will elect Wallace Breen as president.
6 billion people live in urban areas.
Halley's comet passes Earth, it will return again in 2137.
Global Average Life expectancy at birth exceeds 100 years.
Personal material recyclers integrated with molecular assemblers make home production cheap.
The last World Expo opens in San Francisco.
Weyland Corp. develops first foundry settlements on Mars to process resources from the Belt.
First directed energy stun gun deployed by police and military.
NEO early warning system completed.
NAU voters will elect Trevor Goodchild as president.
Strong AI becomes commercially available for synthetic labor.
Lunar population reaches 10,000 people.
Olympic Games commence in Keihanshin.

NAU voters will re-elect Trevor Goodchild as president.
United Nations of Earth form a global government for establishing transnational and extraplanetary law.
First AI city management system goes on-line managing most civil functions of government.
Earth's atmosphere has fully recovered from the effects of nuclear fallout.
Union Aerospace Corporation becomes a leader in spacecraft development.
First organic replicators become commercially available for food, beverage and drug printing.
First human mindstate copy created and integrated to an artificial neural network.
NAU voters will elect Virjay Avasarala as president.
Mars population exceeds 5000.
Planetary Resources Inc. renamed Resource Development Associates Inc.
First immersive virtual reality neural-integrated network beings service as the TranceNet.
Brood X cicadas plague eastern US for many weeks.
New Horizons probe ceases transmissions.
UN Interplanetary Commerce Commission is established to tax and regulate off-world trade.
First synthetics with comparable intelligence to humans become commercially available.
Neuron-based computing systems, known as wetware, become commercially available.
Most societies will have become post-privacy due to socially integrated technology.
Average global temperatures reach 1.5 degrees warmer than 2015.
The average sea level is 1 foot higher than in 2015.
Lagos is the worlds most populated city at 57.8 million people.
NAU voters will re-elect Virjay Avasarala as president.
The first gas mining prospectors arrive around Saturn to study feasibility of commercial extraction.

Dude seriously cut the autism

>Strong AI becomes commercially available for synthetic labor.

uh oh I've seen how this goes...

Seriously anyone with an IQ under 105 will be unneeded as a work force once this happens. Strong AI will be cheaper, better and wont have any personality problems.

Once this happens 60% of the population will either be welfare useless child makers or genocide either direct or abortion enforcement will start taking off.

Liberals arent making their money off the fishing. They might make some money from the tourism but it would hurt working men more. Billions of dollars of fishing work.

Fuck off this shit is pretty interesting


I didn't even think of that

However you ignore that the local governments fucking tax the shit out of everything so fishing just fuels the liberal stupidity


>Once this happens 60% of the population will either be welfare useless child makers

Cube dwellers on synthetic protein and 3d printed paper clothes.

as long as they have a wetware-net connection and drugs, they will just live in a soma coma.

ITT Redditors

heres a tech tree

>ITP faggot

Fishing license costs usually go to restocking ponds and preservation of fish environments tho

> and energy getting really expensive

I really don't see the whole energy crisis happening, at least it won't be anything like the apocalyptic predictions from the 80s and 90s. Cheap shale oil and fracking means petroleum is going to be around for awhile, and we have centuries of natural gas reserves left. So long as we regulate carbon emissions and institute programs of carbon sequestration we won't shit up the environment either, so energy is not going to be the big issue it was predicted to be. In any case, renewables are slowly becoming more competitive, and nuclear is a growing source of energy in the developing world. Realistically I think everyone who doesn't live in the Middle East will be fine.

Only whites should be posting on this board

its good and bad, alot of people rely on the lakes. I dont eat fish but most fish people eat in the U.S. comes out of those lakes and it pays the bills for alot of families.

If the carp get into the lakes it will be a disaster for Michigan, Wisconsin and Illinois and Canada.

>that picture


>i cannot think of anything to say so I will say that someone is from reddit xD

Total enslavement of the human race under globalist super leaders or WW3. Literally your only options.

sticks and stones , to much hate flowing.

This is all before you tap into 100 or so years nuclear with current tech and millions with fusion or thorium reactors which are expected to begin commercial construction in 2050-2100 time frame.

Britain and American essentially step off the world stage.

Europe falls under Turkey and Germany. Russia and China Decide to go to war with Europe.

Australia sits back and counts the dollars while supplying agricultural and mineral resources to both sides and collecting bank.

Britain and America do the same (although Britain provides financial services).

Prepare for an onslaught of post war European migrants to our countries.

Prepare for a lot of them to be of the "tanned" variety.

Sandnigger-land will run out of oil before 2040, while Russia and the United States have enough of it to last into the 2100s at predicted consumption rates. We will outlast the Islamic scourge.

>Only whites
I'm white working in trade, with your flag you should have to verify.

WW3 is going to start right here at home. We already have communists and nazis having street battles. This nation is going to erupt into an orgy of racial violence and the world will crash when it happens.

As population increases and globalization takes its toll I think wars and conflict will turn into multi generational affairs.

Think of it. The Syrian Civil War has been going on for 5 years. It could very well go on for another 5 years.

We are in a time when grand conflicts seem to happen in slow motion.

WWI took 4 years.
WWII took the USA 4 years.

The Iraq War started in 2003 and is still going, although in jerks and stutters.

The Ukraine war will probably never be resolved.

Boko Haram will never be defeated.

ISIS will never be defeated.

Al Qaeda will never be defeated.

The Taliban will never be defeated.

This is the new normal.

And it's likely due to humanities unwillingness to really do what needs to be done.

We could defeat all of these groups. But we don't want to. There is no will to do so.

I think that sentiment will only get worse as time goes on. A sort of acceptance that things are fucked and will always be fucked and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

As Hitler said Asians are not Aryans but should be Honorary Aryans.

>that deflection

Non white detected

They've already made a film about the inevitable future of my country.


A dustbowl that is basically a Chinese resource.

Watch the video m8.

Diminishing returns on technological growth.
Stagnant technological growth.
Put a man on the moon.
Potential technological regression.

>Deflecting by saying I was deflecting.

Charge your Obamaphone and go to bed, Jamal.

>yfw I wasn't wrong

The difference is defeating a government and defeating a culture. Imperialism wars lasted for decades before world powers just gave up.

Fuck nations the Russians had conquered 400 years ago split off once they saw the chance.

So Iraq and Afghanistan government were defeated in days. But to defeat the culture? Ya genocide or thousand years of occupation.

meant to type "right wing"

The second coming of jesus

Is there any statistics on it?

things have been improving for all of human history

no reason to think it might change now




the fuck are you smoking

>nations the Russians had conquered 400 years ago split off once they saw the chance.
>nations that weren't rightfully Russian to begin with
No such thing.

I expect another Dark Ages. People will keep multiculturalism, even nationalist parties will accept that their countries are multicultural now and will accept the negroid invasion.

They'll blend with our society, breed with our woman at thrice the rate of natives and eventually replace us. Then, there will Matrix. A global society led by a group of evil elites that will keep their population dumbed down and tammed.

When the elites realize that they don't have cute white blonde lolis to molest and all negroid lolis look like chimps they'll realize what they have done and will nuke the core of the planet out of despair and angish.

Native Europeans will live like rich jews on their own continent over the brown masses.

If you arnt already in a position to make this happen then you need to work on it fast. There is only going to be 10 or 20 more years to accomplish this.

Converting to Islam and paying lip service to it may or may not be necessary. We will see if thr Muslims drop their culture or not.

The year is 2024. The right-wing has been completely crushed, and the remaining White people in the US are treated as 2nd class citizens and humiliated. Every White couple is allowed to have a maximum of two children, and one must be mixed. A pair of Black men visit every White couple twice a month and they have sex with the woman, and this continues until she is impregnated.

The right-wing vastly overestimated just how far their followers were willing to take things, while vastly underestimating how far the leftists were willing to take things. The nuclear weapons, whose launch codes were firmly within the grasp of King Obama, were utilized against the right-wing's standing forces, and what was left were a bunch of uncoordinated militias. King Obama utilized a nearly endless supply of African and Latin American soldiers, who came to serve under the promise that they would be given land to settle in once the war was over, and that the laws of war would be suspended for the duration of the campaign in order to better subjugate and pacify the White devil.

The Deus-Ex


>ISIS will never be defeated.
It's a tool of the administration to run endless wars and terrorism on all countries for influence and control. The FBI knew about the Tsarniev brothers, Mateen, and every other Muslim attacker and did nothing. Also Hillary said ISIS was using Trump in part of its propaganda, but at the time that was false until a few days later when a new video came out. It's all a sham, completely fake, social wars at home to keep people busy and terrorism to make people afraid and ask for more government protection that never comes and contractors get rich building masses and masses of useless surveillance technology.

Good liberal, good liberal, things will only get better with more Muslims #religionofpeace in your country. By the way I hope you like more Somalians, Eritreans and Sudanese looking for blood after being evicted from their homeland by drone warfare.

No Australia? What're the dunecoons in the middle east gonna do to us?

Good one Kim.

Likelihood scenario is further increase od escalation of arms in Eastern Asia as China attempts to control the south China Sea.

Possible ramifications include minor skirmishes, few civilian deaths and a negotiation over the islands China wants to control.

North Korea might try and fling a few more dud missiles over the border.

Abbo uprising when the petrol runs out. They team up with the emus and it's game over.

It's like you constructed the most boring future you could possibly manage.

As much bad as good until one or the other ultimately prevails.

Either we will reach utopia or we will reach hell.

>The Bell riots occur in several US metro areas in response to corruption and income inequality.
doubt it. These things happen in quarter-century intervals.

Red Summer 1919
Detroit Race Riot, Zoot Suit Riots 1943
Watts Riots 1965
Rodney King Riots 1992
BLM 2014 (peak)

I'd expect it somewhere around 2040, though maybe as early as 2030 (we're maybe accelerating? Lots of societal cycles are accelerating w/ mass communication. That said, I suspect this is a generational cycle and generational cycles can't accelerate much.)

>brazil switches to digital television
Okay lets be realistic here

Somebody hasn't read the Divine comedy. We're going to hell to reach Utopia

Identical to today.
Minimal advancement in technology.
Still no moon/mars base.

Then that whole Yellowstone National "Caldera Super-Volcano" "Ticking Time Bomb" "I Will Murder Earth Some Day" Park in the US fucking explodes, kills everyone, and makes for naught all those carefully laid plans by the "leaders" of the world.
The end.

At best After robots improve to the point of not needing us we can gladly kill ourselves and let perfect synthetic organism co conquer the galaxy. They all look like lolis and anime caricatures

At worst we spend another 1500 years in dark ages until the next Renaissance occurs.

Doesn't matter, this is literally the age where we live off the merits of others. Enjoy it while it lasts because it will literally never happen again.