It's okay for Doc Brown to get advanced, futuristic plastic surgery that makes him appeal to younger women

>It's okay for Doc Brown to get advanced, futuristic plastic surgery that makes him appeal to younger women
>It's not okay for Marty to use the Sports Almanac to make money

What the fuck kind of logic is this?

It's not a meme faggot.
No matter how badly you want it to be.

I thought he aged himself on purpose so he wouldn't look 30 years too young

Stop making this thread.

>Doc Brown sees the future
>He dies old and alone
>Gets plastic surgery to prevent this

Doc was from 1985 and was using 2015 to educate Marty on the dangers of rising to a challenge, that sometimes its ok to walk away. The entire film series is about maintaining the present which is 1985 and Marty not being baited into a fight.

Lots of people on this board could learn a thing or two from the BTTF series and not falling for bait.

He didn't get plastic surgery though, he got a "rejuvenation" which literally gave him an extra 30 years of life

Which, of course, makes you wonder why the other older characters hadn't had rejuvenations and looked their respective ages.

it was just a fucking gag about how he looked the same in 1955 and 1985

I'd say they couldn't afford it

Then I'm confused at how Doc was able to pay for it.

Christopher Lloyd didn't want to put old man make up on anymore.
Also he a dick for not warning Michael about the shakes.

Wouldn't destroying a train, possibly the only train servicing the area, in ye olden days fuck up shitloads of stuff?

It may be something from even further in the future

Did you see all the period money he had lying around for emergencies? He must have a lot.

Plus the house he lived in, and all the gadgets and shit he'd been making. He must have a lot of disposable income.

So he just lives off his patents and the residuals therein?

He already used the almanac to get loadsomoney, that's why he couldn't let Marty do it because he bought it from the shop the next day (what he was doing there in the first place when he saw the newspaper). So if Marty took it he couldn't get it. He was gonna grab it outta the bin later but Biff stole it and fucked errything up.

Kek. Please keep posting this.
I love seeing the manchildren cry

I wonder why he didnt went further into the future and got an inmortality treatment for himself

because he's an old man and the older you get the chances of getting a retarded kid increases


I always assumed he did the same exact thing Marty was going to but he justified it as getting money so he could do science stuff opposed to monetary gain.

One of the recent comics, I believe had Doc going back in time to grab a bunch of Superman comics, then coming to the present/future to sell them. I know Bob Gale wrote some of the new comics, not sure if he did that one in particular.

funny i thought it was about him being shit at the guitar.

>builds time machine and calls marty just to show off
>almost gets him killed
>uses it a bunch of times
>doesn't prevent marty from having the accident that ruined his life
>decides it's too dangerous and should be destroyed
>almost kills marty again in the process
>builds a bigger one for his whole family to use
Was he an absolute madman?

Doc is a hypocrite. In the first BTTF he says before he's killed that one of the perks to time traveling is that he'll be able to see and bet on the next 25 world series'.

He's a scumbag. Remember, he got all that money from his dead parents and ripped off the Libyans when he took their money and plutonium, promising he'd make them a bomb and instead, sent them a crate full of pinball machine parts.

Doc is a liar and a thief.

also why does he hang out with a teenager with whom he has no relation? creepy desu..

>doesn't get faust

It was literally a different time