ITT: State your honest opinion about the country of the user above you.
Country Tread
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Doomed unless Trump wins. 90% trash.
literally all the constructiveness and informativity on this site comes from america
all other nations are just memes
Decaying. It depresses me alot
I still love the foundation of this country and it's history but holy shit things are getting bad.
/thread sage the slide threads
Stop the Sacramento Antifa online fundraiser:
fat people and anti-depressants, will be irrelevant in less than 50 years unless they form a serious trade union with south-america
Usually outgoing fun people. On Sup Forums you all sound pretty fucking dumb though.
The only super power in the world, sadly has been flooded by SJWs, self-hating faggots, black racists and fat lesbians that hate men. Meanwhile Europe is rising against the enemies of freedom. I´ll be eating popcorn while Hillary sterilizes each one of you.
I only know like 8 flags and you're not one of them
Canadia sucks as much as america.
+1 free healthcare
-1 openly racist legislation
It's an idiot.
Why wouldn't, it's in America.
sick of their entertainment!... sick of our entertainment...
I'm glad we're bordering you and not Mexico
Everyone in this country looks like crocodile dundie and says cunt a minimum of 5 times every 20 minutes.
Fuck u canada u stole my spot. Goddamn leaf can't even follow the thread rules properly. Kill yourself.
literally have teeth worse than the brits
i.e nuclear fallout
>Papua New Guinea
Literally a bunch of forest cannibal niggers
A bunch of weird Hindu-Muslims who keep trying to get here by rickety boats.
Seem like cool people that love the outdoors.
obese gun-worshippers
Cool name, I like you guys in those country ball comics.
i see what you did there you bogan gutteral english fuck
wtf is this country?
Beautiful blue skies, vast, majestic woods and a lot of snow? At least this is what i think when i see that flag, don't know that much about the country...
Cool country
Funny hats
Great bunch of lads
Tend to get pretty asshurt over the Uk but Celtic shit is pretty cool. Also, props for being the only independent Celtic nation.
Funny accent and really kind people
Best country on earth
Eastern Block, poor people.
Has one of the lulziest upcoming elections
Unique language, culture, lovely folks. My aunt is married to an Irishman although both living in Rio Grande do Sul. Been there twice. Unification required.
Seems dirty and dangerous in the cities, but exciting. Forests are probably beautiful.
Excellent use of wax in combination with the female body.
Great country as a whole, poor quality of life. Inexplicable sexuality despite low birthrates.
"S. Brazilians" detest being classified as Brazilians, but anyway, this repulsive flag that shows next to my ID will go away by 2018.
dirty. proud of being uselss uneducated inbred swine
Dirty. Proud of being useless uneducated inbred swine
Nice people and Barneyfag
They hate Russia too, it's a great place to live, supposedly conservative as fuck-which is good-, sweet metal bands like Vader too!
Nice people.
Helped us win our independence.
Beautiful countryside.
I have family from the Languedoc Region.
Need to remove kebab desperately.
Mfw I learn Dumas is half African
We're actually trying to remove migrants and african nationalists more than kébab nowadays.
Also, it's the land of libertaaaay.
irrelevant chinks
niggers, muslims, cucks
irrelevant niggers
irrelevant slavs
more irrelevant niggers
needs to be gassed instead of shitposting on the internet
more irrelevant slavs
irrelevant celts/niggers
irrelevant t*rks
a literal chink country, easy women, cuck men.
niggers, nigger president (twice), muslims, mass killings every day, mexicans taking over the country, being run by jews, chinks and indians, 60% """"""white"""""" when mulattoes, mestizos, arabs, indians and full on niggers are classified as white
a literal faggot state, worthless trash thinking he'll ever be independent HUEHUEHUE
entire population practices bestiality, cuckoldry, faggotry, drug abuse, has a leaf for national symbol, changed national anthem to please SJWs, praises muslims and faggots, being taken over by chinks to the point cucknadians can't even afford real estate, is irrelevant in the world scenario aside from teaching other countries its never too much to be worthless
great toilet cleaners and prostitutes. 10/10
niggers, muslims, more niggers and muslims, mass shooting, bombing, aloha kabar
Got nice cheeses and other food but you're historically the biggest cucks
Burgers are ok I guess
We still love you lumberjacks to bits just for freeing us from the Nazis.
I got two perspectives from the media making fun of you, since you don't seem to be relevant elsewhere
- You are a bunch of over-sensitive pussies
- You are a bunch of hardcore fuckers, when it comes to being fine with a colder weather
Wish you were Finland
Irrelevant russian proxxy
Colgate toothpaste flag
chill as fuck
Cucked as fuck, Merkel needs to leave. Needs to deal with the islam problem
Why will that flag have gone away?
Пpивeт! иди нa хyи юдeн.
Jewish puppet state.
> gun fetish
> obese
> pretends to be world police out of arrogance
> politicians can have the craziest background and actually achieve something
> economy as fucked as most first world contries, while having almost no securities
>Were great during Hitler regime.
>Are just a country of cucks now.
Much love from Catarina. You have the most beautiful people, culture and History in the world.
>was poop then
>is poop now
>Don't know
>Don't care
>Aren't even worth googling.
Wont poo in the loo
Decent country because of Teutonic/German and Swedish raping. Also, they have a fucking huge inferiority complex.
Still wont poo in the loo
Hitler did nothing wrong
>google india
>wikipedia page for "feces"
Your language sounds like Spanish if it were spoken by a retard.
Pretty cool white people except some degenerates and rednecks and fatties.
One of the shittiest posters on Sup Forums with the most shittiest bantz. Use the same bantz over and over again.
Have a tendency to behave like child.
Ruining their great country by liberal and SJW views.
I love that you're probably the only first world nation where politicians legitimately fear being murdered by the electorate if they push them too far, too fast.
Where my secret money stash at?
The most racist and stingy people I've ever had the misfortune of knowing. Shit tier country that doesn't care what it does to it's own land.
Hoping your country will restore its former glory. The leftists there suck though.
If I told you it wouldn't be a secret.
I never understood why your country feels sorry for giving a third of the world a kickstart into the modern age.
Will never happen, those idiots can't even manage the PA without aid from the EU and the UN.
Cool watches
Black Money handlers.
I hear so little from Switzerland I feel like they're hiding something from the rest of the world between those mountains
Also probably safest, comfiest place in the world
You are full of Jews
Poo in Loo.
They have a town called Poo Town. No joke, look it up.
They also have DESIGNATED shitting streets.
It won't be a super power by 2030
Why are flights to Estonia so expensive? Tallinn looks nice, I want to go there and spend some of my devalued money.
Awesome and diverse country
no but really, you really need to learn to use toilets
mix of people taken out of the 1950's and fucking babies who file complaints when exposed to alternate opinions
>Why are flights to Estonia so expensive?
Probably because we only have one airport that we use for international travel
We're small as fuck senpai
Pretty big potential held back by an excessive fondness for cows.
fast internet
that's all
Delicous naan bread.
No loos.
Cool people to hangout with
One of the best bantz on Sup Forums
I'm jealous because you could leave the EU
wants into nordic
Emu genocide. Nevar forget.
Turd world
Dracula killed some Muslims. That's pretty cool