Okay, whoever of you imbeciles is doing it, this needs to stop now:

>Last night a Sikh radiographer colleague of mine was told by a patient "shouldn't you be on a plane back to Pakistan? we voted you out"

All you are doing is ruining the public image and the legitimacy of the Brexit. Keep the fucking ball down, until you're out, until Netherlands and France is out, until this EU is crashed. Then you can do what you like I don't care.

Be nice to immigrants, don't behave like animals. This is why the right never wins a vote.

>Huff n Puff

British proles are dangerous idiots that can't be easily controlled. What do you expect us to do about it?

kike/globalist media shitting bricks

Germans used to be such great people. I guess all the good ones got killed 70yrs ago. The Brits have every right to behave however they want in their homeland, if you don't like it then leave

Once again the Germans have long term foresight while the retarded Anglos cant see past their hand

There's been a thousand of these (((stories))) yet no videos? Or even a photo?



What do you think "Take our country back" means? This.


You need to fix your country first. Also, es tut mir leid für Dresden.

There are as many racist on the leave side, but theirs also retarded millennials who call everyone racist on the remain side. Everyone has their a skeleton in the closet.
Also fuck the huffingtonpost.

>Huffington post

There is nothing wrong with advocating and effecting racial homogeny. This was a referendum about retaking England for the Angles, seeThis is what taking our country back means


>yesterday someone looked at me funny
>yesterday someone said something I dont agree with
>post on the internet because no one else gives a fuck
UK current day

so, when can we expect the actual brexit?

He's telling you that you should do that, just wait 'til most of them are shipped back to Mohandras.

An ex-mate of mine linked this album full of these stories without proof. See pic.

All the libs on fb were lapping them up without question.

2 years

the law is 2 years (unless another time frame is negotiated by both parties) after invoking article 50
what im asking is when are you going to invoke article 50. as far as i know you havent yet

They are discussing this Brexit racism on the BBC now

Good, they are helping to meme more into happening. They are promoting the cause and recruiting more Anglos to it. They are making would-be migrants and non-Anglos more insecure of their place in England, so more will self-deport or not come here.

They are helping to create the hostile climate we need to win back our country from non-Whites.

As soon as Boris becomes leader of the Conservative party he will activate it.

They are completely fake.

It's like all those stories of England fans doing shit like throwing bacon at mosques and abusing muslim women in Paris.

I'd find them a lot more believable if they didn't all from twitter, and if they didn't all just magically stop happening 2 days after the tournament starts. What, are we only racist for a couple of days out of the year? Bull fucking shit.

People don't just fucking do that shit. Nobody is going about their day and sees a Pole and just calls him a slavnigger or something. Real life is not Sup Forums

didnt he say theres no need to hurry?

As a young and handsome man from Normandy, do I have my place in the soon-to-be-saved-from-kebabs Britain?

No idea when it will happen yet to be honest mate. The quickest it will be announced (I believe) is in October after the conservative government appoint a new party leader and thus PM. Personally I'll have run out of fucks to give by then because I'll be getting ready to go stay near Pirin for the winter.

In all honesty I doubt we'll have left until 2019, if that.

>the ones doing this shit
Mate, they're called chavs, and they're not tad/pol/es, they do not know kek, the path of light, or the board of peace.
They're bluepilled normies who are genuinely pissed off at all the bullshit, exploding from it, instead of gradually steaming it out through shitposting like we do.

But I mean, if you wanna stay retarded and not realize what's actually going on, you are german after all.

bollocks lad everyone knows Sup Forums now

You guys need to start faking your own stories about how you've been attacked or intimidated by brown people.

Just because "everyone knows Sup Forums" doesn't mean everyone goes to Sup Forums and even less go to Sup Forums and even less actually post and even fewer actually praise kek.

So no.

>Anglo will destroy Europe

>until this EU is crashed
...with no survivors?



>Huffington post


For the last 20 years the Ethnic English working class have been told they're lazy, useless, feckless and to top it off racist.

How do you think they're going to feel now?

Im starting to think that's their job in this world user

>saving a thumbnail for ants
I'm going to start doing this ironically from now on.

And thats why britslims radicalise them and cut heads off.

Good job tardbongs. Next terror attack goes on your tab.

I can read it just fine

>Yesterday, a colleague told me that he saw a younger man feeling up a crying young Muslim girl, saying he wanted to have a little taste before she was deported.


literally trash

what the fuck you thinking, stupid german fuck

We must drag these refuges back from whence they camed from,Its like you want Europe to be destroyed

we must encourage hate towards them in order to make the best potential for our Europe to survive

you wanna be like the brifags, im sure they dont know what to do now all paranoid sipping tea

I'm not quite sure I follow the way Brits vote. Do "remain" and "leave" have their literal meaning? This question sounds stupid and I'm aware of it, by the way. Just curious though.