Mfw I realized if all black ppl went back to Africa within literally 30 minutes white ppl would be begging for us to...

>mfw I realized if all black ppl went back to Africa within literally 30 minutes white ppl would be begging for us to come back


I would actually take a nice midnight stroll desu senpai.

Your economies would literally collapse without having black people to exploit

>no more football
>no more ball is life
>no more swag
>no more nigga beats
fug DDDDD:

Implying they would survive 30 minutes back here.

Maybe you should give it a shot? Come on now, I'll even help you pack!

The only reason I can think of is sports

Actually white women would be beggin for us to come back lmao. It's ok white boi we would survive based off sex tourism alone from white wives and milfs coming 2 africa

What does the black population support the economy with that would cause this?

Daaaaaaayyuuuummm Black people BTFO

you'd collapse having no internet or water in africa

I would never beg for you niggers to come back. Fuck your nigger sports. I watch F1 and golf.

>white ppl would be begging for us to come back

Private prison staff and public defenders, sure.

>implying the ones taken abroad weren't genetically superior to the rubbish that remained

If Mugabe had American blacks instead of the trash he has Zimbabwe would literally be an African Singapore

Nah go ahead take the ones that want you with you too.

I'd be happy to never see your gross nigger hair again.

Oh no, our poor unused welfare system.

Whatever shall we do?

blacks leaving the US would be one way to make america great again

You're probably right.

You guys should test it out, just to make sure

lol golf

lol what?

unemployment rate would fall
crime would fall
the increase of funds from not having to pay out benefits would stimulate the economy


lol the first fucking thing they'd do is kill mugabe

Prove it! You won't! Faggot.

Without blacks exploiting the economy/socialist systems*****
fixed that for yah cunt

Send it to Africa like we already do.

Fucking hell.

The price of weaves and shitty, fake nails would skyrocket overnight!

White girls who fuck niggers would be forced to do their own weaves and shitty, fake nails, crashing the economy of the globe.

Yeah let's show these crackers what they're missing by harassing Bernie until he gives us that reddit money as reparations so we can go back.

As soon as I get the reparations I'm owed for your ancestors' grotesque infringement of moral law then I'll book my ticket and be gone from this shithole

lmao. There'd be such an enormous surge in available tax dollars from the huge dip in medical assistance, food stamps, & welfare payments that it'd far more than offset the comparatively minimal economic losses.

>within literally 30 minutes white ppl would be begging for us to come back

Like hell, Baltimore would actually be a nice city again if all the niggers left.

Yup. Totally. You figured it out. Please stay.

sucks you're gonna be here forever senpai

also are nigger memes actually posted by nigs or are they just ironic white people havin a laugh

Are you confused

implying you deserve anything

You're right, prisons would close.

You underestimate the mentality of the ones that remained. Ever seen how a small dog is much more aggresive than a big, built one? Also ironically, the black from mid africa sees the "african americans" as invaders as much as wbite people.

>we wuz productive individuals who made a net contribution to society and shit?

>niggers actually think this.
Oh boi Tyrone, that mid-70s IQ is showing

If a murderer kills a child's father is the child not entitled to something from the murderer?

Checkmate, faggot.

Nigger have you ever heard the words out of sight out of mind. You're only noticed because you're different.

You niggers wear your hats backwards because white people wear theirs normal. You're nothing. You're disposable. You would hate Africa, and then you'd begin to understand how we feel about you.

Why is it that none of you are ever going after reparations from the ones that SOLD your asses into slavery in the first place?

Oh, yeah, because they were all fucking BLACK.

It's just like broken drug laws; go after the buyers instead of the sellers.

Dude, wtf black people aren't exploited for labor to make your comment true, and black people haven't been exploited for labor since Jim Crow.

Now if Hispanics got kicked out, shit would collapse instantly. First there's more hispanics than blacks, and second hispanics work harder for less income than blacks. Thirdly and most importantly if all the blacks left, hispanics would just fill the gap and actually make america more productive. So the opposite would happen.

>yfw everyone who reads this knows this is true

Which nigger drug are you nigger high on right now?

>Implying Baltimore was ever NOT a shithole
>Or ever would be

The native Africans would capture all the men and either kill them or sell them as slaves like they did back in the day

And they would rape and keep the women as slaves, they would all die of aids any way from being used as a cum dumpster

Only because you'd steal as much shit as you could on your way out, you pieces of shit.

No he is not retard. The child can grow up and take vengeance or fuck off.

t. negro intellectual

congratulations you succeeded in trolling the fuck out of everyone.

>If lebron had just stayed with his cleveland he'd still be an MVP and Finals champ
>He'd also have more respect

he basically fathered two finals champs with two different teams, which sets a bad example.

Dirty fucking victim. Are you king nigger with a BBC or are you a widdle poor hurt child?

Why do you find it fun to pretend to be a nigger online, leaf?

No dumbass, the child is entitled to monetary compensation for the loss.

Your dumbass would argue the family of someone killed by a drunk driver couldn't sue and is entitled to nothing - fuck off with your nonsense

There is literally no good argument against reparations

you havent seen Detroit or Chicago etc.. Africa West

Wut? The only real unemployment would be prison staff and workers at the welfare offices.

cop here

the departure of all niggers from American shores would literally be the happiest day of my entire life

On my wedding day, I would smile, and think to myself "still not as good as that time all the niggers left."

On the birth of my firstborn, I would kiss my child's forehead and think "thank god they'll never grow up around niggers" and smile to myself.

On my deathbed, I would smile and think "man, am I glad I was alive to see all the niggers leave."

I really don't like niggers.

That was already tried with freetown & most didnt want to leave.
Probably could envision the chicken nigger future in america

>so poor he can't even move to fucking Africa without gibmedats
lmaoing @ ur life sport

>people are routinely neckaced & burned to death by large crowds, in full view of participating cops, in the streets of Detroit or Chicago; and the video footage uploaded online to collective public yawns

Fucking moron.

The ones we took abroad were the ones that had lost in wars. Literally the weakest and thickest.

Let's try it to find out

I will pay double or triple taxes to pay for your plane tickets out. Now if you are like pic related stay with my blessings...but raise your kids well!

Retard... because white masses in America will only tolerate so much... you know I'm right

All the same

Is it applicable to say that if the drunk driver died before you sued them, that their children bare the burden of paying for your needy ass?

Not if the murdered has been dead for 150 years.

He's right, the prison industry would collapse overnight.

Daily reminder that Rhodesia was better than Zimbabwe.

>someone you don't even know did something to someone I don't even know centuries ago
>pay me cracka
Eat a dick, darkie.

That is the nature of all fucking nations in existence you dim witted faggot. Every nation and its mother would be paying reparations to each other if it was a valid thing, including the fucking niggers in africa that sold the slaves to us in the first place.

Blacks also already have more than their fair share of reparations from welfare and fucking darkie scholarships/organizations to benefit their race. Arguing for reparations indicates you are a subhuman retard who hasn't done more than 10 seconds of thinking on the subject.

You are truly worth as much as wet shitty toilet paper if you think reparations are something that should happen.

Let it happen and we'll see if your right.

>As soon as I get the reparations I'm owed for your ancestors' grotesque infringement of moral law then I'll book my ticket and be gone from this shithole

I really think we should do this for two reasons:

1) Shut them the fuck up forever about it.
2) Watch them spend it on ephemeral bullshit within a month and give a significant boost the economy
3) Cause so much backlash from the first two points that no one ever gives a fuck about blacks whining ever fucking again

Damn officer.

You sound pretty chuffed.

>masses in America will only tolerate so much

Yeah. A couple career criminals die while getting handled too roughly by cops & its national fucking chimpout week.

While in africa they cut your fucking shit off, at best, if you steal; or burn & beat you to death in the street as a mob while cheering & laughing.

But keep deluding yourself into thinking that even the worst of 'Murican cities is even a tenth as bad.

Jews who make money off sports will

>There is literally no good argument against reparations

Still ignored this perfectly logical argument right here.

>cop here
>I really don't like niggers.

secret powers revealed

The US government still exists, as it has uninterrupted for the past 250 or so years

Maybe if the US government collapsed you'd have a fair point

No shit dumbass, white people will go crazy cus then they won't have BBC at their will

Fucking sweet

Moral law? Niggers and morals are like niggers and retirement plans.

Requesting the newer version where people are hunting rats for food because there's nothing left to steal.

Retard, u just dont get it...

US throws food stamps and public housing at the would-be Soweto called Chicago or Detroit, a "luxury" they cant enjoy in many parts of Africa.

I'm sick of seeing you cumskinned, gluefaced, pimple puss pasted pussies fell superior about being white when its something you never worked for. I guess if the only culture I had was kissing my dog on the mouth and smelling like lunchables would be pissed too

Nigger, you know your ancestors were faggots that let slavery happen to them, maybe they liked it, maybe that's why you still prefer to be in prison today.



If all blacks suddenly left America...
(keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)
>The prison population would go down by 37%
>There would be almost 50% less gang members
>Rape would go down significantly
>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%
>Average IQ would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan
>SAT scores would go up by about 100 points
>ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points
>AIDS and HIV would go down by over 67%
>Chlamydia cases would go down by 50%
>Gonorrhea would go down by 69%
>Syphilis would go would go down by 58%
>The average income would be over 20k more per year
>The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%
>Homelessness would go down by 57%
>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by about 40%


Shut the fuck up Django, you're repulsed by your own reflection and you know it.

>muh dick
typical nigger babble.

The west would THRIVE without you niggers on welfare. You can take your criminal low IQ jenkum hugffings to Apefrice and never come back for all I care.

I'll pay for your one way ticket, boy.

I don't think there's a cop alive that likes niggers

>replying to obvious b8

I can only imagine the shit you've seen and the stories you could tell

So wait, if we use your logic, don't the Spanish deserve something then for the Moorish invasions? Or the descendants of the citizens who died when Constantinople fell? How far back do we go? How do you put a price tag on it?

Despite slavery being a shitty part of _global_ human history, why is we only hear about reparations in America?

Sure. Your original post was attempting to imply that surviving in a 'Murican shithole like Detroit or Chicage was equivalent to or made one capable of surviving in fucking Africa, fucking SOMEhow, like that's any kind of apt comparison whatsoever; yet I'M the one who's retarded.

To pick our cotton?

fuck man, i couldnt live a day without bill cosby.

You're retarded btw..

Could Jamaicans survive back in Africa? Find a pic of Jamaican slums and compare to any slum in Africa. Tell me the difference.



What does the US government have to do with slavery?

>Jamaica is a slum in 'Murica

Keep shifting the goalpost away from your idiocy & failure.

Hello neighbor. Same thing goes for Killmington. Even our whites here aren't bad as long as you don't fuck them on a drug deal.
