Your car is Japanese. Your beer is German. Your wine is Spanish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Colombian. Your tea is Chinese. Your watch is Swiss. Your fashion is French. Your shirt is Indian. Your shoes are Thai. Your radio is Korean. Your vodka is Russian. Your wife's son is Nigerian. And then you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant?
lets just all live and let live.
Your car is Japanese. Your beer is German. Your wine is Spanish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Colombian...
>Driving a piece of shit jap car
No, German cars are far better.
>Spanish wine
>Chinese tea
>French fashion
>Indian shirts
>Korean radio
Yes, goyim, there's no way you could possibly buy all these things without filling your neighborhood with dindus, now take in more refugees ya putz!
Car is American made and one German made. Don't drink beer, but it still comes from Europe. Wine is actually french and still comes from Europe. Greece is Europe technically. Tea isn't just from china. Watch is actually Chinese. I dress like a lumberjack apparently. Shirt isn't from india. My phone is korean not my radio though. I drink whiskey. What wife what son? What neighbor?
European beer is garbage compared to modern American craft beer.
wtf i hate bigots now
>your pasta is stale
>it was made in the USA
>Canadian beer
>Canadian wine
>Canadian watch
>Canadian shirt
>don't know where my fashion comes from but it sure as hell isn't French
>American shoes
>Canadian vodka
>wife's son is genetically mine as well
>wife is Japanese but she assimilated
Fuck off, we're full.
Depends on your taste. American beers have won tons of European awards, yeah. But if you like the basic lager/ale flavor profile done right and perfected over centuries our beer can't compete.
None of those came from the Middle East or Africa, so why should my neighbors?
And my culture is American.
Immigration is not a prerequisite for trade.
>lets just all live and let live
Someone advocating for the cultural and ethnical death of my people doesn't really let me live though, do they?
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
ok they can immigrate
>wifes son
but really, legally immigrate and dont be a drain on society and itll be fine. and dont steal jobs
I don't drive cars
I don't drink beer
I don't drink wine
I don't believe in democracy
I don't drink coffee
I don't drink tea
I don't own a watch
I don't subscribe to fashion
my shirt was made in germany
my shoes were also made in germany
I don't own a radio
my vodka was made in germany
I don't have a wife
my neighbor is not an immigrant
You're wrong because my shits all American, on purpose.
>itt dumbshits buying cheap foreign crap; degenerates
>Your wife's son is Nigerian.
Top kek
>legally immigrate and dont be a drain on society and itll be fine.
>and dont steal jobs
How does that work out in your head, you civic nationalist cuck?
None of that is true in my case. You're autistic OP. I mean who wears a fucking watch. in conclusion
Shouldn't have a choice which country you immigrants are from?
Really not the strongest pro-immigration be tolerant argument.
>Your wife's son is Nigerian
fucking lol'd, well played
immigrant =/= illegal immigrant
you have to go back
Only good canadian wine is canadian eiswein
American. Local microbrew in fact
See above
I live in a representative Republic based on American enlightenment-era ideals
American company that imports
>Don't drink tea
I don't restrict myself with jewelry
New York City and Miami overtook Paris decades ago
Again, see above
Again, see above
I own my own music library
I don't drink girly bullshit
1/10 b8 a little harder m8
in america to legally become a citizen you gotta win a fucking lottery and have skillz
My wife's son is only half Nigerian you faggot.
>implying I give a shit
>ok they can immigrate
wew, a meme older than the Internet itself
>you bought Colombian coffee?
>k now you have to provide for the family of this Afghan pedophile who will never work a day
>your shit* is Indian
Yes, and you used to have to be a free white person of upstanding moral character for most of its history. That's what your nation's foundation is, and you acting as if shitskins are fine and dandy as long as they own a paper given to them by marxists who want to kill your nation demographically, and as long as they have a job (without stealing jobs though) makes you a cuck.
>drinking congolombian coffee
Kill yourself
Nope never drink tea
Don't use a watch
Not made in India
Not made in Thai
Nah British vodka, plus it was invented in Poland so put a nope and nope to shirt and shoes too
Nah, I buy local.
This must be one of the first "deep" mails that I used to receive in hotmail when I was a kid.
It really made me think
>lets just all live and let live.
Ok let's all go back to our respected countries then and live in harmony. Oh wait, you subhumans won't do that because your savage nature prevents you from building any sort of harmonic society...
Is my neighbor and illegal immigrant that doesn't work, commits crime, and devalues property?
Or is my neighbor a legitimate immigrant that appreciates this country, respects it's laws and works hard to make a better life for himself and his family?
You are either an immigrant or a liberal cuck. Kill yourself.
i don't have a car, my beer is polish, my wine is georgian, my democracy has nothing to do with the greek one, i don't drink coffee,my watch is chinese too, my fashion is from vietnam and bangladesh, my vodka is polish and my neighbours aren't immigrants
Literally none of those things are true.
My car is Canadian
My beer is from Milwaukee
My wine is from a box
Coffee is gross
My watch is Japanese
My shirt says "Made With Pride in USA"
My boots say "Made in USA"
My clock radio is probably Chinese
No Vodka
No wife
And the are to many damn Mexicans here.
>And the are to many damn Mexicans here
Just because it is right now doesnt mean it has to be for eternity cuck
You're just being an asshole, even Central Americans and South Americans hate most Mexicans because they are such stubborn assholes.
Latino unity is a myth. The fact that Mexico has LOST CONTROL of its borders due to the Cartels, and that Mexicans shit on US immigration're a laughable shit.
>free trade existing means you have to let jamal and mehmet live next door
I don't follow.
My watch is a Korean cell phone, I hate to say it but it's fucking 2016.
good job you just highlighted the entire problem nationalist want to tackle
get fucked shill
>Your car is Japanese.
dont have a car
>Your beer is German.
dont drink beer
>Your wine is Spanish.
dont drink wine
>Your democracy is Greek.
>Your coffee is Colombian.
dont drink coffee
>Your tea is Chinese.
dont drink tea
>Your watch is Swiss.
dont have a watch
>Your fashion is French.
jeans and a t-shirt?
Your shirt is Indian.
actually its bangla-bloody-deshi
>Your shoes are Thai.
made in britain
>Your radio is Korean.
dont own a radio
>Your vodka is Russian.
dont drink vodka
>Your wife's son is Nigerian.
dont have a wife
>And then you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant?
my neighbors are white
Except for the car, radio and cuck meme all those were true in the XIXth century, only there were no nigs or muds in Europe
>Some nigger broke in and stole all your shit
>Some Muslim bombed your school
>Some Mexican cartel killed your friends
>Some Nigerian raped your daughter
>Some Liberal told you multiculturalism is good
Forgot to add
"Your terrorists are islamic"
Yes. We can all live and let live in our own fucking countries. We can all make products and trade them, in our own fucking countries.
Get out of mine, or I'll pull you apart between two trucks personally when the cleansing comes.
>19th century
Islamic is not a nationality
>le day of le rope :D
and your wife's boyfriend is black
>hires contractor
>contractor hires spics
not his fault.
Gas the kikes. Race war now.
My whore is your mom.
>Your wife's son is Nigerian