Nationalist hate thread
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>Durrr I don't like the source so I'm gonna disregard all of the points hurrrr
Executioner style.
One by one.
Burn and bury the bodies after displaying them for all to see.
Make a fucking game out of these divisive cunts.
>In 1983, Gellner published Nations and Nationalism. For Gellner, "nationalism is primarily a political principle that holds that the political and the national unit should be congruent".[9] Gellner argues that nationalism appeared and became a sociological necessity only in the modern world. In previous times ("the agro-literate" stage of history), rulers had little incentive to impose cultural homogeneity on the ruled. But in modern society, work becomes technical; one must operate a machine, and as such, one must learn. There is a need for impersonal, context-free communication and a high degree of cultural standardisation.
>Furthermore, industrial society is underlined by the fact that there is perpetual growth: employment types vary and new skills must be learned. Thus, generic employment training precedes specialised job training. On a territorial level, there is competition for the overlapping catchment areas (such as Alsace-Lorraine). To maintain its grip on resources and its survival and progress, the state and culture must for these reasons be congruent. Nationalism, therefore, is a necessity.
What does Sup Forums think about this? Have any of you read his books? Someone on 8pol told me this was neither Left or Right but developed his own defense of nationalism from his knowledge of anthropology.
Ironically, much of the shit happening in the mideast and africa was due to borders that didn't cleanly separate ethnicities and religions that didn't get along.
Nice ID.
I personally am a fan of live burial.
Antifa threads make the best NatSoc threads.
Maybe we could have a nation where everyone who doesn't like the concept of nations could go and be enriched?
Fuck the US!
Viva la raza!
>used to oppress
Nationalism pretty much means fuck off we want a home and you should want your own home too. Also, its what creates unique cultures and what makes traveling fun.
everyone should see the weird mixture of hopeless apathy and hatred that attracts people to communistic viewpoints
Pfft Nationalism invigorates a society (those that fall in the majority) and unifies them. There is power in unity. Nationalism is a form of liberation, not oppression
Fuck you, we don't want your kind of mongrels here, only paisas that work in the US and live here are welcome.
It's called the United States of America. The worlds first Constitutionally Organized Anarchy. The introduction of nationalism to the USA, the emergence of American Nationalism, was the end of the founders dream.
Fuck off egalitarian scum
Nationalism is the only thing that can keep you from being a slave goyim fucking cuck!
14/88 Sieg Heil!
We don't give a fuck what you want
>1 post by this ID
this is a slide thread if I've ever seen one
you will when you get sent back
"""""american""""""" spics are hated by there own homeland
>when you get sent back
This will never happen
>spics are hated by there own homeland
Only the faggots pissed they didn't get in or the ones who want to have a false sense of superiority.