I've never run across a single image that BTFO Sup Forums so completely.
I've never run across a single image that BTFO Sup Forums so completely
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No, it doesn't make me think. It just makes me cry.
This comic shows a misguided young girl celebrating the downfall of her own nation. Instead of strengthing what made her own nation, and building upon the foundations laid out by those before her, she is celebrating the fact that numerous minorities are flooding her country and changing it to what they desire.
Literal Stockholm syndrome.
I had a dream that someone killed Horsey and wrote next to his corpse in blood "Hmm... Really makes you think."
It's a good thing racists are dying out.
Honestly I'd think it's a conservative comic if it wasn't for the signature.
Why the hell is Horsey such a commie, leftist fuck?
Those soulless, black eyes...
And she's supposed to be sympathetic?
I'm getting the complete opposite message from the comic OP. You might want to stop projecting. Are you perhaps a cock gargling numale faggot?